The Ouroboros wanted to continue her work on the sect, helped by her wife and the others until the sun was at its tallest height.

After some fun shenanigans, she went into the usual zone of solitude. MF built a long staircase from the sect's ground entrance into the feet of the mountain. She then decorated them with perpetual illumination of a grandiose bowl torch akin to the one on the sect's ground.

Seeing the Perpetual Creation Deity, Suwa joined the parade by blessing land with rich vegetation along the pathway.

"You can bless Domeniul Ceresc instead, you know?"

"Domeniul Ceresc didn't need any kind of blessings, it was already as beautiful as it is."

Damascus was sent to be stationed at the Ouroboros together with Foel. Currently, it was Tuli that was tasked to help with Primis education within mana cultivation and a couple of knowledge and wisdom for being an Underworlder.

Thanks to the gray-skinned hellspawn, Primis was deeply interested with the brutal yet lawful nature of the world below.

'It was good for Primis to know more of the world, even the world that she didn't live in.'

MF had also created the invitation scrolls for Foel to give it to the disciple candidates. It had the meticulously well crafted scroller with a blackish hue on the translucent head of a serpent on both sides.

"Now we need some staff."

MF then tried to recruit one Mandragora to stay at the west building where she would act as a receptionist within the quest center. The very same Mandragora that asked if it was cannibalistic for preparing a vegetable dish as a forest dweller back on the heavenly banquet preparation in the past.

This forest dweller seemed suspicious at first on why she was the one that got approached

"Soul Supreme, I would be glad if you really want to eat me but I still want a few more years to live!" The questioned mandragora tried to hide her own body with her hands. In contrast to the tone, her face looked too calm for someone who thought she was going to be eaten.

Due to their origin, mandragora's humanoid legs acted the same as their roots. When they didn't have anything to do and wanted to savor the nutrition and water on the ground, they rooted themselves by burying their lower part from the waist down beneath the ground.

There were couples of laidback rooted Mandragoras in the area where MF was.

"Yoo, everyone!" shouted the other mandragora with a rather nonchalant face. "Tako will be eaten~!"

"Benevolent Lord, I hope that the elder Tako here will be up to your taste~!" said the other mandragora who is in the middle of producing forest elixirs.

"Senior Tako will be the first dweller to be eaten~? Wow, this will be a good topic to talk about~! Anyway—"

"I might be the oldest but I'm still young!"

'... Ain, what the hell did you teach them about me!?'

Ain would be sneezing by now but he was a wisp, and wisp didn't sneeze, they released a dense energy plasma in the form of electrical discharge. A normal wisp would only flicker and it won't even light up a bulb, but for a greater wisp, he scared some of the rabbits in his sermon.

"Hmm, the Almighty One must be thinking about me. I'm sure that she will find it pleasant knowing that the other dweller acknowledges your power and insatiable thirst for blood."

If all of the context was put together, the error was on the Mandragoras side for thinking that an insatiable hunger was equal to eating them when they were approached.

"Well then, I'll be sure to savor you up~"

In front of her family, the Ouroboros plucked the rather annoying mandragora from the soil and brought her up into the sky.

"Noo! I still want to try the mushroom soup in Ouranos Citadel!"

The other mandragoras in the area waved at their plucked friend, carefreely smiling. "See ya In the afterlife Tako, we will miss you~!"

"It seemed like the misunderstanding had spread like a wildfire." MF laughed. "So your name is Tako, I noticed your face back then at the heavenly banquet preparation. Truly, I'm thankful for all of the support and you being born as my follower."

Tako played dead when being brought to the sky by the Ouroboros. When she heard those words, her face immediately brightened up although almost emotionless. MF noticed a Little bit that the mandragoras rarely express their emotion well with their face.

'I can imagine Foel being a Mandragora instead of a Tanomobi.'

A thunder struck within the background of Tako's mind. "Sour Supreme, are you buttering me up in an emotional sense to make my body become firmer and juicy!?"

"How in the nine layers of the underworld you get that idea."

As they passed the Domeniul Ceresc's barrier, the morning sky blessed Tako with a bright sunlight for her photosynthesis. The Mandragora showed a blissful face against the wind.

"Soul Supreme, being in the sky gave me extreme ecstasy." A droll spilled from the edge of her open mouth. "If one day I can wish about something, can I get wings and become the first flying Mandragora?"

MF reluctant sneered, amused by her peculiar follower. "You're one heck of a believer for saying that."

"You're a cool goddess too, though it's sad that I will be eaten."

"You little pie—I told you I won't eat you."

"Huh? What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to give you a job." MF sneered.

When they arrived at the sect's platform, a couple school of fishes immediately swirled at the landing place where MF slowly descended with the rocket emissions of her wings.

Tako got extremely startled, acting rather trippy with her confused face when the fishes started to chase her. MF picked her up again and brought her to the west building by the waist.

"It's fun watching people get startled by the shadow fishes." MF wholeheartedly laughed

"You're one heck of a prankster for a goddess, Soul Supreme."

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