Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 164: Geometric Martial Arts

Su Junyu arrived a little later. Before arriving at the Immortal Academy, he had a meal with several Wanfamen disciple brothers who came with him, so he arrived at night.

After he opened the door and entered his room, he saw Xiang Qi staying inside. Su Junyu immediately took two steps back expressionlessly and checked the door lock.

"It's indeed broken. I just said that I seemed to have overlooked something before I opened the door. It turned out that I forgot to unlock the door and came in directly - what are you planning to do? Do you know that this is against the law?"

Facing Su Junyu's running direction, Xiang Qi responded with a smile: "My brother, there is no need to be polite."

"Ghost! My surname is Su and your surname is Xiang. We are not the same family at all."

"Anyway, you should be used to it - when we were still in Lei Yang Xianyuan, I wouldn't knock on the door when I went to your room."

Su Junyu held his forehead: "No wonder I skipped the step of opening the door and opened the door directly - my original thought has already defaulted to the fact that locking the door is useless if I live in the same area as you."

"Well said."

Su Junyu threw out a box of pastries: "Here, local specialty, Lihang almond cake."

Xiang Qi put away the pastries and touched her storage bag: "I'm ready. The desserts in your hometown are better than anything else..."

"Don't talk about my hometown as if it only produces pastries." Su Junyu said righteously: "Also, I don't accept candies produced by Fenjin Valley Danfang."

Xiang Qi looked bored: "Tsk."

"That thing, you never know what the next one will taste like." Su Junyu endured the pain in his balls and said, "I still don't understand how you arrange the sugar molecules into that weird taste."

“‘The next taste is full of imagination’ is the fun part of this kind of sweet! We play it every year in Burning Gold Valley.”

"So I'm very glad that I entered the Shiwan Dharma Sect back then - then, what's going on with this guy?" Su Junyu pointed to Wang Qi on the side: "Did you feed him the local specialties of Fenjin Valley?"

Wang Qi's current condition is really not good enough. He holds a book in his hand and reads for a while, then closes his eyes and takes a nap for a few minutes before reading again.

"He is thinking about breaking through the realm." Xiang Qi told his junior brother's current situation and the matter of breaking through the realm unknowingly.

After hearing this, Su Junyu frowned and immediately became serious. He walked up to Wang Qi and took away the "Replacement Theory" in his hand: "What are you wondering about?"

"Think about the feeling when you break through." Wang Qi said: "I want to have a deeper understanding of the mental method and magic power, but when I broke through, I was confused and didn't feel the changes in my body."

Su Junyu shook his head gently: "Qi follows the spirit, and the spirit follows the intention. What you relied on to break through this time is that the change of 'true intention in the heart' drives the activation and movement of the soul, thereby promoting the operation of mana. Today, you have broken through to the middle stage of qi training. This is how you It’s not like I don’t know.”

"The power of knowing what it is but not knowing why is not fun enough to use." Wang Qi looked disgusted. As a modern person from the earth, he will not mind the "technological black box". But as a researcher, he cannot tolerate too many black boxes in his professional field.

"It's useless for you to think about it like this." Su Junyu shook his head: "When you were writing the paper, you devoted yourself to solving the problem, but the content of your thinking was related to the core essence of your own practice. Therefore, you unconsciously achieved the combination of Qi and Shen. It is in harmony with the intention. If you think about the problem and figure out the mental method at the same time, it will be difficult to achieve this state. "

Xiang Qi said helplessly: "Do you think I don't know these principles? But he always wants to give it a try."

"I want to design a method that is most suitable for me, and it is best within the next six months, when I can consult experts in multiple fields at the same time." Wang Qi said, "So I always want to figure out the method quickly. Dharma traits.”

Su Junyu was surprised. Design your own legal base? Doesn't this guy know that most of the magic bases are designed by master-level figures? Why are you so confident?

"The current Faji is not enough for you to play with?"

Wang Qi helplessly spread his hands: "Can you find me a foundation that includes the Elephant Phase Wave Technique and Ripple Xuanqi?"

Wang Qi was the first disciple to practice the Elephant Phase Wave Technique during the Qi training stage, and he was also the first to practice the Ripple Xuanqi before the later stage of foundation building. He hopes to turn this temporary advantage into permanent capital and integrate these two techniques into the foundation.

Su Junyu pondered for a moment: "You're going to be fooled. Forget it, I won't go into detail on this part. If you have any questions, just ask me. But you can't think about it like this. I'll give you some advice later..."

Wang Qi jumped up and said: "What are you waiting for? Now!"

Wang Qi knew Su Junyu's level. With the guidance of this true disciple of Wanfamen, I can figure out the essence of the technique faster than myself.

Su Junyu said goodbye and asked another question: "You write literature papers just to think about your own path, right?"

Wang Qi nodded: "I think half a year is a bit tight."

"Where's the paper? Show it to me."

Wang Qi took out his papers, thirteen in total, covering geometry, algebra, functions, group theory and other aspects of mathematics. Looking at the thick pile of mathematics papers he had unknowingly saved, Wang Qi was also somewhat proud and thought to himself: "Back then, I applied not for the University of Copenhagen but for the University of Göttingen. Maybe my academic status is even higher."

Su Junyu has achieved great success in heaven. His calculation power and thinking speed are far superior to ordinary people. He also has a high level of arithmetic and can read papers very quickly. Since there was no new development in these papers, he quickly read through all thirteen copies.

Wang Qi wanted to ask Su Junyu what was missing, but at this time, Su Junyu asked a strange question: "Do you understand the straight line?"

Since the Geometry God opened the geometry method, is there anyone who doesn't understand it?

Wang Qi was about to ask this question, but Su Junyu suddenly shouted: "Big straight!"

Su Junyu's left foot stepped out like lightning, and his right hand suddenly swung out, without any fancy moves, just a straight line, but the momentum was unstoppable!

Is this... a test of my kung fu?

Wang Qi did not dare to neglect it, and used the geometry book to analyze Su Junyu's finger. It was indeed a standard straight line equation! He swung his right hand casually, and the trajectory of his fist was just tangent to Su Junyu's straight line.

Snap! Wang Qi used just the right force to take away Su Junyu's attack.

"Double arc!"

Su Junyu took another step, and his left hand brought up two and a half arcs, with no strength but actually forcing people. He used the whole virtual and real, but with a three-point fierce spirit, and went straight to Wang Qi's face!


Wang Qi twisted his waist and used his magic power, punching out in a straight line, tangent to Su Junyu's fist again, breaking this move.


Su Junyu retracted his right hand to his waist, then his palm knife from small to large made countless knife flowers, stabbing Wang Qi fiercely.

This is... a spiral?

The difficulty increased all of a sudden!

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