From all the titles MF proclaimed herself, there is one of them that she liked the most—it was 'trash talker'.

"Come on you big-ass, ugly bastard, incorporated pig of a dingus' excrement!" said MF while see-sawing two middle fingers from both hands, not to mention the tongue that she was sticking out. Cheap mockery always worked. "Your ancestors were ashamed of your small sword between your legs!"

The fierce Kaleya swung its searing axe as the reply to the female's petty insults. A shockwave erupted, the burning axe melted MF's skin near the wound and her hair. With the Calamity's broken aiming, the strike goes through her shoulder skin and nothing else. All she needed to do was just to tighten her muscle to nullify the attack. As for her seared skin, she couldn't care less.

Despite the fire becoming bigger with something coming out from the monster's palm, she just stood there—menacingly, with a devil advocate's smile jeeringly hanging the lower jaw maniacally. "You should've aimed for the head."

In response to the pitiful aggression made by the glorified pig, she grasped the protective hide of the beast and clenched the meat into the bone in a fast and excruciating grinding process for the monster. Black blood spurted everywhere, eventually sullying the fair maiden's skin.

MF stomped forward to pivot the leg and fling the giant ogre into the air. Not even one second airborne, she contracted her muscle to jump into the beast at high speed, precise enough to grab the Kaleya by the nose and smash it into the ground.

The kinetic force created a chain reaction from the ground destruction, starting from the size of the Calamity to the size of tennis's field.

The fight ended with one of the fighters becomes a nourishment for the other. Like a cushion chair, she sat on the corpse and began to tear the flesh and armor to nibble on it like a snack. As her jaw muscle was also replaced by the nano-tungsten, she could crunch at those solid armor like a cracker. No need to be worried about her teeth, because healthy bones are even stronger than steel if they can manipulate the bodily resources effectively.

'Petroleum Glands' schematic acquired.

'Skin Hardening' schematic acquired.

Of course, she only took the gene schematics that piqued her interest this time, in the hope of filtering the useless physical manifestation and concept.

"Kelaya's gene is better than Livil, no wonder Livil was a lone Calamity, they had no friends because they suck-ass." The bitter taste coursed upon her tongue, still she licked her finger and lips as she wouldn't want to waste any precious fuel and material to fortify her tungsten muscle as she can't maintain it well without using 'void'.

Void is a contagious and complex molecular substance coming from the realm of dark similarly enough, called the 'Void Realm'. Upon the memory of the book back in the sacred library, it was written that pure Calamities were spewed out non stop from the spawned gate.

The gate secrete the 'void' to corrupt the area near it, resulting in heavy mutation to the flora and fauna. Those mutated monstrosities are referred to as half-calamity, they still maintain their origin but soon enough, the void will consume them whole to create a menace of abomination.

This also affected the mortal of neamh, just like the poor Kashal Kalistra—a heavy exposure or a forced implant from the void will result in the creation of Calamities. Usurpers will prevent the contamination of these viruses at all cost because the void itself preyed on mana, a converted usurper will result in a terrifying Calamity to be unleashed upon the land.

"Mmhh, physical cultivation would be nice." Unlike the tungsten muscle, she developed the petroleum glands easily with just a small hack to her gene, implanting the small glands on the palm to replace the sweat glands for versatility purposes. Playfully setting her palm on fire with the flammable liquid, the glands came with the ignitor she can utilize.

"Strangely enough, the 'skin hardening' matched the criteria of active skill instead of passive, I'll try that later then. 'Motoric Instant Transmitter' needs mana, so it was useless for me."

In her mind, she doesn't have any uses yet for the 'Immense Growth XL' as it was meant for accelerating living being's growth physically. Who would have thought that an A-rank Calamity have such mediocre physical.

Finished with her meal, she left no remains of her prey, not even the bones and guts, everything was already converted into saved resources and energy for her body. Well, she actually could convert mana as the first criteria to be a cultivator is to strengthen their consciousness strings to connect three lines of raw mana into a shape for it to produce energy.

But because of her none existence mana sea, she can't store them and direct mana is more unstable to harness, hence she decided to stay away from any mana activity despite learning various things about magic circuit.

Trying to devour a usurper like how she devour calamity to gain their ability is also out of the consensus. Consciousness strings aren't part of the DNA, they are from the sentient life itself. Not only organic matters, an inorganic matter might be able to cultivate mana if they are exposed with emotion and subconscious strings—the essence of life.

Uncomfortable with the lack of clothing, she goes for the hidden ragged clothes rather far from the current place. She knew that the process would end up in her clothes being disintegrated, so she prepared a replacement earlier.

A rather loose one, yet comfy nonetheless. In order to play the beggar, she needs to be humble, so fancy clothing is a no go despite she was able to make them with no effort.

"Hmm? I sense something." Two antennas sprouted from her head to capture the motions of the stranger captured within her radar before retracting it back. "The rodent kin, how unusual, they usually never leave the underground."

She licked her thumb after coating it with petrol, the thought of new discovery enticed her to the point that she didn't realize her tongue was on fire. Only joy and curiosity, a stupid person thinks they know everything, a smart person knows they doesn't know shit. Which led to the final consensus where the hunger for blood—that is knowledge, was vital to feed the brain of a maniac.

Deftly without any sound, MF rushed into the location with no chill as she skipped many wonders from nature left to be discovered. Thirty meters from the target, she gazed at a shorty in excavator uniform, big rodent ears with the color then blended with her straight hip-length green hair, and two tired neon-pink eyes gazing at MF's observing location. Alerted, the girl began walking behind slowly while her gaze was attached to the unknown beggar.

"Usurper," MF mumbled, looking more irritated than curious as her state from before.

Tanomobi, one of the striving races that started from being a lab rat on the same facilities with MF09X, into one of the main driving forces of resistance to heaven. They all look like a child because they are physically ageless, highly resilient to any element, and immune to any diseases. Their adaptability and survivability is high to the point that other kin rarely saw them die nor found their corpses.

One thing for sure, MF didn't make any sound nor was she even sighted by the Tanomobi. Twenty meters is the limit to be detected visually and audibly by those normal folk, it's a clear sign of enhanced senses that only a cultivator can unlock.

According to MF's memory, there was no such precious treasure nor artifact looming around this swamp.

"Why is that rat here?"

MF then did the most misleading move.

MF chased her.

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