"So what do you think of this place?" asked Lues still with her eternal grin.

"Hmmm." Pitka put another thought, tilting her head as she stuffed some of the dessert that she stabbed with her fork to her mouth. "Too fast to judge. How about you?"

"I could easily murder everyone within this place." She shook both of her wrist up and down, resulting in a slight and metallic clanking of her double cuffs. "As long as you allowed me to."

"And I certainly won't allow you~"

Pitka immediately cleared the plate before one of the Alraunes gave her another set of full course meals. They even patted the excess of the food on her mouth with their leaves. The new guests had become a favorite of forest dwellers in an instant.

On the other side of Domeniul Ceresc, MF and Foel played another game of 'clown-to-clown communication of thought sharing while having a dreadful crisis.'

"So yeah, I think that's all," MF finally ended her thought transferring game. The eternal smile was ever lasting as long as both of the Primordials were still existing within Domeniul Ceresc.

"That is an intense session we had there." Foel donned her usual deadpan. "So how are our guests currently?"

"They are enjoying it, as far as I could see." MF reluctantly chuckled. "So, what happens with those three Mandragoras?"

"Ah, I gave those three the task of retrieving a single artifact at the far northwest. Of course, I already set the challenges and the bonus reward for them in case they somehow managed to reach their destination."

"If only I was there." MF leaned to the three behind her. "The Mandragoras could be a great supersoldier, if not for their stupidity and laziness. I might add more trials if they succeeded yours. So don't declare anything as of yet."

"Ahahah, so what's up with your halo?" Foel smug grinned. "I know that you're on your awakening, but I think we could utilize it before it ends."

"... No, no disco ball."

Meanwhile, the disciples of Lautus Tunguska were proceeding their extra lesson without any complications. Guda managed to soak the hell up from one of the elite and infamous members of Dante's Lead using her devious trickery and psychological manipulation talisman.

The name of this poor and unsuspecting glorified mercenary was Rowan Flaus, she was actually a tactician and a spell formation commander of a large scale assimilation preparation. Hired by Zappur Clementine, she didn't expect much more conflict and was hoping that she could finish the job as quickly as possible before enjoying all of the money gained from Faranor Citadel.

Guda had also managed to acquire the full details of the Private Military Company of Dante's Lead. She then put every information and hypothesis of what would happen and what kind of scenario that the information was best used for within a paper.

On the other location near the river, Elon was handling two members of Stunted Turtles. One of them was the main leader of their armored vehicle squad and the other one was his driver.

Elon had also managed to acquire a sensible amount of information. The unloyal attitude of these glorified mercenary were so easy to abuse that even someone as Elon could pry open the pandora box with just a few intimidation and physically painful torture of her special method.

Not only did she acquire the information about all of the Stunted Turtle's plans, she also managed to acquire one of the secret communication channel's frequencies—allowing her to tap and sabotage all kinds of information gathering. Just like its name, the Turtles had been stunted.

Unbeknownst to Elon at first, she got a few key leads about the relationship of the PMC with one of the Rogue Citadels hidden beneath the wailing sand within this Tavaroth continent.

Just like what was instructed, Elon began to inscribe her mind and result into a paper.

Within one of the natural caves, Carla was doomed to deal with two of the skilled Valkyries that were probably capable of counter interrogation.

Shen then used the harsh method of playing around with their psyche using some of the spells that she learned within the sect's library. In turn, she acquired the information about the basic plan of Faranor Citadel and their rumored weird relationship with the Dorian Citadel.

The next one was Jojo with a slave master. Instead of an interrogation, this one looked like more of a tortureous beating in which the slave master wouldn't even tell a word without being reminded of a harsh fist that could sear his cheeks.

Jojo acquired the Serpent Caravan's illusionary formation and their numerous routes. Other than that, Jojo wasn't able to gather as much of information because the slave master had been attempting a lot of suicide.

If not for Jojo's attentiveness on keeping away the slave master's teeth seprated from crushing his own tongue, the interogation target would be nowhere within this world.

