Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 12: Don’t imitate the sages in a place like this (Second update)

While several free and easy monks were meeting, Wang Qi was thinking hard on his bed.

Xiong Mo's experiment gave him a hint of inspiration. But this hazy thing can't make him make a breakthrough.

Because what he wants to challenge is the common sense of Shenzhou Xiandao.

In the time-travel novels that Wang Qi read in his previous life, the meaning of the protagonist's existence is to rape the common sense of the indigenous people. But this is reality. As a seeker of the way of heaven and earth, the Shenzhou monks will not have too many loopholes in the theory of cultivation.

Since it is said that "if you don't understand the theory, you can't practice the skills to a high level", then he can't just bypass the theory of evolution and practice "Tianyan Tulu".


"How can Xiong Mo, a monk from Lingshou Mountain, come to teach Liuyun Sect?"

Wang Qi has been concerned about this question for a long time. But now, it has been replaced by a bigger problem.

"His experiments involved zoology, genetics, biochemistry, and bioengineering. The experiment on the insect demon involved aerodynamics represented by the Liuyun Sect, and the one on the flower demon required optics..."

If it was a general experiment, it could be explained as an experiment completed by a large research team. But Xiong Mo's research was too heavy, and no cultivator was willing to play tentacles with him. According to the experimental plan and experimental report, these were all completed by him alone.

But can one person master so many theories?

"Mastering theories" and "memorizing theories" are not the same thing. Otherwise, modern practitioners would not have to reject most people who seek immortality, let alone work hard to deal with ancient practitioners-with the memory of high-level cultivators, memorizing a library is just a piece of cake. If memorizing books is enough, wouldn't modern practitioners be able to sweep the world by spreading theoretical books?

"I need a Watson to find blind spots..."

Wang Qi turned over and muttered to himself.

As a result, he thought about this problem all night.

The next day, Su Junyu was really shocked when he saw Wang Qi: "You look so listless, did you go to comprehend the way of living beings last night?"

"Comprehend the way of living beings" means the same as "studying biology" on Earth, and is the abbreviation of "comprehending the way of reproduction of living beings". It has a vulgar connotation in certain circumstances. But Su Junyu forgot that Wang Qi had just entered the immortal path not long ago, how could he understand such connotation?

Wang Qi thought that he was indeed thinking about an experiment of a monk in Lingshou Mountain, so he nodded: "Indeed."

Su Junyu's face immediately became subtle: "Which family is Xinyue... ah, no! I'm an assistant teacher, I have to deduct your conduct points, bastard! You are a student ah ah ah ah!"

Wang Qi understood the meaning of Su Junyu's words after a little thought, but his focus fell on something else: "Xinyue actually has that kind of place?"

"You don't know?" Su Junyu seemed to have taken a mental attack: "Is it the so-called true love... Damn, it's only been a short time..."

Your FFF group's general speech is What's going on... Wang Qi looked at Su Junyu with a painful face: "Spending your first time in a brothel is too low-class..."

This sentence almost had a critical effect on Su Junyu: "I, I, I, I don't envy the guys who are promiscuous in such places... Not at all!"

"Eh?" Wang Qi became interested: "How many years have you been single?"

"Asshole, even you come to laugh at me... You too, right?"

Wang Qi replied softly: "How old am I and how old are you?"

Su Junyu was defeated by Wang Qi's vicious combo, crouching with his head in his hands, uh, maybe crying with his head in his hands. Seeing his old friend's cowardly look, Wang Qi felt sincerely happy.

This is to build your own happiness on the pain of others, right? What? I masturbated all my life in my previous life? Ah ha ha ha, such a small thing... Ah ha ha, why am I suddenly a little depressed?

After a while, Su Junyu recovered: "Forget it, I don't think you will be a big step ahead... What did you do last night?"

"I read the experimental reports and experimental plans of Teacher Xiong."

Su Junyu showed sympathy: "What? It turns out that your mental health value is so low that you have nightmares."

Wang Qi: "I am really thinking about the problem. How did Teacher Xiong complete the experiment?"

Su Junyu was shocked: "Have you awakened a new... orientation?"

"I think being half-human and half-insect is also a cute point." Wang Qi was very serious: "And I am not thinking about reproducing the experiment."

As he said, Wang Qi told Su Junyu his doubts.

Why can Xiong Mo use theories across so many fields to conduct experiments?

Isn't it said that only by understanding the theory can you comprehend the skills and spells in this area?

After listening to Wang Qi's theory, Su Junyu shook his head: "You got a basic concept wrong."

Wang Qi was confused: "What?"

"The relationship between 'the truth sought by the predecessors' and 'the technique of our cultivation' is not that simple." Su Junyu waved his finger at Wang Qi: "But you just asked the right person! One law leads to thousands of laws. No one can better grasp the relationship between the two than my Wanfa Sect."

He was arrogant, as if to say "Come and ask me, I will tell you if you ask me."

Wang Qi bowed: "I hope Brother Su will teach me."

Su Junyu nodded with satisfaction: "You are teachable. Do you know what you are learning now?"

"The axioms summarized by the predecessors of various sects when they explored the great way."

Su Junyu nodded: "Then do you think that one axiom is enough to construct a spell?"

Wang Qi was stunned. Seems to have caught something.

"A technique or a method is supported by several axioms." Su Junyu continued: "Just like a tree wants to grow, both bark and xylem are essential - do you understand what xylem is? If you understand, Okay. If we compare the spell to a leaf, then the fundamental path contained in this spell is the xylem of the tree, and the other axioms involved in this spell are the bark. "

"Without other axioms, a tree is still a tree, and it can still be called a good material. It can be used as a material to build your road to enlightenment and the ladder to heaven. However, without the 'bark', which is the other axioms that constitute the magic, the wood will always be It's just wood, and Tao is just Tao, and it can't produce 'skills'."

"And if there is only bark, the leaves can still exist, but they lack xylem and cannot grow taller. They will fall when the wind blows. Therefore, no one can achieve enlightenment by relying on a technique, unless his understanding is high enough to follow the technique. The Chinese counterattack came out.”

"In other words, a great art involves many axioms. Even if you don't understand the fundamentals of this art, you only need to realize that this art involves one of the axioms. Of course, when the bark of the tree is peeled off, it will be peeled off from the heel to the tip. A tree with only a strip of bark will not be very prosperous, and the spells produced in this way are probably not as powerful as those used by those who have understood the fundamental way."

After Su Junyu finished speaking, he looked embarrassed, waiting for Wang Qi to praise him. However, he was disappointed. He looked at Wang Qi and found that the other person's face was horribly dark.

Wang Qi asked: "Brother Su, I would like to ask how monks usually express their congratulations after realizing a major Tao? What are the customs in the Immortal Tao?"

Su Junyu pondered: "In terms of customs...our Wanfa School has retained the tradition of following the Demon Lord of Geometry. The Demon Lord realized enlightenment in the bath one day. He forgot to put on his clothes and flew up into the air with his sword and shouted, 'I understand'. The Demon Lord Many disciples are imitating—Hey! What are you doing?”

Wang Qi pulled off his belt, put his hand on his clothes, and replied coldly: "Imitate the sages."

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