"Aren't you quite adorable yourself?" El'tael replied, although it was more like she was flirting within this situation.

"Uuuaaa." Pitka backed away, bearing a face of disgust. "You sure aren't here for the sake of capturing nor neutralizing me, aren't you?"

"Huhuhuh." El'tael began to conjure numerous balls of light with the density of a quarter amount of that of a sun, resulting in numerous landscapes being slowly pulled to the sky as the heat started to heighten the surrounding aflame. "This time, I'll make sure that you will taste my flame to its center~"

"Oh well, I guess this continent will be destroyed." Lues clicked her tongue as she swayed her head left and right sarcastically. "What a shame, what a shame."

"Don't you accept it yet!" A veins of anger appeared on Pitka's forehead. "How many reality fragments have we left?"

"Around forty marbles of them."

"Good enough!" The light-blue haired foreigner posed dramatically with her finger guns to her front. "Lues! Commence divine act within the 'Sacred Book', on part three, within page 248!"

The cuff that was restraining both of the gauntlets altogether shackled free. A devious thought had crept over Lues' sinister grin. She then leaped forward and spread both of her hands to the sky.

"Za Warudo!"

The space distorted into a kaleidoscope of reversed colors. Its pulse travelled with a resounding ring, consuming everything within the whole continent into a warped yet preserved existence.

The clock stopped ticking.

Confused, Pitka then conjured the mentioned sacred book upon her gloved hand. Although, it looked more to be a relic of a story with pictures for teenager's fantasy instead of something holy. She flipped through the hefty book to the mentioned page, wondering if she did the sequence right.

"Do you even need to shout 'Za Warudo'?" Pitka scrutinised the tapped page. The gothic looking vampire leaped forward awkwardly in the drawing with a yellow themed attire and a sadistic look. "looks more like it would end up warning our opponent if we followed the image here."

"Well, our enemies won't know either way about what we're doing. Besides, it looks cool." Lues then shrugged. "Also, you did the wrong pose."

"Ah, so I'm the one who made the mistake. Well, just do the motion faster next time." Pitka closed the colorful sacred book. "If I were El'tael, I would've stabbed both of us in our Athenaeum gates in just a second.

"Regardless, let's hurriedly kill this Angel again and make sure that she won't be followed after us for another decade or so."

"So what kind of spell do you want to use now?"

"Hmmm." Pitka began to stare into nothingness as her brain began to formulate a new type of spell on the spot because none of her current spell arsenal was matching with her current preference. "Let's do it like this."

She gestured both of her hands forward, each of them having their forefinger and thumbs opened, creating the diagonal symmetry of a frame corner.

The light-blue foreigner began to mutter inconceivable words out of her lips. Many runes and sigils appeared behind her, periodically spinning and spreading like a reverse vortex. Many glowing lines made out of dense circuit formation followed the circular motion of the runes and spread into a whirlwind.

The runes within her eyes spun until it stopped upon one specific symbol that represents 'eternal' and 'torture' to her respective eyes.

Both glowed in red and blue, releasing a vapor that quickly dissipated in the air.

"The sky and the circle of continuity is null. Miracles are garnered, harvested, and nurtured. My hope reaches its centrepiece, then it's laid bare by the creator of my shadow. This world shall witness flame.

"Samsara Pitar."

The space and time twisted and mangled the Angel's physical vessel. Stars were born and galaxies were scattered. All of them were pulled into one within the Queen of the Apocalypse's womb.

It was then placed upon the soul of the Angel, creating an irregularly concise black hole that was meant to preserve information that was absorbed by it.

A tremoring spark consumed the space within the vicinity of the Angel's physical body. In just a matter of nanosecond, all of them were absorbed into a small floating black marble.

The traces of El'tael ever existing at this moment were erased. With just a snap of a finger, the churning sound of a time machine within one of Pitka's Athenaeum rumbled into the outside world, reversing the time stopping action and letting the clock ticks again.

