Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 171 - Apollo's Heart

MF had calculated that it would take more than days for the Occult Seed implantation to finish. She was uncertain of whether to be harsh or not because she knew that the pain was so immense when her Occult Domain was constructed. She didn't want Foel to feel the same experience as she did.

Sure, the merciless Ouroboros seems softened inside but that was what her heart led to her family and possibly her people. To those who oppose her and those who defect from her side, they would face something more frightening than the tribulation from those from the sky.

'The mentioning of tribulation reminded me of Senior Suwa, I wonder where she is now.'

For the love of gods, fourth wall breaking and looking at the narration is not something that a mighty entity such as an Ouroboros should do!

After departing from their mansion, leaving both Tuli and Primis within Domeniul Ceresc, MF took Foel to the underground facility that the Ouroboros and her lackeys of forest dwellers had been developing for the past few days.

"No wonder that I noticed some of the dwellers missing, it seems lively around here." Foel darted her eyes as she walked beside her Meshia. "This reminds me of the one below Ouranos Citadel."

There were Mandragoras, Dryads, Alraunes, Fruit Spirits, and a couple of wisps going back and forth with tools and a safety helmet on their head. The moment they saw Foel and the Ouroboros, they bowed, some of them were headbanging with respect.

Foel noticed that her Reality Dissonance ability was not active beneath this ground.

"Ki and I have been developing something that could be beneficial for a long term." The tall women smirked. "Don't be alarmed with your pills' ability not working here. They are made from subconscious energy and we've been constructing a core that would use both material energy and divine energy to constantly fuse and erupt more fuel that have the trait of a nourisher at the same time."

"Heee, what is the use of that fuel?"

MF gestured her hands, imitating a bird flying in a playful manner. "Domeniul Ceresc and Ouranos Citadel would be prone to attack and a reconnaissance target in the future."

The tanomobi sneered. "So you want to make this whole land fly?"

"Yep! A mobile base and a mobile civilization will have lots of benefits! Let me show you the core."

Before going to the underground chamber at the lower level, MF took Foel for a tour of the unfinished facility and eventually to the center, right at the lower position from Anvriel's Vessel.

A huge crystal made out of mostly prototype-4 sakuradite, there were numerous large cables connected to the bottom part of the large crystal and they were extending to everywhere within the underground.

"I called it, the Apollo's Heart." MF puffed her chest, proud of her own delicate work.

The childish act was seen through Foel's eyes, so the tanomobi clapped to play along with her partner's surprisingly innocent side. "Making that must've been really hard."

"Fufufu, it took more than a week for me to finish it!" A nervous sneer then overtook her prideful wide smile. "Although it still needs to accumulate more energy before starting its service."

"We're not in a hurry, right? Take it easy, you've done a lot and achieved something that no normal person could do and we haven't even reached a month."

"You could say that I'm really scared right now." MF grabbed her left gauntlet, nervous of the calculation within her mind. "Things could go wrong at any given moment. Fate, reality, time, they aren't kind to us mortals. I could've let everything grow on its own pace but if something unprecedented happens without us readying our pitchfork, then the only thing that will remain is guilt."

The tanomobi took MF's right hand from grabbing her gauntlet, holding it and gazed at the anxious Ouroboros on the eyes. "Our pitchforks have already evolved into a flaming one, they are stronger to take a giant or two without having yourself feel beaten by time itself. If worse comes to worse, then we could just use a nuke."

"Heh, so you saw what happened that night with the behemoth monster."

"You literally made the ground rumble, the only plausible scenarios of the cause would be some sort of nuke being yanked again just like that time on the Ancient Battlefield." Foel giggled. "I saw a glimpse of those creatures dying again and again by an unknown force, is that your doing again?"

"W-why do you make it sound like everything bad and catastrophic to be my fault!?"

"Because it is."

The Ouroboros let out some wholesome laughter before picking up the tanomobi by the armpits like a lazy cat. "Despite your height, you have the confidence of a geese."

"That beast isn't known for its confidence, but rather courage and senseless aggression."

MF began walking to her isolated chamber on the lower level, still holding the tanomobi in both of her hands.

"How do you even know if that thing only existed in tomes and codexes?"

"As a former Excavator, we've held onto numerous relics and ruins more than you think. The research upon those mythical beasts is as tenacious."

"Then what about the ancient crows?"

MF kept talking to Foel. They both then arrived without the tanomobi even noticing.

Foel slightly opened her mouth as she tried to move her body around to perceive the surrounding more clearly. "It seems like you don't need my help with concealment and barrier anymore."

"I'm still not good at making dense layers like you do, it's still preferable if you're the one who made the barrier for me."

MF then put the tanomobi on the ground again. Foel was neither annoyed or amused, it seemed like she had adapted to get used to it because the feeling of her partner became more contented.

"Quite a shabby place for our date."

"Heee, try closing your eyes."

Foel put an unconvinced glare for a few seconds before closing her eyes.. MF then put her forehead to her wife's forehead, connecting her inner consciousness to establish a connection with her Divine Domain.

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