There were giant eternal bowl torches at every edge of the obsidian fence of the field, burning bright in white and sometimes dark. It gave an even more otherworldly feeling despite it being created with pure scientific experiment using nitromethane and a fun sodium metal device that was shaped into the sect symbol on the surface.

"The west building will be the mission center." MF's voice echoed throughout the massive space of sect infrastructure. "And the east building would be our cultivation library where we put the cultivation law, skill, martial art, spell template, formation set, and pills recipes."

Foel spectated the energetic Primis, as she was considering running around like a child and wondering how it feels like being there. "The library looks quite big. I saw that you put so many segments and even stretched spirally to the underground like crazy, how do we fill the literature with that amount of vacant space?"

Foel stared at her partner, slightly tilting her head.

"We have plenty of them within my space-pocket pouch." MF smirked, crossing her main hands. "The loot from the usurpers' belongings on the raid was enough to fill 30% of them."

"How about the other 70%?"

"I'll fill them all!"

It sounded absurd, but it was MF who was saying that. Foel had gotten used to her partner's ability that everything MF promised seemed within the reach somehow. She could only smile due to how ridiculous most of her achievements were.

The wisps began to gather on the large platform because of the soothing amount of energy being produced. They ended up playing tag with Primis, creating a mesmerizing scene of a flock of will-o-wisps that were illuminating the ascension ground.

Those wisps were surprisingly fast and Primis ended up getting slipped in the effort of trying to catch up and face planted herself on the surface. Both of her masters laughed at her playfully.

"What will you call this small sect of yours?" Foel gently smirked.

"I want a place where those who deserve power are taught to break reality and acknowledge their consequences." MF opened both of her sets of arms as she faced the night sky. "We will be the unrelenting meteor that will threaten the whole Neamh and those on the above!

"A place where I will teach those who are skilled and open minded to shred their mortal vessel to create an impact in history! A teaching where there is no evil and good. A teaching that ingrain them of something that's right to do!

"I won't teach them to create an utter destruction of the whole world, because I've become death! The destroyer of the world! I'll make sure that these future great individuals would be as menacing as a falling meteor, and not arrogant enough to destroy the world but cruel enough to leave a crater upon the 'Akashic Record'!

"I shall name this sect 'Lautus Tunguska'! Named after the fabulous event of exploding meteor right on the Neamh's surface within the ancient era of our ancestors!"

"Ahahah!" Foel laughed monotonically, following the high tide mood. "I definitely don't know anything about it."

"Try sneaking into the secret library from time to time."

"I certainly still want to live."

On the first night, MF, Foel, Primis, and the other curious wisps were stacking the scrolls and manuals onto the designated place of each category. The cultivation library was quite huge, the empty space was enough for MF in her newest Anvriel's First Form to roam freely without any kind of crash onto the wall and ceiling.

Within one of the reading areas at the basement 4th floor, MF utilized most of her current knowledge to fill up the Spell section with numerous manuals that she had theorized.

While not having any experience with magic circuit crafting herself, MF was already profound on how high level spell works enough to teach someone like Foel an extremely strong barrier that could withstand a strike that resulted in 20 kilometers square of destruction.

MF constantly created the book with her dark seed of creation with the content ready. It might be seen as effortless but it severely took most of her brain cells doing it and she had already met with a writer's block after 502 kinds of spells together with their in depth explanation and mechanic.

"I think you did a lot of work today." Foel approached with a cup of brewed 'slipbane tea'. "Meshia, you can continue your work tomorrow."

The visible enticing aroma of golden hue was cramming itself into the nose of the pseudo-angel. Her heterochromic eyes looked surprised. "Ah, slipbane tea. I brewed a fountain of it back then at the heavenly banquet." She then chuckled.

"This one is better." Foel sat on the seat beside her partner, leaning her head on her palm as a crutch. "Family recipes. My mother tends to brew it once a year on the mountain."

"They are that rare, even in Domeniul Ceresc." MF took a sip with a smile, trying to inhale all of the aroma outside and inside her mouth. The strong taste latched onto her whole tongue, not wanting to let go. "I assume that both of your parents were still alive, reading at your gesture."

Foel stared at the dimly illuminated table surface. "I haven't met them again since 200 years ago. Not that I want them to know what I've been doing, mastering my slaving circuit formation."

"Every time isn't in vain. You met me and that's what matters. The tide will cease by then, so when it's sunny enough to put out a raft, let's pay a visit to your parents just to tell them that you've been doing better than most cultivators."

"You're overestimating me." Foel slightly smiled. "I'm just a normal, weak, and short tanomobi that just wants a proper meal from time to time made by my life partner."

MF then changed into her tall and mature form, complete with her usual black dress that showed a critical boobs window open. Gently steering the cup in spin motion with an alluring smug. "Glutton, If you're the wife in this hierarchy, you should cook for me instead."

"The matriarchy begs to differ."

"Then I'll be the wife if that's the case!"

Foel gazed at her Meshia intimately, the intense look made MF flustered a little bit as she was always becoming a glass cannon in an honest relationship with zero act.

"Stop! You're cute, okay? Keep it like that! Don't change your role!"

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