The deed and the lies, proportional wise, MF could smell the reel of frustration and angst from the tanomobi. At the very start of the confrontation, she knew that Foel wouldn't just give a lending hand to someone for free. Such was the current state of those so called hypocritical usurpers, teaching something for one or two should be the very breakfast of the shape shifting devil that managed to strip off the mask of the unkind.

The cat-like ears and tail were slowly fusing with her body once more, leaving no trace of feline shape like before. "Not only abusing someone lower than you, you're a massive pervert who found joy in others' suffering." MF secreted a high amount of petrol from her palm glands, igniting them to cripple the cuffs device before breaking them with sheer strength. The concentrated explosion charred her hands skin gorily to reveal a black-steel muscles beneath.

"Tch." The tanomobi stepped back while simultaneously constructing a barrier formation. "Kneel, you wench!"

The confusion struck her once more as her head ponder in distress of why does the person that was implanted with a slavery formation didn't abide to her words. Foel magnified her senses to appraise the mana circuit within the beggar's body.

'H-how can this be?' As if she met a new person, there is not a single trace of formation implant within the person in front of her. 'And that explosion! There is no mana essence or any trace of mana activation!'

Of course, it was the first time in her lifespan for Foel to face this kind of enemy. An enemy that was more fearsome than Calamities with how unpredictable it was alone.

MF actually rewrited her own body genetically and physically. The slave formation was embedded into her body, so she could just strip it off.

MF stood sluggishly, not because she was tired, it was because she was amused by the tanomobi's act infront of her. "I might be someone who can't use spell and formation, but I'm damn sure I can tamper that novice coding of yours!"

Foel once again tried to enforce her flagellation, but her chances of winning were lost the moment her adversary grabbed the end of her whip. No matter how much she enhanced her strength, her adversary didn't budge an inch, smiling and mocking her.

"Are you sure you're using your mana right? I didn't feel much increase of kinetic energy you put into the pulling." MF shrugged whilst grabbing the whip. "Try to focus on what your muscle can exert and increase the beating of your heart, considering your body is utilizing more of your cell, so just focus on your veins and muscle, not the whole arms."

Foel stopped pulling and started to focus on what her adversary tried to say while constructing a spell behind her. While trying to distract the fake feline, she attempted the strength enhancement like what MF told. So she pulled the whip one handed once more with a great progressive change on her physical prowess.

"Ayaya, you almost made it! Good job—"

The tanomobi shifted the concentrated magic circuit to the front as the visible magic formation evolved sequencely to shape a tube like cannon. Not even a millisecond passed, the tube fired a dark high-plasma ray to the devil's position. The whip got destroyed and the area in the stretching cone-shaped would also be disintegrated, but the question still remains with 'did she also disintegrate?'

The evaporating dust hasn't settled, her heart beats faster and faster to the moment it clouds her judgement with fear and uncertainty.

"Well, you're wrong in one thing, you need to increase the amount of the oxygen your blood pumped, not the beating of your heart. As it will only clouds your judgement~"

Foel moved out of the way due to panic instead of decapitating the devil near her. That is the moment where she realized that something is obviously wrong.

"You reek of void, a Calamity in disguise? If so, what is your purpose," Foel firmly stated, conjuring a sword of lightning core in the hope neutralizing the pseudo Calamity.

"The sea cannot be measured with a bushel. Don't strike a conclusion hastily, or your mind will crumble."

"You're not a sea, you're an abyss."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

MF started to point to the sky as if she was in distress. "Look! There is reinforcement!"

"You won't fool me—"

MF immediately rushed in.

The tanomobi froze as she didn't think that her adversary would move forward. Because her mind was preparing to command her whole body to chase her instead due to how familiar that trick. Then again, she was doomed from the moment she replied to the trickery with her beating heart affecting her judgement on close-to-close combat.

MF grabbed her hand, pressing her acupuncture and pinned Foel to the ground. The tanomobi knew that she can't conjure a magic circuit because it will aggro the devil on top of her. So for a while, she submit and tried to not doing anything stupid considering that the devious shapeshifter in her view can react almost instantly to most of her attack.

MF wanted that 'slaving power', she needed to acquire Foel.

In a close look, Foel was the kind of unyielding child-like stature, someone who will never succumb as her current look was that of a fierce kind. Her scarily sharp-pink eyes stared at the devil on top of her, with nothing she could do beside frowning in disgust.

Foel had that fierce young lady look, with a big forehead and smooth straight green hair planted on her head. Then again, she had a wide hip despite her flat chest, which irritated MF from how good her appearance contrasting the devious personality she had.

MF was trying to think of what she was going to do to her. Her mind is filled with not only distaste but also in anger and embarrassment. For many years she hadn't felt so sullied before, with her cave stepped and pressed so savagely, she wanted befitting revenge to ensure that the tanomobi she pinned would remember it throughout her life.

Killing her won't do, MF thought. Someone who are heartbroken with their effort being rendered useless would be better for mental torture because of the amplification from emotional aspect. But MF doesn't realize that she is currently thinking with her degenerate mind.

Surprisingly, MF was also a virgin after many years living her life to sate her angst. She might have touched and lulled both female and male to sleep, but not doing the act.

MF was a former male, with a strong desire to conquer a fateful partner in her life. And so at that time, she was thinking of let the tanomobi eat her own actions back by emotionally distressing her. Breaking her apart from the inside, someone who made a slave and sold them mustn't leave from her clutch without any emotional damage.

