Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 201: The art of talking and sitting down to talk

Bo Xiaofeng slammed his face against the wall, feeling ashamed to face his ancestors.

Sister, sister...you are...

"Tsk tsk, your sister is really a genius!" At this time, a voice that sounded particularly annoying sounded.

Bo Xiaofeng looked at Su Junyu who came over with ill intentions with tears in his eyes: "If you want to fight, let's find a place to fight now."

Su Junyu waved his hands: "No, no, no, I'm sincere. We are all mathematicians, you should also know how much help this kind of persistent character will give her, right?"

Bo Xiaofeng banged his head against the wall twice before looking at Su Junyu: "Indeed. My sister, when she is not thinking about math problems, is just an ordinary child, at most a little spoiled..."

"She is like this when it comes to math." Su Junyu looked at the ring: "I thought my little brother was in trouble this time. Now it seems that there is no problem if the opponent is your sister!"

Bo Xiaofeng was furious: "What are you talking about!"

Su Junyu pouted: "See for yourself."

The situation on the field is developing in a direction that makes people confused.

Facing a stubborn question, Wang Qi thought for a moment and answered seriously: "This seems to involve a very complicated math problem."

Bo Xiaoya nodded: "Indeed, logically speaking..."

Wang Qi shook his head: "No, we can go a little deeper - have you studied set theory?"

Bo Xiaoya nodded as if she understood. She didn't understand the relationship between this and set theory.

In mathematics, sets and logic are two very close fields. Sets are the basis of mathematical language, and logic is the only tool for mathematical research. Both are the most basic part of mathematics and the foundation of mathematics. A logical problem will also involve a math problem.

But...about the definition of "aboveboard"? This seems to be closer to a word game?

Looking at Bo Xiaoya with a puzzled expression, Wang Qi was secretly happy in his heart,

Wahahahahaha, stubbornness is really cute! It seems that it is not a problem to lie to you for more than an hour!

Although he was about to laugh in his heart, Wang Qi was still very calm on the surface. He gathered a bit of magic power, cut off a hair of his own, and asked: "Miss Bo, please look, I cut off a hair of my own."

Bo Xiaoya's attitude was not very friendly: "I can see it myself."

Wang Qi didn't care: "If I keep cutting, how many hairs can I cut to be considered bald?"

"Huh?" Bo Xiaoya opened her eyes wide and was asked: "This... What is the specific definition of the concept of 'bald'? Hair coverage area? Or coverage ratio? Or number of hair roots?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "There is only one definition of 'bald'."

Bo Xiaoya shook her head in confusion: "I don't know."

Wang Qi continued to ask: "If I want to create a set called 'bald', how many people in Shenzhou do you think can be counted as elements in this set?"

"Can something without a clear definition be counted as a set?" Bo Xiaoya put down the long sword in her hand and continued to ask back.

At this moment, Bo Xiaoya actually touched all defenses! In theory, Wang Qi has a great chance of defeating her by launching a surprise attack. But will Wang Qi do that?

Hehehe, of course not! Now is the time for me to show my domineering spirit!

"Why not?" To show his sincerity, Wang Qi also put away his sword: "You know, the definition of a set is 'a set refers to a collection of concrete or abstract objects with certain specific properties'. Doesn't the concept of 'bald' conform to the four words 'certain properties'?"

Bo Xiaoya shook her head in confusion. This question is a bit difficult to understand.

How to calculate such unclear things?

Wang Qi sat on the ground and said, "Sit down, in fact, we can discuss this issue."

Bo Xiaoya sat opposite him stupidly: "Discuss... what?"

Wang Qi pointed to the sky and then to the ground: "In fact, there are still many such unclear definitions in the world."

Bo Xiaoya said puzzledly: "You point up and down... Does this have anything to do with life?"

"Ahem, don't care about these details anymore. You see, we are all discussing this kind of vague problem, why should you care about the details?"

The girl nodded: "That's right."

Wang Qi cleared Clearing his throat, he said, "Where were we talking about? Oh, by the way, in fact, we will encounter many concepts without clear boundaries, such as 'a pile of sand'. One grain of sand cannot be counted as a pile, and two grains cannot be counted either. So how many grains of sand can be counted as a pile? Another example is 'beauty and ugliness'. What is beauty? What is ugliness? Can this be quantified? How to quantify it? Miss Bo, how many points do you think your appearance can be rated?"


Wang Qi's series of questions made Bo Xiaoya a little dizzy. This was the first time she thought about such "imprecise" questions with the attitude of thinking about calculations. After a long while, she said, "These seem to be things that are artificially defined. Can this be regarded as a false proposition?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "Miss, do you think your brain is not composed of elementary particles and the four spirits of the beginning of the world? Doesn't your soul conform to the theory of spiritual energy?"

Bo Xiaoya shook her head honestly.

"The human mind is the function of the thinking organ. The thinking organ is a natural product and the result of the Tao. So why should the concepts that the human mind conceives be excluded from the concepts of nature?"

The Bo family children were silent.

Then, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"What is that guy talking about?"

"Why did you start discussing the Dao?"

"Is this a delaying tactic?"

The faces of Su Junyu and Bo Xiaofeng had changed.

The question Wang Qi asked was not something mysterious, nor was it a word game. What he was talking about was one of the most important mathematical achievements of the earth in the middle of the twentieth century - fuzzy mathematics.

In the minds of many people, mathematics must be rigorous and precise, and there is no room for error. Even a decimal point error will produce a result of "a slight error leads to a thousand miles of error".

However, the real advanced mathematics is that even "uncertainty", "imprecision" and "imprecision" can be axiomatized for you.

Fuzzy mathematics and chaos mathematics are the proof that mathematics has set foot in the uncertain world.

"So." Wang Qi smiled very evilly: "Let's start with logic and discuss this issue carefully!"

In this way, I can delay it as long as I want, hahahaha!

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