Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 134 - Evil Cult And Dark Guild

In the flight's absence of plight, two deities passed the Domeniul Ceresc's barrier, still bathed in the yellow afternoon light.

They soared gracefully without any sign of haste, fluttering about in the sky was the perfect choice of word for those who glanced at them from below. Needless, only one deity fluttered in the sky, because the other one had made quite a lot of noise with her thrusters' hissing emissions.

"Evil Cult," said the Ouroboros. "Is explanatory by its name. You can say that they followed the teaching of elder evil that was born through the dismay of humanity or otherworldly intervention. There were numerous cases of Evil Cultists killing more people than what the Calamities do per day.

"They bear a heavy malice against the world through their teaching that was against the morals of the average mortal within Neamh. They were regarded as a dangerous threat, far sinister than Angels and Calamities because their strain might be everywhere and before people knew it, poof! A whole Citadel exploded."

"T-that is scary, master." Ki gulped her own saliva after the revelation. The image was clear enough that she could imagine Dorian Citadel literally exploding with gore because of how possible that scenario was according to what she had investigated. "What makes it different from a Dark Guild?"

"Dark Guild were neither good nor bad, unlike an Evil Cult, they are something akin to a black market. People send a request and hire those from the Dark Guild to do immoral things or something shady and illegal. Though, just like the vagueness of the grey sky, their goals were too ambiguous to be let alone by the association."

"I see, don't you think that it's a better scenario for the Dorian Citadel if the one behind them is a Dark Guild instead of an Evil Cult?"

"It's just as equal as bad." MF shrugged. "A Dark Guild might turn a Citadel into a preferably uninhabitable place and knowing that Dorian Citadel still had its uniqueness and being one of the Official Citadel approved by the major association, those puppeteer were too lowkey if they haven't been found out till this date."

"Should I capture one of them so we can interrogate them?" Ki slightly tilted her head to the sky.

"Not efficient, they probably had prepared for those scenario and made sure that every members or followers kept their mouth shut or commit suicide when captured. Especially if we're dealing with an Evil Cult."

"I wonder what we should do then."

"I haven't seen the rest of the report so we'll try to come to a conclusion after snatching some snacks from the picnic. Fufufu."

The moment they arrived, the major players were already gnawing on the delicacy. Foel is having a slice of extravagantly prestigious cake on the plate she was holding and a fork on the other hand.

The cute poker face of the little mouse was already expecting her partner to arrive by that moment, so she stood and watched MF slowly descending while trying her best to not burn a single flower below her.

"Kekeke, darling, you're late." Foel sneered emotionless.

"Definitely." MF grinned. "I see that there were numerous dishes and ingredients that I haven't laid my hands on. As a proud chef, I need to dissect them and increase my list of recipes to satisfy my wife's tummy."

"Hmmmh~ I recommend trying the gelatinous slime sauced hanger minotaur steak."

"Wait." Ki stopped her drooling after hearing Foel's sentence. "Aren't minotaur a race of humanoid bulls!? Milady, you're eating someone that has the same ancestry as you!"

Ki had a few minotaur followers in the past, and so she felt attached to them.

"Mmmhh~ as long as they were delicious, I don't mind."


"Aunty Ki, ywou're a deity, how come that you found it weird with mortals dwevouring mortals?" Primis joined the conversation with mouth full, bringing an otherworldly shaped fruit in both hands.

"I have many minotaur followers from a long time ago." Ki reluctantly sneered.

"If you're referring to the Minotaur from ancient human ancestry in Neamh, most of them were already extinct." MF received the fork that her wife gave to her and took a bite of a piece of the cake on the plate that Foel held. "Knowing that it's Damascus who brought this dish, I will assume that it's a different kind of minotaur from the underworld."

"Wait, they are already extinct!?" A shocked expression was attached on Ki's face. "How!?"

"They were hunted because their meat is delicious." MF chuckled. "Of course not, I'm joking, don't feel saddened. They were exterminated in the Early Dodeca War and don't ask me how because there were numerous legends and campfires about it, and I'm definitely not there to witness it."

Hearing her new future contractor, Damascus approached the discussion with Galukh behind her. "Indeed, Lord Ouroboros, there were also many Minotaur in the underworld and cannibalism or other feasting of other kin was not immoral in any way, even in Dis where the most lawful and civilized hellspawn persist."

Ki had been eyeing some dishes laid on the vast rug but she was afraid that her curse would destroy them. MF noticed and approached the seafoodish plate and imbued the material with perpetual creation to counteract Ki's malevolent substances.

She took it and gave it to her, the Curse Deity jumped in joy.

With everyone enjoying the small picnic, Damascus took MF to the open field of flowers with a rich amount of fluorescent substances rising to the sky.

Damascus conjured an ethereal formation as it overridden the flowers with a harmless green flame. Numerous pillars with statues of various great demons on top of it were manifesting at the edge of the circle formation.

MF felt that the gravity had changed and her long skirt began to flutter as if she was standing on the surface of the moon.

"I didn't know that the ceremony would be this exciting."

"Lord Ouroboros." Damascus smiled wholeheartedly.. "With Lord Asmodeus as the witness, I shall hold my highest form of contract."

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