Meanwhile, Ragoni had it easy with a rather wimpy looking rich merchant as her interrogation target. As a former merchant herself, she asked numerous critical questions about the goods and its purpose, along with the smuggling method and most of the rich merchant's possession, simultaneously threatening him while also convincing enough so that the wimpy merchant didn't immediately pass out from fear.

Immediately, she scribbled her discovery and thoughts onto the paper.

And then lastly, Jaro with one of the Quilled Dragons.

The white dragonoid delicately placed his fingers upon the small pieces seemingly looking like a condensed smoke above the black and white board.

"That is a check, young man." The Quilled Dragon chuckled. "As for your question, there are a lot of us within and outside of this continent. Most of them were seeking more firepower inside their army.

"As for me, I'm just as bored as a chameleon with a full stomach."

Jaro moved his king piece out of the way from the assault.

"Then what is your reason for joining this notorious dark guild?"

The Quilled Dragon moved his other piece. "That is another check once again, young man." He sipped a handfuls of smoke from his smoking pipe. "There isn't any clear reason as to why I dirtied my hand to command such a gruesome philosophy under the dark banner of Bearing Edge.

"You will find many like me, young man. Be it Demon, Khazenka, Aiseirighian, or Tanomobi—they all were unsure of why they joined them in the first place."

Jaro threw an amused smirk. "Do you have fun doing those murders?"

"I'm not keen on constantly performing those vile orders. They needed me to lead, so I led them into the end goal they wanted." He then moved his piece again, all while sipping another smoke from the pipe in the other hand. "That is a checkmate, young man."

"So you're the man whose purpose in life is unclear, am I wrong?" Jaro leaned back as both of his hands anchored to the side, sighing while confirming his loss.

"I suppose you're in my situation at one point of your journey." The Quilled Dragon let out a huge wall of dancing colorful smoke into the air. "Then you would know what it feels like to pursue one thing that you believe as the truth of everything, despite clearly knowing that you don't have much knowledge in that field."

"Anyway, let's do another match." Jaro let out his grin. "I'm still keen on winning."

"You've lost six matches. Hahahah." The Quilled Dragon waved his forefinger forward and gestured in a circular motion, resummoning all of the fog pieces to be set on the board once again. "I'll tell you some tips along the way."

The Quilled Dragon had been really cooperative so far. While the other went into a special treatment to live inside a dungeon somewhere on the outskirts of the mountainous area near Domeniul Ceresc, the Quilled Dragon was brought to supervise the next lesson and training for a specific purpose.

After judging the white lizard in person, Damascus had a great idea that came to mind. She then gave the disciples more tasks and homework to fullfil while taking the Quilled Dragon to somehwhere else near Domeniul Ceresc's barrier.

Damascus contacted the Ouroboros in this matter in which she brought Foel with her to the location.

After a further interrogation, Foel and MF found out that the Quilled Dragon could be one of a great asset to reinforce the power of Lautus Tunguska.

With Foel capable of reading the true intentions and mind of the white lizard, there was not a single moment where the Quilled Dragon lied to the Elders.

Damascus had prepared the underworld piece of ethereal floating paper and its quill.

"By agreeing to the contract, you will be under the possession of Lautus Tunguska. By doing so, you will also have the same privilege as much as the normal disciples while bearing a different title," explained Damascus. "Tell us your true name."

The tall white lizard immediately signed the contract with an appeased expression. "Yayoga Mokou, my true name is Yayoga Mokou."

The rest of the Elders smiled. "Welcome to the family."

Yayoga had been recruited as the sect's helper and its janitor. Of course, this position didn't actually mean that the former Quilled Dragon was lower than the disciples. In fact, the Janitor was in a higher position within the sect, only second to the Elders and third to the Sect Leader.

The Janitor wouldn't only be the logistic helper between the Elders and the information gathering together with Tako on the west building, he also has the main mission of protecting and taking care of the whole sect's ground as his own.

MF used the power of the dark seed of creation to build a humble house for the white lizard.. With everything set, she immediately rushed to Domeniul Ceresc, hoping that the two Primordials didn't do anything dreadful.

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