By coating herself with the void in times of raid. MF was able to join the fray of Calamities as one of them. Unlike normal mortals, an excessive amount of 'void' interaction will transform them into a Corrupted Calamity, just like the poor Kashal back then on Tidal Citadel.

Foel and MF didn't have this problem. The gene schematic MF solely created allows both of them to inject as much 'void' as they want without succumbing to Calamity transformation.

'Absolute Void Tolerance'—was developed by MF for years before putting her hands on Calamity's gene. Only now has she updated Foel's tolerance into absolute so her wife can mingle with those monstrosities.

Nevertheless, this only worked because someone was controlling them within this raid, forcing the Calamities to work together. Outside of the raid, the Calamities would still attack them like Kaleya the great mane orc did in the swamp.

Even MF could feel the brainwashing force that was igniting their will to destroy Gaia Citadel. Although it doesn't affect them at all, only a low intellect Calamity was affected.

"So me and Foel could be categorized as an intelligent Calamity by now, how beautiful."

After all, not many could detect a 'void' like Foel did except for their own physical vessel.

But for someone who was lazy to think, it would be their doom.

With the organic cannon intact on her right arm, MF decided to meet the honorable guest. "I'll be coming for you~"

The Citadel forces were tremendously handicapped, MF doesn't need to stay anymore as it would only waste a time where she could use it for more important things. No sleep for the lazy, she then set a mental timer in her brain for half twenty minutes, a time where the Avalanche Bringer would appear.

Meanwhile, in the sky filled with chaos. Somewhere far from the frontline.

Like fireflies searching for warmth, Foel and Elon were already searching for ten minutes, dashing left and right above the ground to find nothing.

The magic-circuit formation device Foel bought on the market did an extracurricular job. She didn't think that it would be useful until a few days after it was bought. Truly, money is power and someone who says otherwise are ungrateful people.

'Like this lucky bastard.' Foel thought, trying to buy enough time for MF to prepare the banquet for Mr. Transmigrator to enjoy.

Unsureness filled Elon's heart, as he chewed his nail in distress while flying at five meters per second. "Those two were always making trouble, where are they!?"

Foel estimated the end of the prep, 3 more minutes. She left a sign that only MF could notice outside of the concealment dome. The alarm thread she deployed was ringing in her mind.

'MF is in the dome.'

Sneering, the mutant showed her gnarly serrated teeth with her long tongue sticking out to add the shock factor. "Girls, how is the hospitality my wife did? Is it satisfactory?"

"An intellectual Calamity!? Are you the one behind this raid!?" roared the red haired elk girl.

The dragonoid one began to sniffle and cry. Her mental fortitude struck a big disgust from the devil in front of them.

"Usurpers my ass! With that kind of mentality and power, all of you greedy cultivators could usurp are just a twat of an excrement from a pseudo dragon!"

On her left arm, MF used her cancer cell manipulation and material layering to elongate her nails into those of monstrous claws. Those victims' gaze trembles with phobic fear of what MF would do. In a single slash, their blood dyed their respective clothing in crimson.

MF took their clothes, leaving the shuddered girls with scars and trauma, still going to be alive for another day, but not inside. Those wounds won't kill them, possibly because in MF eyes, she knew that their unawareness of their ignorance wasn't as sinful as those who are greedy that made a monster of who she was now.

'Ignorant is a sin, they will reap what they sow.'

The devil dragged the clothing with the hue of red to the dirt using the tip of her claw on her way to the arranged place. With numerous killing formations, Foel and MF managed to think of 28 ways to kill the 'Transmigrator' in a small amount of time before the operation was begun.

"Bio-poison, soul isolation, string piercing, decapitation, acid cremation, intoxication, mana expurgation, mana draining, shoving a dynamite to the guts, curses, forceful mutation, concentrated incineration, trauma assimilation, and more… I will frickin' use this upon myself if everything somehow managed to fail."

MF still didn't know Elon's true nature. In her eyes, he was a massive unstoppable force that could alter reality with unknown variables. She didn't know if Elon had something in his sleeves, even the chance of a literal god helping him to bend everything to his will like that in the casino is not too far of a stretch.

Or he would die like a normal mortal, the best possible outcome. Regardless, MF's goal was to conquer Gaia to establish a foundation and fund for her sect, creating a global superpower to strike a name to mortal and immortal alike.

Creating an utopia where there would be no violence left.

"To change the world, one must chew glass before spitting fire."

If she couldn't kill the man, Foel can slave him. If the man managed to fight back, she could turn herself into a small living blob and use Foel to hide. Contingency was a must.

At that time, Foel could smell the blood of those two girls from afar, signalling that the preparation was already finished. She darted her eyes to the worried man beside her. "Boy, I sense the blood of two females. One is an Aekha and the other is an Aiseirighian, is it by any chances, your friends—"

"An Aekha and Aiseirighian!? That must be Sura and Lillia!"

A surprised face immediately swung to the tanomobi, shocked as the word 'blood' echoed in his mind. His eyes shrunk with a blob of tears trying to escape, his teeth clenched in the way he didn't know what to do. Their relationship was unknown but Foel could see that it was a friendship build for many years

With a bitter heart, Foel swallowed her uncertainty of her action. "This way."

An open glade, chosen as the stage to give a better view to the VIP of the show. Unbeknownst to the man, there lies numerous hidden contraptions that no normal eyes could see, as Foel herself tinkered those before she hunted the girls.

In the middle open field was a monstrosity, long corrupted olive hair, pale murderous skin, with a stare that could kill a child when met eyes to eyes. MF modified her appearance to be as menacing as possible, blending to the line where she could be categorized as Calamity herself.

The word 'blood' echoed again and stronger, Elon still had his composure until he glimpsed a mixed and tattered fabric smeared in blood and dirt so familiar with the color he remembered upon his friend. It was there hanging from the humanoid monster's clutch. The entity shifted her eyeballs to the fabric in her grip, she then put her gaze onto the man again, this time with an eerie stretched smile.

"Is this yours?"


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