The grass and flowers began to block Suwa's vision, as they were rapidly growing in the influence of her presence.

"Gero? Seems like my time here is nigh. I have a pending prayer I haven't answered." The Deity of Harvest was then enveloped by a crawling soil before the ground devoured her. "There won't be any war soon, let's talk about it again on another occasion."

"It's nice meeting you." MF smiled as she waved to her departing new friend. In her mind, she was surprised. 'Wait, you can hear the prayer from your followers!?'

She then tried to channel her divinity and extracted the sended 'faith' that was different from others. Within it, there was a message, together with the identity and their inner voice.

She read them in her mind one by one

'I want to be the world number one,' wished someone she didn't know.

'What kind of number one!?'

'Lord Ouroburi, I want carrots,' prayed one of the rabbits in Domeniul Ceresc.

'There is a patch of land full of carrots that I've just created yesterday, and you want more!? Also, you spelled my name wrong!'

'I want to get laid,' wished a guy from Ouranos Citadel subconsciously.

'Just use the Aur token!'

'Almighty Supreme Divine Venerable Glamorous and Beautiful Wise One, I want—'


She then decided to do this kind of thing for another time.

And so, only the lesser minor deity was left.

She was fiddling with her finger trying her best on making herself open her mouth.

"Lady Ouroboros! Let me work under you!"

MF took another sip of her tea. With a calming smile, she opened one of her eyes.

"The benefits for me?"

"Ah, uhm.."

MF giggled. "Try thinking of what you can give me in return. Take it as mind practice."

"Mind practice?" Ki tilted her head.

"You want to be mature, right?"


"If you want someone to comply with you, you need to give something in return. But at the same time, you need to make the mutual agreement benefit you. Many lobsters hate parasites, if they didn't? That mindset will be their end. Isn't it sad when someone is given less than what they deserve?"

"Woah!" Ki immediately gave her wording another thought, as she stared at the smooth white table. "I can vanquish all of your enemies with my 'curse'!"

"I can obliterate all of my opposition just fine." MF giggled. "Try thinking, what kind of person I am, what I lack, and what I need."

"Hmmm…. Ahk! I can't think of anything!"

"Fufufu. Let's start from the bottom." MF took the teapot and refilled it. She then moved to Ki's side and poured it on her empty cup. "What benefits do you get from being my Vassal Deity?"

"I can grow faster and I can get your blessings?"

"Fufufu, it's not as simple." MF back to her chair. "Not mentioning my own Citadel, I have around 500 sentient beings following me in this vast land that makes up kilometers of the former mountainous domain. A vast and unique resource, an almost infinite source of energy that flourished from the Angel presence. A secure privacy, protected by thousands of layers made from the said mana."

MF then whispered to the side, "Except if you're the literal Deity of the Mountain that came from underground because I haven't installed much security yet, and now I must. Thanks to her—" Before talking normally.

"I'm also Pseudo-Deity, I benefited the same as a mortal. Because of it, I can harness my own land without hiding myself. Which means that you can grow faster than you think when becoming my Vassal Deity."

There was a reason why Deities didn't show their divine spirits more often even though it might get them more faith than just hiding behind their shrine. Unlike the sentient that came from the accumulation of time, their existence was forced to come to be with faith.

They got enlightenment the moment they were born at the same time with their divinity. Aside from that, nothing else. Young deities can't stand being acknowledged visually for a long time because it will affect their forced existence, giving them a huge stress.

They'll get used to it over time but they won't show themselves in front of their followers if it weren't needed. The fact that Ki could handle the gazes of numerous residents of Domeniul Ceresc proved that she was actually not that young.

It was all only told by Suwa in the former conversation. MF was wrong when she thought that Ki was a young deity when looking at her pitiful and struggling status.

Ki was just dumb and it haven't change that much.

"So many benefits…" she clenched her fist, brainstorming as hard as she could before she stood. "I can kill all of your opposition as your extension!"

"Oho, what is the difference with 'I can vanquish all of your enemies with my Curse!'?"

"The honorable Ouroboros seemed to be a busy person. A mighty deity that wants everything to be efficient. So let's say that I can be the extension of your will upon taking their lives who you deem atrocious with just a flick of a finger! I can find and hunt any negative energy that is directed to you! Rather than being brute and leaving the scene with evidence, my 'curse' won't leave anything and can't be detected. Although I can only curse one person at a time, I can make their death seamless!

"Senior Suwa said that the act of the Vassal Deity can be translated into their Master's divinity. My capability matches with your divinity of 'Death'! Which means that I can be your extra source of 'faith of death' generator without you putting any effort, so that milady can focus on something else!"

Her eyes sparkled. Proud of herself, she tried to hold her smile to not widen any further to maintain her professional demeanor despite failing at it already.

"Fufufu, you have become more mature now."

"Yay! Wait, did I get accepted?"

"Yes, you're." MF got up, moving towards a free space just beside the table.. "Time to do the ceremony, the one that Suwa told us."

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