Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 388 Farewell, Shenjing [Two-in-one update]

Reiki is a good thing. It shakes the second law of thermodynamics and makes life easier to appear; it allows people to more easily bypass the theory and obtain various magical powers. However, it is also hindering the development of science.

In this spiritual universe, "self-transcendence" and the path of modern Dharma are contradictory. This is not determined by the subjective will of immortals or mortals, but by the operating code engraved deep in the universe by the physical quantity of "spiritual energy" and the highest instinct of "continuation of life."

Perhaps the vast majority of immortals do not harbor subjective malice towards mortals, and perhaps there are many immortals who harbor subjective goodwill towards mortals, just as green terrorism also exists among people on earth. However, they are immortals who have transcended, and this will not change.

They are too powerful.

The spiritual energy captured in their breath may be enough to destroy the world. Just as humans don't care how many germs their immune systems kill, they don't care how many mortals they destroy by their unintentional actions. It's good to protect the beautiful flowers and plants. It's an interesting game, but it doesn't matter if you accidentally step on them when passing by.

But for modern Dharma cultivators who advocate moving from disorder to order, detached immortals are no different than demons.

This universe is huge. According to the estimation of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the existence time of this universe is 20 billion years, and the observable radius is 70 billion light years.

However, the universe is huge and life is even bigger.

A mere Chinese state has already welcomed several groups of immortals. Wang Qi has reason to believe. There must be more immortals floating around in this universe. For twenty billion years, life may be born in every second. Even if only one in a trillion lives can become an immortal, that is still a terrible number. And the most ancient immortal may already have the most incredible power.

The development speed of today's legal system may be very fast, but. In this war, time is on the side of the immortals.

And no one wants their fields to be overrun by wild boars at any time. Only fools would pin the safety of their fields on the "kindness" of wild boars.

But now, two "farmers", one big and one small, are gathered in the fantasy world of Ten Thousand Immortals, discussing the next step.

"According to your original plan, go to the West Sea." Feng Luoyi said to Wang Qi: "There is my next plan over there in the West Sea."

Wang Qi scratched his head: "Can Ning tell me what can be arranged this time?"

"Refining the mind in the world of mortals" essentially means slowing down cultivation. Experience the world. Grasp your true heart during this experience so as not to get lost in power and longevity. In other words, you can do anything at this stage, just slow down your cultivation and think about life.

"Dragon clan."

Feng Luoyi brought up a screen with files on fifty-three individuals. Wang Qi discovered that the one at the bottom was himself. Zhao Qingfeng, Lu Wan and others are also on the list, but their avatars are black and white. This is the list of banished immortals.

Feng Luoyi lightly touched Wang Qi's head with his finger. Remove the avatar: "Forty-three, all the banished immortals we have. There are less than thirty alive now, including him..." Feng Luoyi clicked on the avatar of a middle-aged man with a majestic expression: " The Holy Emperor, the master of Splitting Heaven, is currently overseas. In addition, there are also those who were relegated to the demon clan, such as these..."

"The controllability of the demon race's banished immortals is too low, so they are all sealed and sleeping. Among the human race's banished immortals, the six most uncontrollable ones have also been sealed. Among the remaining twenty or so people, six have subjective The consciousness is biased towards the Immortal Alliance, and they are jointly studying in a very close place, while the other exiles are placed in Shenjing and Langde according to their personal attitudes."

"Shenjing is a petri dish, and it doesn't matter how those banished immortals grow up in it. The banished immortals who have no intention to fight against the Immortal Alliance are placed in Langde. It is a military powerhouse and is closely monitored. Those banished immortals can participate in the Immortal Alliance Alliance affairs, so that it will not be separated from the Immortal Alliance, and it will not feel overly monitored. "

"We can control all the banished immortals on the road. But there is nothing we can do about the sea monsters and the banished immortals that may exist in ancient overseas practices. Especially in the past few years, when the Dragon King of the West Sea went crazy for no reason, we suspected that there were banished immortals. Participate, even the Dragon King of the West Sea is the awakened banished immortal."

Wang Qi asked: "The majesty of the dragon?"

Feng Luoyi nodded: "We now need you to investigate the Dragon Clan as the 'Exiled Immortal' and the 'Holy Envoy'."

Wang Qi said doubtfully: "I understand the identity of the banished immortal. Not many people know that I was cleared of suspicion. But the 'Holy Envoy'..."

Feng Luoyi tapped Wang Qi's chest: "Do you remember what I helped you refine?"

"'May all your wishes come true'?"

"You have the aura of the Holy Emperor of the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan may have a good impression of you."

Wang Qi frowned: "If it's just 'maybe I have a good impression'... I think I will be in danger, right?"

"No one knows what the Dragon Clan's attitude is towards the Immortal, and no one knows to what extent they have been eroded by the Immortal. Other Immortal Alliance monks who have refined the aura of the Ancient Dragon Emperor may not be able to get along among the Dragon Clan." Feng Luo Yi Dao: "In future strategies, the dragon clan's intelligence is very important."

Wang Qi pointed at himself: "So... I am the only choice?"

