Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 108 - Occult Kaleidoscope

"How many hours had passed on the outside again? Oh right, 26 hours. This reminded me of the past where my perception of time became blurred for trying to make something work, ahahah."

The modified Anvriel's First Form had been condensed into crystal form again, placed on MF's right hand. Laying down, her eyes were up to the ceiling.

She lifted and gazed at her left hand. Full-wrist hourglass gauntlet, numerous black angelic runes that may or may not get decrypted.

It had been a long time since she reached this level of frustration. Not being able to know something made her remember all of the things she couldn't achieve, no matter how hard she tried.

She then laid down to the side as her breast rested without any restrictions. With a flick, she deconstructed her black dress into a comfy pajama. Eyes closed, slowly decreasing the pace of her breathing as she hugged herself.

"Foel might still be busy, guess I'm sleeping alone… Five hours are sufficient, I think."

MF then moved her space pocket pouch on her thighs to her side, staring at it. She then created a soft blanket. With all distractions cleared, she tried to shut down her consciousness.

2 minutes had passed.

"Why do ideas come right after I wanted to get some rest?"

MF reached for the pouch and grabbed the 'Occult Tesseract' scroll out from it.

"I already have the 'Minor Overseer' ability, now let me uncover every inch of your existence you dumb scroll."

With the new constitution, she opened the two gaping rollers of the antique scroll. The flaming symbols inside became alive as it swirled in an uncanny way with many patterns in all directions.

The 'system essence' that MF kept in her soul began to throw a jarring rave party like a mad man, MF used 70% of her consciousness string just to keep the essence from doing anything funny.

The mental pain was tremendous, but MF tried to open her eyes as much as she could until something was caught by her 'Minor Overseer'.

Certainly, there were numerous new things that appeared in the vision. One of them was an uncanny purple eye that was staring at her runic halo. The fear of the unknown began to creep up to MF's spine, but she maintained her willpower to gaze back at the abyss.

The eye felt a strong repulsive presence from MF's scary gaze; it immediately hit within the four dimensional barrier and was never to be seen again.

MF felt like she was able to uncover something, until the 'system essence' manifested a tendril and directly impaled MF's soul. Faster than what MF could perceive.

She immediately threw the occult scroll away. Because every nanosecond would matter in this kind of situation.


The system essence sucked part of MF's soul as it sprung out from her body in a nasty fish form with serrated teeth. Flailing its tail in the air, it immediately rushed to the scroll.

MF launched a small steel imbued with 'Devouring Radiation' at sonic speed from her left palm. The bullet passed the heinous entity as if it was a hologram.

MF's mind raced. The abomination sprouted numerous thin tendrils and shoved it all to the scroll, turning the flaming otherworldly content into blue.

The system managed to unlock some kind of contraption. Before it was able to insert itself inside, it was pierced with thick nasty barbed strings of consciousness. The barbed visible strings came from all directions, pathing at every crevice of the spatial domain and then to MF's soul.

"Huwaa, that is scary," said the person who had just terrifyingly massacred a digital fish.

The digital entity fell to the floor before turning into vapor and back to MF's soul.

'Key To The Kaleidoscope' acquired.

The same time that the piscine entity was absorbed by MF, the connection was established to the content of the scroll.

Still in her pajamas, MF approached the scroll that was spewing iridescent content to the ceiling like a water fountain. She got startled by the sudden burst of rainbow coming out from the scroll so she crawled, slowly moving forward like a wary cat.

The moment she touched the iridescent core in the middle of the scroll, her soul jolted with an unknown force and eventually engulfed her whole existence.

[ Creating the Phantasm Hive ]

[ Aligning the World Line ]

[ Reading the New Owner's History ]

[ Opening the |Kaleidoscope| ]

MF felt many points of stretching light were pulling her whole existence at extreme speed. It could be faster than light as far as she knew but it was all because the 'space' and 'time' of her very being was turned into a very long string the size of an atom.

The pain was immeasurable, it was the same feeling as the private soul dimension of Anvriel back then. MF couldn't talk or even do anything until a light showered her perception at the end of the tunnel.

The moment she passed that barrier of light, MF's whole existence was reconstructed again. Her terrified face together with her original body in pajamas appeared floating in the ever stretching vertical passage filled with iridescent pentagonal tile that makes up everything in this never ending and moving tunnel.

"I probably need to prepare a beverage and chug one mug out of it every time I get transported into weird and nonsensical spatial dimensions."

A curious mind came with a great responsibility to differentiate whether the thing they do was safe to begin with. Although MF was quite overwhelmed as the whole scenery made her brain trippy.

She then tried to touch one of the pentagonal tiles. A screen with letters appeared in front of her.

[ Kaleidoscope Codex 1876382667197# Subject: Occult Seed Fragment

Occult Template: Ozymandias

Divinity Soulbond: King of Kings;

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

Affiliated Occult Seed: Ra | Nefertari

Occult Phantasm Affinity: Unrecorded ]

[ Owner Ouroboros, do you want to use this Fragment combination for your Occult Seed? ]

[ 5 Fragments left to condense an Occult Seed ]

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