Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 176 - Don't Trust The Fox

"Don't you think exclaiming your technique out loud is the same as telling your adversary to prepare for your attack?"

The creepy cloaked woman gestured her hands. The ground was adsorbed layer by layer as it left lava-like scars from the alchemical action that she did. From the melting cloak sprouted numerous barriers that glazed at every inch of her existence, it crept and spreaded to the lava as artificial shields were born from it and ascended to the air, surrounding the woman.

The eye on the staff became stiff and it immediately hardened in response to the spell that its master had casted.

The numerous yin-yang orbs scattered to the sky as it soaked the elemental essence from the vicinity. It didn't dance like its proclaimed name. Instead, it was morphing into a void-like cube that was watching over the entire battlefield with no clear intentions of what it was going to do.

The fox put on a smug grin. "Don't you think believing every word that a fox says is the same as digging your grave?"

It might be a prudish action made by the fox to summon numerous cube just to extract all kinds of elemental essence in the surrounding while the enemy was making herself comfy in her personal bunker, but the act of the extraction that the cube commencing was far more planned than a mere gimmick.

Guda had made the women sink half of her body into the ground with no clear idea of what those cubes were gonna do except extracting the essences. The witch didn't do anything for more than ten seconds while Guda was preparing more talismans to be deployed for her plan.

'It seemed like she had never fought a trickster before.' Guda would be drenched in cold sweat if not for her ongoing process of genetic modification. 'Still surprising that she didn't attack instead of going for a fortification, does she lack the fuel to penetrate my protection?'

The woman felt dumb. Irritated, she unharden her staff and swayed it to the sky. All of the protection that she casted was being absorbed into one point, creating a ball of destruction as the ground above it rose into two hands, cradling the energy as it got absorbed into those giant fingers, funneling into the ground and corrupting the nearby soil with purple goo-like substance.

Numerous ugly creatures began to rise from those goo; it was the very same humanoid that was waging a war with the Ouroboros on the far west battlefield from Domeniul Ceresc.

"Gueh!? They were ugly!" Guda had almost activated her vomit reflex fully, gagging.

"As long as the ritual has been enacted, they won't stop coming until the end of the time." The creepy woman giggled. "Although I did wonder how that pet of your was suddenly disappearing into the air."

The fox smiled with confidence. "Don't worry, I don't want him to get hurt on this battlefield."

"You're strangely kind for a cunning fox."

The witch started to aim for the numerous cube in the sky, as it sapped the elemental essence within the surrounding area, and most of her spells were focusing on the utilization of matter and energy from the surrounding area.

Guda knew it the very moment the witch conjured those giant hands from the ground. Although it was a rough estimation and both sides haven't seen the clear picture of each other's fighting style.

With multiple talismans tucked between the fingers of her left hand, and a fox-hand gesture on the right, still maintained with hidden reason from the tall and emotionless witch—Guda swept the air with her talismans as the casted rune within them conjured a large amount of will-o-wisps that were rushing to the melting humanoid soldier like a slow moving automatic shotgun.

They fell and disintegrated one by one as the fiery blue fireball charred them into nothing. The pace of the fight had been rather unfair for the fox from a bird's point of view, but the fox had more cards up her sleeves.

Those cube extractor in the air were utilizing the gathered essence to heal itself over time; it had been a hassle for the tall witch as she didn't want to waste more material from the area they were fighting.

When the witch's focus to conjure more ballistic objects was at its peak, an air shattering bullet the size of a big rock was blasted out of nowhere, massacring the woman's whole torso as it flung everywhere in fragmented form.

Her legs were still attached to the ground, she then absorbed the essence beneath her rapidly to construct a new upper body.

"That Calamity was hidden somewhere… Still have the audacity to tell lies again?"

"Breh, I reminded you many times that you shouldn't trust me! Don't blame me!"

"Enough!" The corrupted voice echoed, resulting in a shockwave pulse that pushed the nearby trees. She attracted the destroyed staff onto her hands. "Another more trick, and I'll make sure that your entire existence will be hunted from the beginning of the universe until its end!"

The goons of the witch had been accumulating into more than thirty. Guda was still keeping her pace as she boosted her own physical ability.

Of course, her spiritual energy wasn't limitless. She didn't want to waste all of the build up so she began to commence her last trick.

"Weird lady! I pity you for getting shot there so I'll give you a hint!" Her annoying smugness was back as she put both of her hands into a double fox-gesture. "The Calamity you are fond of is sniping you from far away!"

At that moment, the tall lady skipped a beat. She looked up in response to the fox's cognitive pattern. It was so brief that she couldn't even react that she had already been swallowed inside the Yelper that was slowly revealing itself in her view.

Never trust a fox that gestured her hand to imitate another smaller fox.

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