Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 136 - Abyssal Grail Ritual Part Two: Biting More Than One Can Chew

When someone stared at the abyss, the abyss stared at them. In this case, when the abyss stared at MF, she replied with an eerie smile.

The vortex tunnel below sucked the tampered essence of the Ouroboros and reconstructed its divine schematic of her divine power and began to gush it all onto the erinyes. MF, who was the master of genetics and all kinds of non-magic information manipulation, had added a sequence schematic that made her whole existence grander than those of a god although MF didn't expect that it would instantly turn her into a god.

'Unlike the coding of life, this is like an algorithm of encryption that solely relied on subconscious symbolism. Whoever made this ritual and the magnificent vortex, I applaud you for giving me something to play with~'

Instead of a sequence of information that makes up a whole lifeform, this essence holds the information of 'power' and their logical formula. Judging by the concept of it, MF deemed that the vortex had an insurmountable amount of fuel backing it.

Because the amount of energy it was sending to Damascus was extraordinarily immense that the ground was rising due to the disparities of gravitational source. MF's Nerull's Bane and All For One Bestower surged its influence into the whole ceremony, coating both the Ouroboros and Damascus with an overlapping inkish aura of black and white.

Power in concept has many forms and interpretations. Whether it was the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality. Physical strength or metaphysical belongings like the quantity of energy, or even the capacity to direct and influence the behavior of others through the course of events.

Its energy sheer density unleashed a ray of light into the sky. Numerous pulses filled with the artificially combined blessings of MF's divinity combined to spread through the Domeniul Ceresc. MF might expect some changes in just a few days regarding the spawning residents and even more bountiful materials.

"By the ninth, what am I seeing!?" Galukh exclaimed. "Truly, this a proper showcase of power that was taken by the almighty primal beast."

Everyone dropped their jaws from the sight and free surging blessings they acquired.

Foel's condensed soul pill allowed her to give a hindsight of what was going on. Despite still bearing the killing intent of her partner acting weirdly charming to another person in front of her, her eyes were there to attentively see what was going on.

'Kekeke, only you're the one who seeks everything within an abusable concept. Meshia, you're having too much fun.' Foel wanted to grin in excitement but all that was shown in her face was an unamused deadpan like usual.

The burst of energy gave an equal warmth and nourishing property akin to the Anvriel's Radiance. Only Damascus knew what effect this amount of 'power' had within her miniature realm but it certainly put a complexion of denial in her face. In fact, it scared her because she didn't expect this godly amount of power beit given to her without doing anything meaningful.

"L-Lord Ouroboros!?"

"Just take it." MF smiled wholeheartedly. "I'll get my share in the end."


MF achieved many things in this scenario. Although she only cared about a few crucial things in the sea of benefits.

Firstly, the force behind this ritual won't get the true information of her, giving MF the core anonymity that she needed.

Secondly, she managed to get freebies of power without doing much and blessed her whole land again with a multiplied divinity in the process

Perpetually swirling, breathtakingly mysterious like an entrancing carousel. The vortex then started to accumulate an enormous amount of energy twice the amount that Damascus had received. It was so immense that even MF was nervous if she could receive this amount of power with her current strength.

Because power-wise, Damascus should be stronger due to her cultivation that was twenty times stronger than Tuli who was in the Early Alcazar Establishment Stage. She had the vessel and soul constitution to receive that amount of power.

The dense ball of energy was hotter than the fireball that MF created with a literal nuke. This energy was restricted inside the formation so the heat didn't affect the rest of the terrain and people on the outside of the ritual.

'Huwaa, I'm gonna die if that thing is sent straight into me!'

She might be one of the most determined and relentless people to pursue their goal in Neamh, but MF wasn't an idiot. If it was impossible then it was impossible. By the panic of adrenaline, MF immediately constructed a giant crystal of type-2 sakuradite that was meant to store ten times the amount of what the original sakuradite could hold.

Damascus was confused about what was happening but her awe and huge burst of loyalty from the power gift had affected her mind to think positively.

'Lord Ouroboros must be doing something incredible,' Damascus thought with a determined gaze.

'...' Foel, who could see through the panic of her partner, knew what was going on. 'Guess this is what mum meant when you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew.'

MF constructed a three meters high pink crystal. Wafting away from the designated position, MF then replaced herself with the giant crystal as she ironically prayed to herself that everything would work out.

The cast didn't know what was happening and why the Ouroboros did it. Damascus, who was genuinely surprised by the move that was made by her new master, was astonished and severely confused at the same time.

'A-as expected of Lord Ouroboros! You wanted to be humble and conceal your presence more so you tried to redirect your own insurmountable share of power into the crystal to use it in time of need!' Damascus forced that positive thinking on herself with high admiration of the Almighty Ouroboros.

Meanwhile, Foel was giving her most monotone deadpan in this situation.. 'Meshia, why the hell did you pray to yourself.'

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