MF tilted her head while maintaining her fearsome gaze. "Are you a virgin?"

"Why would you want to know?"

"So you're!" A surge of happiness filled every crevice of the MF in heat unconsciously. "Do you know why most mana cultivation laws prefer a virgin to follow their path?"

"What are you trying to do?"

Foel remained calm as she could see some hope for survival.

"It was because their purity affects their consciousness strings!" MF said with a jeering smile. "A maiden attracts more mana autonomously because of their subconscious mental state connected to the body, it nourishes their pure seed with special energy that affects the conversion of mana. This is also why a practitioner preferred young disciples to ensure their first seed to remain and nourish the next generation of seed within their organs by introducing them to cultivation early to prevent any potential loss."

"So what? I'm already old enough where those trivial aspects won't matter for my cultivation."

"Wait, what was your age?"

A tanomobi was physically ageless, there is no possible means to determine their age even with their thinking maturity because of how there is a manchild and a dignified younglings at early age. So even the master psychologist of a well honed Skillionaire couldn't still find a way to determine those rodent people's used lifespan.

"I'm 467."

MF snickered. "And you're still a virgin."

"I want to punch you real bad but I can't."

MF stood up and left the paralyzed tanomobi on the ground. She ripped her pants to exclusively reveal the succulent junction of her thighs in front of Foel. "I guess now you know what I'm trying to hint."

"You don't even have a dick," Foel said with a revenge snickering.

Unknown to her, Foel had activated her death flag. Agape, ahe slowly beheld the great shaft unfold and grow on top of the depth. A throbbing sword wielded by a conniving shape shifter whose smile is more terrifying than a devil. The tanomobi's sharp glare became weak with every second passing, as she tried to calculate the length that exceeded what her petite body could withstand.

The former hyena reclaimed her phallus back without the 'pseudo'. A fully working male genitalia, ready to seek a warm and narrow sheath.

Despite MF having curiously learned the art of kama sutra, she doesn't want her torturer to have her first time pleasantly.

MF she ripped the tanomobi's pants between her thighs section, she then spread the legs of her submissive yet fierce prey. The battle of gazes still ensued until Foel looked to her bottom.

Speechless, Foel gazed at the approaching shaft that craved for honey in her bottom lips. At the last second, a hand forced her to look at her adversary's satisfied expression before the rod was shoved into her uterus savagely. It breaks, the first blood. The tanomobi have enough pain tolerant to dismiss the pain altogether.

"Mmhh!?' A yelp escaped from her gritted teeth, the maiden immediately channeled her body to maintain the rhythm rhythm of an uncaring predator in the haze of lust.

The excavator was excavated, her mind would go numb if she didn't enhance her body. 'If I can survive this, I might have a chance later, strike her down when she runs out of stamina, I can do this.' Foel thought, unyielding. The paralyzing stopped, she grabbed the wet grass to secure her foundation as she smiled cockily.

"Try me, wench!"

"I see, so you want, me to get rough, huh." MF breathed heavily to the rhythm, she raised one of Foel's legs and entwined the other, increasing her pace and depth to crush her partner's motivation. Still resisting, the hungry devil shoved her upper body, bending Foel's flexible leg near her cute yet fierce glare.

MF took the hand that is grabbing the wet grass, placing it to her soft cheek. "Why resist?" said the lustful devil.

With every thrust, every clapping, the shapeshifter had fallen for heed to the pleasure, it was her first time, and so did Foel.

The pain Foel felt was slowly turning into a stimulant that tickles her mind. With every sweat secreted by both who did the act, the mossy swamp began to smell enticing.

It was repulsive, Foel wanted to puke but that would only satisfy the devil.

Attempting to suppress her breathing and voice from escaping her lips too much, the tarnished tanomobi buried her free hand into her face to hide her embarrassment. Her saliva was seeping into wet grass with each second and each strong thrust. She was still a woman of high dignity, she still had to show face even in this situation so used most of her mana to enhance her physique to withstand the piledriver wrecking her womb.

Finally uncovering her tenacious expression, Foel smirked whilst drenched in sweat, mocking the devil's abilities for not being able to make her come for quite some time. "That's, all, you, got!?"

Not before long, MF increased her pace once again, she pressed deep into the womb.

"Mmhh~!" Foel's voice was slowly enticing the one she knew as Meshia, fueling the lustful primal urge to mate like a wild animal in an enclosure. Not a care in the world, only that one thing, and that one thing alone.

After several more seconds, it came to an abrupt stop as the woman could feel the fluids shot inside her. It dove deep into her womb, thrusting at a much less rate but more powerful to insure that they go in. And then, only their breaths remained.

The seed leaked out like honey from a bee's nest, dripping down and staining the soil under it.

But MF wasn't done, she thrusted into her cave still full of sticky liquid once more, took her up and carried her for another ride.

They go on and one for hours. At the last strength both can muster, MF decided to do it from behind as Foel's face limped to the ground.

"Be my slave! My experimentation! My partner!" MF then bent down her upper torso as she gripped the woman's luscious and mature hip, then whispered "My wife."

The final seed had been injected, accumulating with the amount from the former ejaculation, MF pushed the seed in slower pace again and again, with her pelvic loudly clapping with the cheek of Foel's raised hip.

They fell down, the white liquid dripped to create a pool of wasted honey. And so, the premature wedding ended.

"So," MF gasped. "How is my proposal?"

"Tch, just.... do whatever you want."

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