Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 197 - Awakening Of The Hardworking

As the infinity serpent and the Elders of Domeniul Ceresc were bantering answers and questions with one another, MF closed her eyes. 

When she opened it, she arrived in a vast empty void with a singular ray of light illuminating a patch of white floor. With the infinity serpent on her human form sitting on a chair in front of the Ouroboros of Neamh, she arched her smile so deviously, showing her scheming nature in just a single gaze.

Although in this case, the infinity serpent showed more signs of joy than ever.

"I'm a little shocked that you brought the whole family here. I admit that I'm both happy and not ready to receive such interaction." The infinity serpent closed her eyes. "It's quite endearing of you to do this. Although, what I'm really surprised about is the fact that you're doing it to this extent."

MF chuckled. "I thought that you would be really lonely staying there for a long time. A little wind of fresh air, right?"

"It is, and I really appreciate it." The infinity serpent flicked her finger, conjuring another chair and a table. "If I'm to be honest with you, this is not like your usual self at all. The Ouroboros of Neamh would never take this much risk, especially when it comes to information leak possibility."

MF approached the chair and sat on it, showing a friendly grin. "I would never do something like this if I'm not confident enough to pull it off. Aside from my childish attempt, I thought that you would be mad at me if I did leak your location."

The infinity serpent conjured a teapot with a pair of cups on the table. She then gently poured the liquid full of fragrant onto each cup as she said, "Mmhh~ my dear, I've chosen you to bear my name. As much of the power I cradled over my tail, I take full responsibility for my choices.

"Everything that you perceive, hear, smell, and see—I know it all. That thing with the Goddess of Luck did give us a huge clue over the higher realm. It might be something that I will take things into importance especially when the Neamh is at stake."

MF took the cup and feasted on the strong aroma before taking a mindful sip of the tea. The liquid that she had consumed was then broken down into a strain of information within her mind. After knowing the immaculate quality of the slow beverage, she relinquished it with a smile to her cheeks. 

"Did you know anything that happens on the above?" 

"I do. My trail extended beyond this reality." The infinity serpent closed one of her eyes. "Just like our little friend over here."

MF had already followed suit. Aforementioned, Cyanotype appeared like an integrating foam filled with water before reassembling the shape into something comprehensible. She then peeked out her head beyond the chair. Her lips were awkwardly creating a gap with one another. 

"Tarara, you're scary." The Occult Beast expression was nothing but nervous. "As much as I dealt with the unknown, your size is more than an unknown in my eyes."

"I was once a small snakelet, believe it or not." The infinity serpent threw an amused grin. "Quite an irony for a being that represents the concept of infinity, no?"

"Oh right." MF gestured her open palm as if she was representing the peeking head like an exquisite melon. "This is Cyanotype, she is a part of my soul in one way or another. Fufufu, I'm sure that you already know the story."

"Indeed I am." The infinity serpent playfully tilted her head. "Welcome aboard to the ship, little one. I hope you can take care of the Ouroboros of Neamh within her bizarre journey upon the passing time of conquest." She then tilted her head to the other side. This time, with a slight hint of confusion as she showed a curious smile. "In particular, you're also part of the Ouroboros. That also means many incredible things, such as how you represent my influence to a certain extent. 

"The question is, do I deem her as another avatar—a representation of mine, or as an individual who sided with the Ouroboros?"

"Thanks to our pact, I think Cyanotype is also an Ouroboros with the soul identification." MF giggled. "We have three Ouroboros now."

"We're a three headed snake in some senses." The infinity serpent arched her grin even more.

Cyanotype grew even more nervous although amused. "If that is the case, my head and Meshia will be extremely small in your enormous existence."

"Ahahaha. So this is what they call warmth, huh?" The infinity serpent slightly blushed. "I admit, I'm not used to this because I'm always alone in my time, but I think I quite enjoy it?"