"The build up is too long." Pitka sighed, feeling dissatisfied with her new spell's casting speed. "If not for the sacred book, we won't be able to perform it at all."

"You're worrying too much." The crimson phantom leaned onto her back, placing both of her gigantic gauntlets to lean on her partner's shoulder-wide turtleneck protection. "The sacred book is already bound to your soul. It won't go anytime soon."

"Well, every detail needs a contingency plan. Not being able to create one is depressing."

Pitka wafted forward. Her eyes are upon the condensed universe at the size of her palm. She reached for it and then delivered it to her mouth. A vapor of black dust could be seen escaping as Pitka swallowed the whole marble.

And then just like that, the two foreigners were waiting for the one that was issuing the command for the gigantic dome creation. Because of the eradication of traces and time from the instantly killed Angel, neither anyone within the concealed battlefield had the recollection of the shivering existence of a heavenly warrior spreading its wings kilometers across the sky. Or even hot temperatures that scorched numerous corpses of their allies and the reason why it rained sand suddenly out of nowhere.

Because of the unknown supernatural event and the soaring amount of deceased within Faranor Citadel's forces. Zappur commanded all of her troops to retreat.

She had the chance to use her hidden M.A.D but it would be a waste if she didn't have enough soldiers to raid the Rogue Citadels after this pursuit. By the least, she had accomplished a mutually similar destruction onto the smuggling caravan of the Bearing Edge. She had also had her special unit place numerous tracking circuits all over the caravan and its surviving members.

With a stern gaze, Zappur promised to come back and settle her business much more efficiently than before.

Meanwhile, it was only a matter of seconds before the Ouroboros arrived at the scene.

'What in the world had just happened!?'

She didn't feel much of a change but her perception from her Overseer Halo allowed her to capture numerous information of events outside of her influence. One of them being how the whole continent froze in time and how she felt the presence of a missing Angel within the battlefield vicinity.

A nervous sweat began to form on her forehead. Together with her wry smile and furled eyebrow, it was clear that the Ouroboros was unsure on how it would play out.

She then passed through the gigantic concealment barrier that Damascus had established. Damascus was immediately notified. The presence of her Lord had eased her heart more than she would have thought. Considering what she perceived within this chaotic and wrecked dune, she would prefer to have a full day of rest when she got back to Domeniul Ceresc.

Pitka glimpsed the incoming awaited guest. To make herself less intimidating, she removed her blade extension attachment on her legs to make her stature look small.

"Lues, do I look less intimidating enough?"

"Well, not your face, definitely."

The gaze from the Queen of the Apocalypse became solidly stern and extremely unfriendly. If it was directed to someone, the other side would immediately wonder what they did wrong to receive such a harsh treatment.

Added with the huge amount of energy that she possessed, Lues bet that she would scare the incoming person shitless.

"Oy, I'm nervous, you know," said Pitka with her killer gaze.

When the Ouroboros entered a few more meters from the concealment boundary, she was immediately struck with heavy information regarding the amount of energy being emitted at this moment. Her body would instantly turn stiff, if not for the several modifications of her body that were able to reject the influence of fear within her mind.

'This energy wavelength is a thousand times denser than what Yakhsa Tivra emitted.' The Ouroboros then took a deep breath. She had numerous contingency to act accordingly if anything went wrong.

As much as she wanted to run and stay away from this area, the whole continent was at stake. The thing was, her Apollo Project hadn't given its fruit yet and her Citadel together with her Domeniul Ceresc was still in the state of an immobile civilization.

With her heart pumping her adrenaline, the vicious snake slithered into the sky.

The energy was getting stronger and stronger with every centimeters she travelled. When the two foreigners finally entered her field of vision within a few kilometers, what she perceived had made her brain stop functioning for a second.

What she saw was neither god or deity, it was that of a true devil. Their presence loomed over the sky, swallowing the entirety of the atmosphere.. MF then glimpsed the moving shadow of the avatar ascending to a greater height, staring at her soul as if she was a mere ant within the jungle of monsters.

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