"You are just an attempt by the Immortal Alliance." Feng Luoyi corrected: "The Immortal Alliance has been sending out communication intentions to the Dragon Clan in various ways. However, the Dragon Clan's true attitude has always been ambiguous. You have opened up the situation. The possibility is nothing more. However, the Immortal Alliance and the Dragon Clan have maintained a special tacit understanding, and no one has devoted their real strength to the all-out war. "

Wang Qi nodded: "I understand."

"The Ancient Dragon Emperor is a powerful man who has survived for hundreds of millions of years. He has also experienced the rise of four civilizations and the decline of three civilizations. He may know more about immortal heaven and immortals than we do. Or, he may also know He is the most difficult immortal here. We must decide whether to cooperate with him, kill him, or capture him." Feng Luoyi said: "In addition, you must pay attention to the fact that the dragon clan may also hunt and kill immortals. the behavior of."

Wang Qi broke into a cold sweat: "Teacher Feng, you really don't want to trick me to death, do you?"

"If you are willing, set up a port in your fairy-level calculator, and I will let a consciousness follow you at any time."

Wang Qi became energetic.

What kind of treatment is this? This is real grandpa treatment! This new old man can help fight monsters and answer all questions. He is completely different from the one in the ring!

He knows. This is the "reward" given by Feng Luoyi, but the price...

"You don't need to be too nervous. You are just an attempt by the Immortal Alliance, so you just follow the original plan and complete the human heart refining in the West Sea. Maybe after you finish the mortal heart refining work, you can prepare to return to the mainland to form elixirs. At that time, I didn’t even see the shadow of the dragon clan.”

Wang Qi asked doubtfully: "Just walk around there?"

"That's the case at the moment. But in ten years, after your Yuan Shen stage, if things don't change, you may be included in the ANBU to be responsible for this matter." Feng Luoyi said: "The Immortal Alliance has decided to do this within a few years. Before Xihai makes a big move, shake off the lice on your body, if you can get on the line with the Dragon Clan, the Immortal Alliance may be able to save a lot of power."

"Also, you can also try to contact those exiled immortals in the West Sea, or join the remnants of overseas ancient cultivators in the name of 'defection'. But these things are not important."

"As a price, your identity of 'Exiled Immortal' cannot be removed before the soul. This means that most of your papers must be blocked or published under a pseudonym. You will not be able to obtain any support from the Immortal Alliance for the time being. "

"However, as compensation for you, you will be exposed to the 'real power' of the Immortal Alliance."

Wang Qi's eyes shone: "Real power?"

"I will tell you these things later. Now, go and explain everything to your friends. The specific extent is up to you." Feng Luoyi waved his hand and drove Wang Qi out of the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals: "Also, prepare to go to the West Sea Bar!"

When the sun rose, Wang Qi stood on a remaining section of the city wall, looking at the Shenjing City that had begun to be rebuilt.

The power of the powerful inner demon curse that is so strong that it cannot be undone is flowing in this city. Since he has been completely transformed, he will not affect people's minds. On the contrary, all those who are cursed can get a basic amount of mana from it.

perhaps. Should it be called the "Seven Treasures Ruyi Mantra"?

Those sects recruited by Feng Luoyi have begun to look for ways to incorporate mortals into their own systems.

The city began to operate according to a new order, moving from disorder to order.

Just like living things.

Wang Qi had a glimmer of enlightenment. The arrangement and combination of genetic information at the lowest level of the way of life, the development of groups, the strategic groups in the instincts of all living things in the entire universe, and the game theory on a cosmic scale... all of this can be represented by mathematics.

The flames of life surged out of his body, turned into threads, and began to weave some shape. But the moment it took shape, the life flames retracted into their own bodies.

Wang Qi's breath changed. He tamed the flames of fate. Even if you don't have your own specially made dragon coins, you can still suppress your skyrocketing cultivation level by yourself.

Wang Qi looked at his hand in surprise: "This is really an unexpected gain."

Behind him, Chen Feng shook his head: "You guys, let us come here to see the scenery with you, don't you just want to show off?"

Last night, Wang Qi selectively told Chen Feng some of the facts. He made the inference that "immortals are enemies", but did not tell the eternal class in the universe.

Some things are really not suitable to be disclosed. This is not because Wang Qi is pretending to be cool and wants to fight alone. Rather, there is some news that will only shake the foundation of the entire Immortal Alliance, eventually causing Wang Qi's own interests to be damaged.

It’s just the optimal strategy combination.

By the way, he also told everyone that he was going to the West Sea as an "undercover agent". Now, everyone is here to say goodbye.

"You have to climb high to say farewell. Besides, it's only human nature to take one last look at the place where I have fought for three or four years before leaving." Wang Qi shook his head: "Subjugating the Fate Flame is just an unexpected gain at the right time."

As early as when Ai Qinglan showed him the way of life at the level of genetic information, Wang Qi Tianyan's catalog was on the verge of a breakthrough. Feng Luoyi's theory of interpreting the picture of the universe from the perspective of game theory made his foundation stronger. It's no surprise when he breaks through.

However, evolution is inherently random and unpredictable. It is at this point that Tianyan Illustration is difficult to grasp.

