"I can't let our Citadel be scraped away from a premature history just yet, those two people are our allies. So don't kill them, 'kay?" MF said, trying to choose her wording carefully as it could be pointed out by her attentive wife.

"You know that I could also see through their heart, right? Why are you scared~?" Foel said, playful with her tone. 'Huh, there is another one?'

"H-hey! I just don't want you to be misunderstood!" MF awkwardly smiled. "You're really hard to read with that deadpan of yours, you know?"

Foel chuckled a little bit. "If I failed to grasp your intentions, then I don't deserve you, and if I don't, then no one ever deserves to have you."

"You're getting cheesy. Turns out, a Tanomobi is just a big humanoid mouse." MF laughed, a genuine one.

"I like my cheese but that is a scrutinizingly awful joke that you threw there."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

It might've been the first time, but MF blushed behind her composed demeanor.

Foel casted an anti-friction, high concealment barrier, and other numerous utility spells before trying to construct a defensive shield. MF caught the circuit's assimilation, so she decided to tell her wife the plan.

"Avoid using offensive and defensive spells." MF smirked. "I'll leave all of the utility to you."

"Won't that be dangerous?" After having a second thought, Foel managed to catch what her partner was meant to say before MF said it herself. "I see, so what Angel are we dealing with?"

"Anvriel, two winged. It could imitate our strongest spells if you're not careful. I'm afraid that we won't be able to fight its true form, and it's still a mystery how that being is still alive."

Foel then remembered the time where they fought with Elon in the unknown realm.

"Does an Angel have a soul?" Foel said.

Dodging the hell of bullets, MF and Foel had reached Abe who pummeled and screamed lazers to the ever growing Angel. It might not last, as the divine entity's growth became more and more sporadic.

'A soul, huh.' MF pondered

It was stated by numerous researchers that all kinds of sentient beings have a soul somewhere anchored within their physical vessel, even gods. This meant that an unknown monstrosity called the Angel must have it, right?

'42, It will be a hard time to to find that amount of soul's anchors on an entity that complex.' MF smiled out of uncertainty. "Foel, let's dig a big hole out of it."

"Why not? Abe, make a passageway."

The giant skeleton concentrated its energy onto one single line, creating a tunnel within a wall of flesh. Not even a second, half of the damage dealt by Abe had already healed due to the contagious regeneration capability of the biblical entity. But the Avalanche Bringer didn't want to dissatisfy his master so he preserved his momentum by blasting his dark energy.

"Abe should have a pay raise within the Ouranos' jurisdiction, he has done most of the things with such efficiency a Usurper never match!"

"Master, thy words flatter me."

MF maneuvered as she threw her wife mid air. Foel took out numerous weapons of all kinds from her pocket space, shaping it all into a conical formation before she began to spin all of it in various accelerations to create a drill.

With MF behind the giant improvised drill, Foel synchronized with her position to match with her partner. Her husband also conjured numerous weapons made by the blood produced by the glands on her wings to fill the gaps of the giant drill formation. As if 300 sharp human-sized objects sincerely wasn't enough.

MF overdrove her glands to create thousands of them.

"They say that an Angel is the true menace upon the mortal realm, the judges upon the world—

"Enter me! The prime candidate for the doom bringer of all that has been created! An Angel will be my first delicacy to prey upon this world! How vile shall the erector of revolution must throw, thy engraven vow, lost within the sea that I'll tow!"

As MF boosted her wings' thrusters, the giant red hollow drill assailed forwards to open-sesame the flesh of the divine. The precarious rebel of fate had her strings of consciousness sprawled all over as it tried to seek the soul's anchors of Anvriel.

Like a giant filter onto the madness in the physical realm, her countless strings transform into a big net of metaphysical detectors to the incarnation that was devoid of anything other than white flesh and giant red veins. Although the individual strings were smaller than an atom, billions of them could add up and create a massive soul rake.


MF began to find every anchor of the Angel as she was able to comprehend the private soul's dimension where the roots of its consciousness were stored. Like a mother with tweezers to pull numerous splinters, the fanatic inked-brush of the sky pulled all of the anchors one by one.

Until 'something' prevented her from snapping the last anchor.

"So the Angel is not that dumb, huh."

Her whole being was transported into an unknown dimension. Numerous indescribable objects moved, a plane that was so rich and vibrant in color that a normal person could die because of the epilepsy it could cause by just trying to perceive the place.

The madness of trying to comprehend what she saw destroyed her brain infinitely. A unique law within this dimension has led MF to be revived numerous times. Pain wasn't the problem for MF, it was the frustration.

She then decided to close her eyes, until she noticed that her soul or consciousness center had nothing to do with what she experienced.

The Ouroboros scattered her soul strings once again, trying to rub and feel all of the surroundings through her metaphysical perception. Elongated body part, was it a leg? A tentacle? Branched like a root with countless amounts of eyes, everything pulsated as if they all were pumped by something. Going through the center of everything, she found fleshy organs that were shaping into numerous rings as it spun and merged with the surrounding.

A sound then echoed, after leaving and churning in and out of MF's ears for 666 times, it finally became a sentence that she could comprehend.

"Be.. Not. Afraid"

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