Brother Ji, is it really a king-level forbidden weapon? The powerful man from the Shaking Light Holy Land suddenly asked.

The powerful Ji family nodded: It is definitely a king-level forbidden weapon, even stronger. Otherwise, even the most powerful weapon would not be able to hurt me like this in an instant. Especially in the void, even more so. impossible!

As a descendant of the Great Emperor of the Void, it is a shame to be injured in the Void.

This person definitely has a plan! He actually got into our Taixuan Sect. Elder Xingfeng's face was cold, and then he looked at Li Ruoyu standing aside, Junior brother, you didn't teach him Dafa, did you?

Li Ruoyu looked indifferent and said: The two of them entered my Zhuo Peak according to my Taixuan sect rules. Even if they pass down the Dafa, it is in line with the rules; besides, he is just competing with the younger generation and has not violated the sect rules!

When so many people entered Taixuan, only the two of them insisted on staying on Zhuo Peak. Li Ruoyu already had a good impression of Zhou Tong and Ye Fan, so he naturally spoke out to protect them at this moment.

In compliance with the rules?

Elder Xingfeng's face turned ugly: Are you sure that Zhou Tong is from the human race? When he finally broke out of the seal and transformed into the unicorn body, he was clearly a spy sent by the ancient race to spy on our human race. How could we, the human race, There would be such a terrifying body!”

Li Ruoyu still looked calm: Haven't you heard of the 'God's Form'? When the Zhuo Peak inheritance was launched, the two of them were on top of the Zhuo Peak. I know very well that they are definitely human beings, not spies of foreign races.

God form?

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

The so-called divine form is the trace of Tao, the shape of Dharma, and the embodiment of art. It is an extremely terrifying sight that is born when a person's physical body evolves to its extreme.

Impossible, this person is obviously from the Four Extremes Secret Realm, how can he cultivate a divine form? The Ji family expert exclaimed.

The divine form is really too terrifying. In a sense, the divine form shown by the monks in the Four Extremes Secret Realm is even more terrifying than the peerless vision.

All kinds of mysterious visions, if there are no physical requirements, can be achieved as long as there is a method of practice; so even many extremely terrifying visions may be cultivated by some geniuses in the secret realm of the Four Extremes.

But the divine form is different. This is a manifestation of profound Taoism and entering the palace of Tao. This is not something you see casually. Being able to show the divine form shows that this person's Taoism has been cultivated to an extremely terrifying state, and even the power of the Holy Lord may not be able to match it.

The posture of a great emperor! Finally, a powerful man spoke in praise.

He has cultivated the Tao form in the Four Extremes Secret Realm, and it is also such a terrifying unicorn god form. This talent is really amazing.

Hmph! The Ji family's powerful experts and the Yaoguang powerful experts snorted coldly at the same time, with murderous intent rising sharply in their eyes.

At the same time, thousands of miles away from Taixuan Gate, in a void.

Zhou Tong and Ye Fan quickly emerged from the void.

Ye Fan, you are so brave, you actually followed me here! Zhou Tong looked at Ye Fan, quite speechless. Ye Fan actually followed him here like this?

Shouldn't he still escort Ji Ziyue home?

If he left just like that, wouldn't Ji Ziyue be about to die on the road?

Both of us are full of secrets, who dares to stay in Taixuan! Ye Fan was quite speechless, but he quickly looked at Zhou Tong with interest, I said Zhou Tong, you actually still have This kind of domain gate that you carry with you? Where did this thing come from?

Zhou Tong corrected: This thing is generally called the 'Xuanyu Platform', and it can be carried with you. It requires extremely advanced knowledge of formation patterns and some materials to make it. I only have three on hand. Now there are only two left. .”


But at this moment, Zhou Tong's body shook slightly, and a wisp of blood emerged from his mouth.

What's wrong with you? Were you injured by Ji Haoyue and the others before?

Ji Haoyue and the others can't hurt me! Without relying on external force to fight to the death, I can kill them within ten moves. I just use their power to practice a secret method. Zhou Tong shook his head, The way I broke through was too aggressive, so my body suffered a little injury and I just need to go back and recuperate for a while.

This battle looks like Zhou Tong is fighting against three, but in fact there is only one real opponent, and that is Zhou Tong himself!

He was just borrowing the power of Ji Haoyue, Yaoguang Saint, and Hua Yunfei to break through the limits of his physique; from head to toe, his opponent was only himself.

Forcibly breaking through the limit of his hegemonic body, this is not an ordinary injury, but an injury to the origin of his hegemonic body, and it will take a while to recover.

Of course, if he had the heart to use a drop of the White Tiger Magic Medicine, he could recover in a short time.

In fact, Zhou Tong had no intention of killing Holy Lady Yaoguang, Ji Haoyue, and Hua Yunfei when he was causing trouble in Taixuan, and it was impossible for him to kill them. After all, it was Taixuan Sect, and who knew they had something on them. Nothing to save your life?

Not to mention anything else, as for Hua Yunfei's star, if Hua Yunfei works hard, he might be able to unlock the second and third levels of seals, and then directly transform into a holy weapon. As long as he doesn't use the Purple Sun Lamp, he can Defeat is inevitable.

There are also treasures on the fairy platform of the Fluttering Light Saint, perhaps even the incomplete holy weapons, but she hasn't used them yet!

There is also Ji Haoyue. In the original work, he was able to escape from the pursuit of the extremely powerful Peacock King. God knows what trump card he has.

Even if you are causing trouble, you have to control it within a certain degree. If you go up blindly, you are just looking for death!

No matter how powerful Ziyang Deng is, can he defeat the Emperor's soldiers?

And now the advantage of Ziyang Deng is only the three strikes of the Great Sage. If these three strikes are really used on the imperial soldiers, maybe the imperial soldiers will be completely resurrected!