Ai Qinglan looked pityful: "Really, your talent in the way of living beings is pretty good."

It's natural for her to feel so sorry. After it's over. Grandmaster Zhuang Xueling, as the highest official person in charge of the Xianmeng League, brought the Xianmeng League to formally handle this matter. Because of Wang Qi's outrageous behavior, he was prohibited from conducting any further demonstrations related to the way of life.

Wang Qi is not very sorry about this. He first practiced Tianyan Tulu in order to harmonize his skills. On the one hand, he studied human nature to control the life inflammation, and on the other hand, he also realized his "destiny for the people". Ideas that revolutionize humanity.

In addition, his interest in the way of life is only a "hobby". After controlling the Flame of Life and practicing his own concepts, it doesn't matter if he doesn't demonstrate the way of life.

He has established a destiny for the people and created peace for all generations. As a "mortal", he has done everything he should do.

——What's more, he also used this as an excuse to play the sympathy card with Ai Qinglan and directly wanted to take away the research notes and cultivation experience of this core disciple of Jiyin Valley. No matter how you think about it, you will definitely make money without losing money.

"Senior Sister Ai. Chen Feng, it will take me several years to leave. I may not be able to escape anytime. If you want to get married, choose a day when I can come."

Chen Feng waved his hand: "Not so fast. We plan to get married after the golden elixir is completed or the soul is completed."

"You have to spend ten more years before getting married, right?" Wang Qi raised his middle finger: "Speaking of which, what are your plans for refining your heart?"

Chenfeng looked at Shenjing City and said, "It's probably right here?"

Refining one's mind in the world of mortals is originally an "experience" and a training. Here he experienced the lowest point in his life. After experiencing the realization of his ideals and untying the knots in his heart... for him, "refining the heart" has actually been basically completed.

"Do you want to continue practicing humanistic methods here? Yes, after all, your empirical department is still here and needs to be cleaned up." Wang Qi nodded, then threw him a Lingxi bottle: "Here you go."

Chen Feng asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

"The map of the golden elixir 'Humanity'." Wang Qi said with a smile on his face: "You recruited me for this in the first place. It's a pity that at this time, we didn't have a complete system of Humanity, and my job was exposed. . However, when I obtained the permission of Wanxian True Mirror, I used the temporary high authority to entrust Wanxian True Mirror to process the data and design a golden elixir - no need to thank me, this is very rough. You can improve the rest yourself. In addition, the idea of ​​this golden elixir is very similar to the one designed by Senior Sister Ai that day, so you can ask her to help you improve it."

"You're pretending to be a public servant for personal gain..." Chen Feng took the Lingxi bottle. Said: "I wrote it. The salary I offered is not in vain."

"Hey boss, I helped you win the Daozhong reward." Wang Qi laughed a few words, then walked up to Chen Youjia and rubbed her head: "I'm sorry, I can't accompany you back this time. Home."

According to Wang Qi's plan with Feng Luoyi, Wang Qi's removal of suspicion must be kept secret for now, so he still cannot enter Wanfamen, which performs confidential affairs.

Chen Youjia pushed away Wang Qi's hand: "I know."

"Aren't you still angry?" Wang Qi reached out and pinched Chen Youjia's face.

"Don't pinch me." Chen Youjia slapped Wang Qi's hand away again. Then, she turned away and whispered: "However, I may not go to Western Xinjiang with you recently..."

Wang Qi frowned: "Well, it's okay if you don't come with me. I don't know if what I want to do this time will go smoothly..."

Chen Youjia suddenly grabbed Wang Qi's collar and pulled him to him. At a distance where the two people could hear their breath, Wang Qi clearly saw Chen Youjia's fierce eyes. She looked like a ferocious female cat and said "viciously" to Wang Qi: "You seem to be very happy! Don't mess around while I'm away!"

The girl bit Wang Qi's lips fiercely as if she was declaring her sovereignty.

"Yeah! Junior Sister Chen turns out to have such an unrestrained side!"

"Sister Lan, believe me, she will be extremely shy later..."

Sure enough, after Chen Youjia let go of Wang Qi, he immediately turned his back to everyone: "Do you remember?"

"Hehehe..." Wang Qi couldn't help himself: "Don't do this if you're shy!"


"Hahahaha..." Amidst laughter, Wang Qi felt that he already understood all the affairs in Shenjing. He set up his escape light and flew to the ANBU master Liu Yi who was already waiting. This grandmaster spends his nights recovering the Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword has consumed too much spiritual power these days. In order to prevent being intercepted on the way, they did not return to the sword box on their own. However, Wang Qi speculated that he might have also taken on the task of "replenishing the damage" to eliminate the surviving ancient methods in Shenjing that had an obvious anti-immortal alliance tendency.

Under Feng Luoyi's arrangement, the master will send him to the West Sea.

"Everyone! The green mountains will not change, and the green waters will always flow. We will see you again in the future."


Kamikyo volume, finished! (To be continued ~^~)

PS: It is said to be two in one, but in fact the number of words is slightly less, it seems to be updated in 1.6. There will be a summary and closing remarks later. In addition, I also need some time to sort out the outline of Volume 4, so that’s all I have for today~

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