After carefully thinking about the secrets of the Cave Heaven Realm, Zhou Tong immediately began to figure out the secrets.

With the cultivation experience of Huangtian Emperor’s disciples and the supreme secret method, Zhou Tong gained a new understanding of the Cave Heaven Realm every time he gained enlightenment.

More than ten days passed by in a flash. Every day, he felt the mountains of Jiujiulong Mountain, watched the tracks of the sun, moon and stars, listened to the pulse of the mountain, and smelled the fragrance of herbs. His whole body became more and more peaceful. It's getting more ethereal.

He seemed to be crazy, but also seemed to have left everything behind, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his subsequent transformation, constantly understanding the law, studying the mysteries of runes, the mysteries of the Thunder Emperor's law, and the natural fluctuations of heaven and earth.

On the Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain, it is extremely quiet, without anyone disturbing it. Sometimes the breeze blows, bringing bursts of medicinal fragrance. Zhou Tong has been sitting here cross-legged, immersed in the world of practice, and even the runes of disillusionment appear when his eyes open and close.

And on this day, Zhou Tong suddenly seemed to realize something. He grasped the true essence of the Cave Heaven Realm. In an instant, the whole person was sublimated, his whole body was crystal clear, and he was contained by the runes.

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be made of fairy gold, exuding brilliant treasure light. One rune after another evolved into a thunder god, absorbing the creation of heaven and earth, tempering the spirit, and preparing for his next opening of the cave.

The Cave Heaven Realm is a realm of cultivation among ancient methods, and it is also a means of cultivation. This realm is about absorbing the creation of heaven and earth, realizing the true meaning of runes, understanding the changes in the order and rules of this world, and then using this to reopen a small world!

This is the so-called cave heaven realm, which opens up a pure land and a world inside or outside the human body!


Just when everything was ready, a loud sound suddenly came out, shaking the entire Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain. Even the fairy mist that filled the Dragon Mountain seemed to be attracted and descended.

A brilliant rune suddenly appeared, densely packed and dazzling. Each rune was like a brilliant cast of fairy gold, imprinted on the void, completely submerging Zhou Tong.


At the same time, a surging energy and blood rose into the sky, rolling in like the Yangtze River, and finally a volcano-like cave appeared above Zhou Tong's head.

This is Dongtian!

It is so real, as if it was really carved out of rock. It is gray-brown in color, simple and atmospheric, and is suspended about one meter above Zhou Tong's head.

In this cave like a crater, there is a surging breath of life. Red as blood, brilliant as gold, dazzling, rolling like lava.

The so-called cave heaven realm is actually a realm that dominates the creation of heaven and earth. Dongtian communicates the power of the natural order of heaven and earth, and then draws these things from the outside world, and then smelts and communicates with itself, and finally forms the rolling life essence like magma inside Dongtian.

Cultivating to this state is equivalent to communicating with the outside world and drawing divine power from the heaven and earth. From then on, it is continuous and can always keep the human body's vitality strong.

It can be said that as long as you practice to this level, as long as you don't engage in too fierce a battle, it will be difficult to exhaust your own strength and you can always maintain your peak state.


At this moment, in the cave sky above Zhou Tong's head, bright red essence like blood was constantly surging, and then naturally flowed down and fell into Zhou Tong's body.


Like a breeze blowing, a whirlwind seemed to appear in Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain. The whirlwind blew the essence emanating from Longshan Mountain and began to pour into the cave in Zhoutong.

This is the most direct and rapid plunder from the outside world, which shows the domineering power of the Cave Heaven Realm.

Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain, which was already extremely energetic, was so stimulated that a massive amount of mist suddenly began to surround Zhou Tong.

I see, is this the Cave Heaven Realm? Zhou Tong felt more and more mysterious in his heart.

Just by opening up a cave, he felt so comfortable all over his body, as if he was about to ascend into heaven; the energy from the Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain was simply too abundant.

With the endless nourishment of essence, the flow of essence in the cave became more rapid. Zhou Tong felt warm and sparkling all over his body, and his face was even redder!


At this moment, Zhou Tong's body trembled violently, and he roared again. The rays of light were endless, there were thousands of auspicious colors, and the rumble was deafening. On the left side of its body, another gray-brown crater appeared, with silver magma rolling inside.

The second cave! Zhou Tian couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

With my accumulation in the Blood Moving Realm, once I open up a cave, there will definitely be more than one mouthful!

This is the moment.


Soon, there was another slight tremor, and then the runes filled the sky, surging like a vast ocean, forming an endless realm of order here, gushing out Ruixia.

The third cave is formed.

Boom! Boom!

Then, there were two more sounds, and then there were bursts of wind and thunder. Around Zhou Tong, he saw purple steam steaming, misty clouds, and bursts of rays of light and auspicious colors.

The fourth and fifth caves were also formed at this moment!

At this point, Zhou Tong's breakthrough was the real end. Five gray-brown craters were formed around him, continuously drawing power from the void, and red, silver, purple, gold, and cyan magma surged. , submerged into his body.

Once we break through, there will be five holes in the sky. This is more than Emperor Huangtian did back then! Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

Of course, he didn't have any pride in his heart.

Because his accumulation of knowledge in the Blood Moving Realm was completely accomplished by relying on the secret method of Thunder Tempering Body. Emperor Huangtian did not have such a secret method back then.

Moreover, the place where he broke through was Ninety-nine Dragon Mountain, and the environment where Emperor Huang Tian broke through was far inferior to his own.

The most important thing is that when he makes a breakthrough, he has the insights of his predecessors to refer to; but Emperor Huangtian relied entirely on his own insights and practice.

However, now that we have entered the Cave Heaven Realm, we must complete this realm!

Then he sat down cross-legged and quietly realized the feeling of the cave-heaven realm. He was immersed in it. The magma in the cave-heaven surged out and submerged him. For a moment, a light mist steamed around Zhou Tong, looking extremely mysterious.

After a whole day of realization, he stopped and stood up. The five craters were introverted and gradually disappeared.


But at the moment when Dongtian restrained himself, Zhou Tong suddenly felt a slight wave appear in his lower abdomen.

The Wheel Sea? Is my Wheel Sea actually about to open? Zhou Tong was ecstatic, but then he understood, Yes, the original secret realm of the Wheel Sea was opened and evolved by Emperor Huangtian with the only cave. The Wheel Sea It is something very similar to the cave itself!

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately sat down cross-legged and once again started activating the wheel sea according to the method of The Sutra of Feathering.

After all, the chaos of the ancient method was just a temporary measure to lay the foundation. This method has now been eliminated by the times, and the method of covering the sky is still the way to go.

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