"Fufufu, bringing the whole family here is really worth it if that's the case." MF crossed her arm as she puffed her chest with pride, knowing that she had taken the risk of bringing everyone to this realm.

Of course, MF had risked the most credential and sacred location of the mighty Ouroboros supposed to be. The mighty serpent of life and death was hiding from the other dimension because she was too powerful and dangerous to be ignored by those from the higher realm.

Many would come to offer an alliance with the almighty serpent. Because if they didn't, then there will be a balance shift in power eventually in the spans of eons where everyone would either destroy and seek out the infinity serpent before it all happened.

Ouroboros herself didn't mind it too much if her information was leaked, but MF would feel really bad if would fail her benefactor and friend. 

Of course, the Ouroboros knew the intention that MF wanted to let more people print the real Ouroboros within their memory. Because feeling someone believing that the almighty serpent truly exists was a true joy for an entity such as Ouroboros who born from the concept that was created by faith.

It might hit close harder than home, especially that the Ouroboros knew that those that MF bring to this realm was also technically her family.

Right now, all of them bonded with each other rapidly at the same time. Primis, the Greater Wisps, and the Elders felt like they were meeting with their grandma's figure for the first time. While on the other side of the realm, MF and Cyanotype were getting to know Ouroboros more closer than they would've thought.

In real time within the Elders' view, MF's physical vessel was standing serenely with a smile and closed eyes while the blue-haired Ouroboros was the one who did the talking. 

"Blue-haired Mommy! Why is Black-haired Mommy sleeping?"

"Ah, it's because she was tired from all of the matters back in Neamh." The infinity serpent winked. "Let your mother over there rest for a while, okay? She deserve it."


On the dark side of the realm, MF knew what the infinity serpent had said about her vessel after image.

"That is a little bit embarrassing for me if you say it that way." MF wryly smiled.

"Fufufu, don't worry, your family knows that it's proper."

What truly was happening here was the result of the infinity serpent's doing. Because this realm was in the domain of the serpent's influence, the reality of it could be shifted into whatever the owner wanted. 

So basically, the infinity serpent had effortlessly duplicated an existence while creating a conjoining alternate timeline right beside the dimension of the real realm. Hence why it was dark within this space and there was only a single ray of light illuminating a small area. 

That illumination came directly from the realm of white.

"So!" said the Ouroboros that was talking with MF and Cyanotype. "Are you ready for your first Awakening?"

"An Awakening?" MF gazed at her cup of tea, trying to find her own reflection slowly waving on the surface of the liquid. "Will I go through such a thing? I thought that only the Demons of Neamh and the Hellspawns of the Underworld have that privilege."

"Tarara, I can imagine Meshia gaining either a devil wings or two sharp fangs that elevate her wicked nature," said the Occult Beast playfully.

"Goofball, I'm not that evil." MF then remembered all the things she had done in her life immediately. "Well, maybe I will get some horn or wings. Although, I don't know when."

"Ah, don't worry about it, my dear." The infinity serpent giggled. "It will happen now."



A silence accompanied the smirk of the infinity serpent as both of the Ouroboros tried to process her word. A moment later, the runic formation above MF's head began to shift back and forth as if it was reconfiguring something.

"Something is definitely happening!" MF panicked and excited at the same time. The same with Cyanotype who was actually the one who got the most excited out of the bunch.

"Oh! Oh!" Cyanotype's eyes sparkled. "Which side will the horn sprout??"

It began emanating a colorful light formation that danced in direction as numerous angelic runes could be seen appearing one after another, shifting and changing in position like a moving puzzle on the circular platform.

The same thing happened to the other vessel of MF on the Elders' side. Right now, the serene standing tall woman appeared to be an acoustic rendition of disco ball.

"Ah, don't you worry about the Ouroboros over here," said the infinity serpent on the white realm. "She is having her Awakening in the middle of her rest.. Let's hope together for the best so that the Ouroboros of Neamh can attain another great power."

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