Once such a big thing happens, the background of those big forces will probably not be indifferent. When the time comes, a few great saints will come and they will not be able to handle it!

What Zhou Tong did was just to use the power of the Holy Maiden of Light, Ji Haoyue, and Hua Yunfei to give himself a little push to master the Qilin form in advance.

It's not like he really wants to kill a few of them. They are not qualified to let Zhou Tong be so murderous at any cost.

not good!

But at this moment, Zhou Tong's eyebrows suddenly glowed with wisps of light. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly pulled Ye Fan beside him and stepped aside.


At this moment, the void suddenly opened, and a big black hand appeared, directly hitting the spot where Zhou Tong and Ye Fan were standing before.

Half a step to great power!

This person was shrouded in mist, with a powerful aura surging like a vast ocean. He was not much weaker than a Holy Lord-level figure. If he could take even half a step forward, he would be a powerful person who could dominate the world!

The ninth level of the Immortal Platform is the protector behind Hua Yunfei! Zhou Tong instantly judged this person's cultivation level and details.


The people in the black mist took action again, trying to ruthlessly kill Zhou Tong and Ye Fan. The terrifying fluctuations made Ye Fan feel cold all over his body. This man was so powerful that he even chased him here from Taixuan.

You must be Hua Yunfei's protector! You must be the inheritors of the ruthless emperor! Hua Yunfei must be practicing the Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique! There is also one person who must be practicing the Immortal Heaven Technique! Zhou Tong quickly Although he spoke with a hint of doubt in his tone, the half-step powerful man in the black mist was shaken.

His deepest secret has been discovered?

Is there a spy around me?

This half-step almighty was greatly shocked.

At this moment, Zhou Tong waved his hand and threw out a talisman. The talisman burned, and all of ancient and modern times were immediately in chaos.

This talisman was made by Zhou Tong who evolved the ancient emperor's ancient sacred secret by forming a secret combination of characters.

Although Zhou Tong can also perform the Chaos Ancient Holy Technique, he is too weak to display the entire essence of this Holy Technique, and cannot trap such half-step power.

This is the limitation of the cultivation system of Zhetianfa. No one can surpass the limitations of the Eight Forbidden Laws unless they enter the state of divine restraint. No matter how powerful the secret method is, no matter how powerful the secret technique is, no matter how powerful the perception is, as long as it cannot transcend the cultivation system, it will be restricted by the eight prohibitions.

Just imagine, that is the perfect cultivation system of Emperor Huangtian. What level of secret method can surpass this cultivation system? The Immortal King's method is definitely not enough, at least the Immortal Emperor's method must be quasi, or even the Immortal Emperor's method!

Even if the Great Emperor eliminates his cultivation and starts practicing again, even if he brings the Great Emperor's understanding of the Great Way, fighting at the same level, as long as he does not enter the Divine Forbidden City, he will never be able to fight at the ninth level.

But using external force is different.

This talisman is carved from precious materials and contains extremely powerful power. Now that he was so inspired, he suddenly burst out with shocking divine power, pushing the power of the ancient holy art to an extreme.

As soon as this terrifying magic appeared, it immediately disrupted time and space, cutting the time and space around the half-step power into many pieces. The time and space in each piece were chaotic and completely incoherent.

Even though the half-step almighty in the black mist was astonishingly powerful, he was trapped in this terrifying Ancient Chaos Holy Technique for a while.

Sorry, I'm just talking nonsense! Zhou Tong smiled slightly at the half-step master who was trapped in the Chaos Ancient Holy Technique, Then, goodbye!

The Secret Technique of Chaos - Eternal Exile!

Zhou Tong once again took out a talisman and tossed it casually. The talisman shattered, and then——


The void is distorted, and everything in the ten directions is destroyed. There are countless void abyss appearing in the world in front of you, extending to different planes. This is a chaotic hole in time and space.


Finally, with a muffled sound, the abyss of void swallowed up the half-step power, and then another abyss came to contain it, overlapping each other, and the half-step power was directly driven into the endless void turbulence.

I don’t understand why so many people keep saying that the protagonist is weak, and he is weak if he doesn’t kill the opponent instantly?

Do you want me to write like this:

Zhou Tong punched her, and the Saint Yaoguang's soul flew away.

Passersby were shocked!

Zhou Tong punched Hua Yunfei again, and Hua Yunfei was stunned.

Passers-by were shocked again!

Zhou Tong punched Ji Haoyue for the third time, and Ji Haoyue was stunned.

Passers-by were shocked many times a day and were shocked to death!

Will you be happy if you write like this? So what became of the protagonist? A vibrator designed to vibrate passers-by?

A top student in elementary school gets 100 points in mathematics; a top student in university gets 100 points in the elementary school test; is a top student in university weaker than a top student in primary school?

It’s obviously a paper limit!

Similarly, the method of covering the sky also has limitations on combat power, which are the eight prohibitions. Without the Divine Restriction, the Eight Forbidden Realms cannot be broken, and everyone from the emperor to the emperor will be restricted by the Eight Forbidden Restrictions!

You said you have a higher understanding of the Great Dao and can break the Eight Restrictions? Sorry, if you really want to have a higher understanding of the Great Dao, you will have already overflowed and broken through to a higher realm. Even if you don’t want to break through, you will naturally hit a higher realm!

This is the limitation of the cultivation system!

The existence of chaotic ancient methods can indeed break through the limitations of the system, but the priorities must be clearly distinguished. The chaotic ancient methods are only a minor, not a major!

There is a difference between a major and a minor!

After Emperor Huangtian later switched to practicing the ancient immortal method, his many breakthroughs in the ancient method did not give him the huge advantage of killing geniuses at the same level instantly!

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