Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses

Chapter 62 - The Start Of Faith Gathering

A small golden kite shield, layered with another thicker silver part shaped like an oval, slightly sticking out of the top below the obtuse-triangle edge of the first layer. Perfect for smashing someone on the head while also protecting the knuckle and allowing the user to hold another weapon on the shielding hand. The golden part was mostly covered with angelic runes.

The gauntlet was graciously exotic, bearing an wide hourglass-shaped silver part that narrowed on the wrist, growing finely tuned articulated plates that were stacked on each finger. Below the protection from the knuckle to the tip was a leathery dark material that covered the whole palm. Behind the blooming shape of the wrist protection was multiple layering of thick golden plates heavily engraved with runes.

As for the crown, it could be described as menacing. It had six enigmatic white plated horns that made up the ring and were coated with golden crystal-like veins that were growing to the tip. 

'The crown won't even fit due to the existence of the immovable halo on top of my head! Why did the halo resonate with it?'

Despite not having any footsteps upon the mana cultivation path, she was still able to read circuit formation and determine its traits and features. But the divine artifacts were engraved by holy runes, and MF haven't stumbled upon many tomes or codex regarding those.

Knowing that these objects were highly sought by many, even by immortals. The chances of a neutralized Angel giving or spawning any divine artifact was close to mythological, meaning that it didn't even reach the two-digits amount that was already extracted by the associations of those so called Usurpers.

They are higher than an M.A.D, and would also give a cheat-like benefit to MF in which she was drooling with excitement as she examined the runes engraving of the artifacts.

Curious, she tried to put the crown on top of her head. When in contact with her halo due to the sheer size of it, the halo immediately disintegrated the crown as the golden dust from it was immediately absorbed by the plasma ring.

"What the hell!?"

Her halo began to illuminate the sea of flowers and the surrounding brighter than any source of light in the vicinity. Her expression was mostly that of a big question mark, she was scared and intimidated of what happened.

After a while, the light began to dim as it went back to its former state. There were numerous visible angelic runes-engraving silhouettes that appeared and disappeared at random. MF couldn't see it clearly but she was as curious as a suicidal cat, so she grew a temporary eye on her palm to examined her halo without any restrictions.

"This is surprisingly entrancing."

The fading in and out runes had mesmerized her as if it had a charming and calming effect to anyone who perceived it, the owner was no exception and it would probably affect a life form with lower intellect.

Then somehow, she was able to perceive a streamline of an unknown subconscious energy getting sent to her soul continuously, albeit at a small amount continuously. There was also a difference in stream density between the others. Currently, there were only couples of sources that were dense enough to be felt and perceived by MF.

Starting from the densest, they were Foel, Damascus, and Tuli. There were other sources that came from the likes of Elon and Lacrus but they were mostly at abysmal levels that couldn't even be counted.

MF then tried to calculate to fill the gap behind the halo science. Foel would probably have already sent MF its subconscious energy from couples of days after they encountered each other, the density of the energy stream was only elevating ever since. The energy from Damascus and Tuli were also quite dense but then again all of these didn't affect much of her soul due to the micro amount.

'... I see.'

MF noticed that this subconscious energy was meant to represent 'Faith'. Her consciousness didn't even detect the streams from the beginning because it was too low in amount, the upgraded version of her halo was sharpening her perception to catch and detect this kind of fluctuation.

'Minor Overseer' halo trait had been found and acquired.

"Anvriel, do you really want me to become a Deity?"

Her eyes were upon the location of the angel's physical vessel. It might be a hint or message that Anvriel was meant to deliver, it could be anything and MF was excited to find it out.

"Just you wait. After I'm done appraising these divine artifacts, I will begin to use your cute body for my genetic experimentation! I will uncover every fiber of your being!"

Anvriel was supposed to be dead but somewhere, she felt that she was molested by the emitted thought that the Ouroboros had constructed within her head alone.

Aside from the enhanced subconscious energy perception, she felt nothing had changed. Until one of the curious wisps near her began to speak.

"A strange creature, a powerful creature! didn't understand, a beautiful light circle?"

It wasn't within any language that MF had learned, as if the halo was interpreting it straight onto MF's perception. An idea struck to the mind as she immediately grasped some bits on what her new version of halo did.

"What is wrong, my little wisp?" MF said, her experience showed a great interest upon the weird phenomenon that was beheld by her. 

"Little wisp? Yes! I understand you, a smart and weird animal. Do you understand me?" said one of the wisp.

The other wisps began to join the conversation.

"Shiny circle thingy, want to touch."

"A weird animal gives comforting light, this weird animal must be god."

"So a weird animal is actually god?"

"God is a powerful animal, a circle that emits a lot of energy. I follow, the soothing feeling is nice."

'... So the halo is the god now!?" MF inaudibly ranted.

It was weirdly exciting for MF to be able to grasp the view and level of understanding of this world from these sentient energies. Many Usurpers hunted them to nourish their mana sea, and they are extremely rare to begin with. It could be because most of the wisps that came with the creation of Domeniul Ceresc were mostly newborn. 

Because within some of the knowledge that she gathered, wisp was a highly intelligent being. It was shown with their sentence making in their own way of communication and their capabilities of communicating with the other wisps in the first place.

Many wisps might be born in the future, it would be beneficial if MF was able to convert the newest generation into her followers. Maybe the increasing amount of 'Faith' will matter in the future? Not to mention that she had a thousand civilians within Ouranos Citadel that she planned to convert into loyal and tempered followers.

"Ehem.." MF then began her dramatic pose of open arms to start her followers' conversion. "I can understand, I can know, I can give, and I can take what is willed, my little children~ Curiosity and naivety might be etched deep within each of you, but do not be afraid! As all of you will be guided to the right path within my unrelenting shadow~"

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