Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 17 - The Second Calamity's Gene Body Modification, Irregular Mutation

Within the forest, there were numerous half beasts that haven't gotten fully infected by the 'void', they mostly still have their original animal traits as their disastrous mutation hasn't reached their peak, resulting in just a half corrupted fauna that wouldn't kill with a handshake.

They were hunted by two physical cultivators. After gathering a mountain of them, MF feasted on them raw to condense it into her energy, together with many ores and mana-dense plants to nourish the modification process. Because the law of energy conservation states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another.

And the more energy she had, the faster she could finish her modification.

"Now I know why you only made the food for me and not both of us, a single plate won't be enough to sate that ferocious hunger of yours," Foel said as she looked at her partner on top of the mountain of carcasses. "Cooking you dinner would be a hassle in the future."

MF swallowed the horrible beast's fragments in her mouth before she replied, "That hurt me a little, I'm not that much of a glutton." Before gnawing like a tiger that hasn't eaten for months.

"Yes you are, accept it."

And there were no carcasses left. 6 months of energy was condensed, stored inside MF's body. The newest Calamities' gene she wanted to experiment on were as follows: 'Virus Secretion' gene, 'Flammable Anti-Heat Layers' gene, 'Muscle Instant Expansion' gene, 'Material Layering' gene, and 'Organic Cannon' gene.

Firstly, the 'Muscle Instant Expansion' gene's schematic.

She began coding her body to adapt to the newest installment to the system. Her 'Tungsten Muscle' reacted to the implementation and something occurred.

An irregular mutation.

"Ah, it has been a while since I got any irregular mutation, and I didn't even force it."

Mutation occured when a DNA gene was damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene. But in irregular mutation, the altered schematic was in conflict with the existing one and it began to randomly creating a new branch of unknown mutagen unintentionally that might made the alteration better or worser. Essentially, a mutation's mutation.

Usually, MF repeated the mutation or DNA alteration process numerous times intentionally to get those rare irregular mutations like how people roll in a gacha game on a limited banner. For this scenario, seemed like the lady of luck lowered her likelihood of life's lotto's loss.

MF quickly stopped the scripted coding and let the new irregular mutagen play it all by itself, then boosting the process with the condensed energy.

Half a month of energy was used.

'Muscle Instant Expansion' gene's schematic had mutated into 'Controlled Cancer Instant Expansion'. An active DNA capability that could be activated right after it was implanted.

"What's wrong?"

"Just look and see."

As the information of the new gene surged into her brain, she tried to form a bionic katar made out of cancer cells from her right backhand. The growing cells rapidly shaped into a sharp and black structure. Using the newest gene schematic 'Material Layering', MF's coated the cancer katar with tungsten steel of her muscle structure. Because the 'Material Layering' was implemented as a sub-gene schematic, MF doesn't need to tinker much and it didn't need as much of material and energy to be used, the 'Controlled Cancer Instant Expansion' makes up for those with its ever-growing cells.

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

With enough energy, MF might be able to create a large shield or sword using only the manipulated cancer cells. Together with 'Material Layering', it could be a malleable arsenal of unimaginable weapons.

'Cancer Cell Object Creation' active skill acquired.

"Lemme show you a cool trick."

MF rested her right arm and let the tungsten katar attached to her muscle arm facing to the ground. The flammable liquid from her sweat glands dripped down to the ends of the blade. It was then set ablaze as soon as MF flickered the ignitor.

With face full of 'look at me!', MF shouted, "Flaming bionic katar!"


Because she could control the cancer cell, she could detach the blade from her hand entirely. The flaming blade dropped to the ground, only to be extinguished by the grass coated by dew. Surprisingly, manipulating cancer cell wasn't as resourceful, so it doesn't took much energy.

'Detachable Bionic Flaming Katar' active skill acquired.

Next was the 'Flammable Anti-Heat Layer' gene schematic. MF stripped off her upper clothing.

"Wait, why are you stripping?"

"This one could get fiery."

Because this one wasn't as complex, she could just rewrite her entire right arm's skin with that layer, in which she did. MF then set her whole arm ablaze, and the fire spreaded on the flammable surface as fast as an electric current.

The flame danced by the wind with MF's right arm as the podium. It could be controlled as well, so if she immediately set her whole upper torso to be flammable while one part of the layer was on fire, the whole torso would be caught blazing. Killing the flame was easy too, MF could just shrink the flammable area into zero and then change the tiny width of the layer into an anti-flame protein.

Foel's eyes brimmed like flickering stars. "Fascinating, yet there is no mana involved."

"How about this one?"

The newest irregular mutation had changed her next gene implementation's difficulty from a walk in the park to walking inside the house. The 'Controlled Cancer Instant Expansion' resonated heavily with 'Organic Cannon'.

Organic Cannon is actually just the schematic of the components and organs, glands, and bionic material used to build a working cannon that could be enhanced and engineered as the user's permanent body parts. But because of the 'Controlled Cancer Instant Expansion', she could just save the schematic and create it whenever she wanted. Then again, it takes some time to build it as it was her initiatory to the modification.

The lacking material on her body led her to utilize the numerous ores of varied structures for the first time. She also tried to by slow and steady as boosting the altercation this complex would sunk all of her energy in an instant.

As MF still tried to assemble a nasty giant cannon on her right wrist, she wanted to notify the estimated end of the progression. "Honey, this one could take some time because of the complex biological system. You could try to walk around the forest for a few hours until I finish with this one."

"It's fine, watching a weapon growing out from someone's arms in a grotesque manner is more interesting."

"Well then, just like a frog trying to climb a well, I'll try my best."

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