MF and Foel were already back to the authority office as 3 yelpers guarded the building in case that the slaves were trying to comes near and put their territory near it, the same with every important infrastructure. 15 staff members led by Drin were also back after mapping the sizes of the borders. Everyone was doing their job, especially MF who weeded out unnecessary problems in the future.

"Now that the toxin in the community is scraped out. You are all free to unzip your mouths, all of you can talk or gossip as much as you like! The rule is still the same, no conflict! Or your privilege to talk will be cut by the neck.

"This whole world is now a foundation for the powerful few, whether it was Calamities, Vagants, Angels, Cults. Isn't it wonderful what uncontrolled wealth can do? But not everyone is born to be at the top of the food chain.

"There are only two types of rising through the mortal ranks, and that is luck! And grind! Sadly, luck isn't a reliable tool as the lady merely moves their toes when it's out of date, only by effort you could gain the absolute path to the possible within the impossible.

"Not all will put in an effort if they are slumping and napping in their comfort zone. Look at the territory you carved, is it too small? Is there not enough space to lay comfortably? If you were praying to god or something out there that enticed your mind with whatever magicky instant miracles being thrown at your face,

"Trust me, they won't come. Hahahah! Today is the first night of the trial! Everyone can't go outside of their living territory, we also won't give any food, accomodations, tools, shower, and light. Nothing! Survive for three days using everything you acquired in the middle of the chaos, and live!

"If you have the will to stay alive and prevail, then do it. I will give anyone a grandiose reward who has the will to usurp the god, while also knowing their own pitiful place in the hierarchy of this small world.

"I know that some of you were already born from the utter bottom. If so, this three days will be as easy as breathing air. Feel free to laugh at those silver plattered assholes who are now in the same situation as you.

"With all of that in mind, it's time for the rue! Let's spin the roulette of misery at the cyclic rate of the machine gun's barrels. A gamble of your imminent future's fate, to face hunger and struggle."

The titanic skeleton disappeared into a fog of incendiary smoke. Some people began to scream out of stress when the announcement ended. Their neighbors looked at the pitifully despite having the same circumstances.

To crave for a better future, one must experience when their bodily struggles were challenged. The father or mother must teach their children to be patient while also telling them that everything is going to be okay.

"The new director is mad! There is no way that she will be letting us live!" shouted a former prostitute as she clench her hair with her nails. Her long antler might have made her scrumptious at her job but her current expression only worsened her whole image.

"Hush! You idiot!" said a male feline who happens to have a small living area near her. "Don't moan or they'll kill you!"

"Old man, there were Calamities everywhere for fuck sake!" said a young tanomobi behind him. "Either we die here or die tomorrow, there is no in-between."

"Y'all sound really mad for someone who didn't pay any attention."

The petite orange-haired ferrakhian approached them, as she held a piece of bread and munched on it. The small angelic wings on her head flapped as if she didn't mind the situation.

Ragoni also dragged a bag that held a couple of items in her other hand, she then swallowed the food in her mouth before talking. "I got a hair dryer with a mana crystal intact, a small pillow, and some pieces of bread," she said as she started to take out all of them one by one. "Got something to barter for this?"

"Wait, how did you get that?" said the male feline.

"Which one?"

"That bread."

"Oh, in here." She then munched on it again, as the other stared in silence before she talked again. "My living territory was formerly a place of two usurpers who happened to be bakers as a hobby. I just happen to have large amounts of flour and water in my space-pocket pouch, some of the cooking equipment and the oven had survived too.

"While all of you are dying inside, I'm just baking bread. The new Director also didn't mention anything about bartering and giving stuff. So, any of you got money or something?"

The reaction from her neighbors were priceless. Then again, a pocket space pouch is not cheap. Ragoni was a traveling merchant before coming to Gaia Citadel, but her carriage got raided by bandits; she survived with only a sliver of worthless flour and gallons of water within her extorted pocket space.

"I-I have a wagon in my territory!" shouted the young tanomobi, her mouse ears twitched with the feeling of having a supply of food.


The tanomobi pushed the wagon through the small living territory of the male felin who only had one and a half meter cube space, full of debris as he sat on top of many bricks. Luckily, the man is kind enough to be the intersection of the bartering process.

Ragoni was sure that everything will have its uses in the future. While everyone was thinking of staying alive, she was thinking of profits. It was also not a coincidence that there was a baking set on her 20 meter long and 17 meter wide living area. She looked through her surroundings and foresaw the upcoming crisis that was going to befall.

"I only have bricks… And a few mana crystal fragments in my pouch," said the male feline looking rather negative.

"Give everything, I will give you two pieces of bread."

"C-can I also get the small pillow? It's a little rough in here."

"Eh, sure, give me your clothes then."

"I can give you my body." Not wasting any chance, the former prostitute slightly losen her clothes.

With a deadpan through her silver glare, Ragoni merely replied, "Miss, I'm not gay."

As some citizens expressed their utmost feeling by either crying or ranting, the rest were thinking how to thrive in the limited environment while working together. Meanwhile, MF was soaring the sky with a pair of giant wings with rocket thrusters at each ends, trying to find a suitable place for her own physical experimentation.

Not to mention, the strange resonance of the Occult Tesseract scroll with the system essence on her soul.

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