Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 27: Inside the main altar

The team Wang Qi had assembled didn't look like it was going to do a quest trial. Before Mao Zimiao and Wu Shiqin overcame their own nature, they were basically bad people in this kind of trial. It might be better to participate in a battle trial.

But... Su Junyu turned his gaze to Wu Fan again. This young man's magic power was not only weak, but his body also looked like it couldn't stand the tossing. Even with the care of a foundation-building cultivator like himself, he might not be able to come out alive from the battle trial area.

Thinking of this, Su Junyu couldn't help asking: "You guys, do you really know why Wang Qi asked you to come?"

"I don't know. But Xiao Qi said he needed help, so I came here!"

Believe in Yangshen Pavilion, believe in the Avenue, believe... Damn, I have begun to doubt the intelligence of the half-demon, okay! Or does this guy look harmless when I can't see him? Half-demon little sister, if you continue like this, he will sell you out and help him count money, don't you know!

"Trial, interesting."

Interesting, your sister, interesting! You don't look like someone who is particularly crazy about calculations! You have completely misunderstood the meaning of the word "trial"!

"My parents are just casual cultivators, and their talents are not as good as yours. After being admitted to the Immortal Academy by chance, it is already very difficult to keep up with everyone's progress. It is naturally better to have the opportunity to earn merit points. And I can't talk to my senior brothers and sisters in the Foundation Establishment Stage, so it is not difficult to miss this opportunity."

To Su Junyu's surprise, Wu Fan's answer was very normal. He couldn't help but take another look at this young man with a weak sense of existence to confirm whether he was confused by the illusion.

After confirming the wishes of several new disciples, Su Junyu took them to the Immortal Academy to report. The theoretical courses missed due to the trial will be made up by the main teacher of the Foundation Establishment Stage after the trial. However, the number of assistant teachers of the Foundation Establishment Stage is limited, so the Immortal Academy has also set a rule that at least four people can go to the trial together.

After completing the necessary procedures, Su Junyu led the team to start the body movement and walked towards the top of Xinshan Mountain.

After passing the statues of the three palace masters of Tianjian Palace, the group saw the Immortal Alliance headquarters from afar.

Unlike what Wang Qi imagined, the Immortal Alliance headquarters was not a group of palaces decorated with gold - it could not even be called magnificent. The main body of the Immortal Alliance headquarters consisted of only one building. Its overall height was about the same as its width, and it looked like a short tower from a distance. But as everyone approached, the extraordinary features of the headquarters gradually emerged.

This building was divided into dozens of floors, each of which was nearly ten feet high. Every brick and tile looked ordinary, but overall, it looked majestic.

Seeing Wang Qi looking at the main altar with a playful look, Mao Zimiao couldn't help asking: "Xiao Qi, is this your first time seeing the main altar?"

Wang Qi nodded: "Yes. I thought it was a rich man's golden palace with a golden toilet."

"Is the yellow on the toilet shit or gold?" Su Junyu shook his head: "That kind of decoration is full of nouveau riche faces. But if it is a metallic style, some avant-garde monks like it. The Leiyang branch altar among the nine branch altars is composed of a group of buildings with metallic colors. Zenan Mansion, where Lei Yang belongs, is also mostly in this style."

Wang Qi suddenly became interested in this. Su Junyu's description of the Leiyang branch altar is very similar to the modern architectural style he was familiar with in his previous life, which gave him a sense of familiarity.

At this time, Wu Fan's breathless voice came: "Everyone... wait... wait for me! I need... to rest."

When everyone looked back, Wu Fan, who had a shallow foundation, had fallen behind by dozens of meters. Although Mao Zimiao broke through the Tongtian only a few days earlier than Wu Fan, these few days were enough for her to accumulate several times the mana of Wu Fan. In addition, she was a half-demon, and her physique was naturally stronger than that of ordinary people, so she could easily follow Wang Qi and others.

The physique, mana, and innate magical powers of the demon race and the half-demon are all stronger than those of the human race of the same level. However, this advantage will gradually be offset as the human race's cultivation increases and the magic is profound. As far as Jin Fa is concerned, this advantage is more obvious at most in the Qi training period. Even as strong as the dragon race can only compete with the Jin Fa cultivators of the Jin Dan stage with the body of the Jin Dan. Once the Jin Fa cultivator cultivates the Yuan Shen, he can sweep away all the cultivators of the same level.

Su Junyu looked at Wu Wu's miserable condition, secretly said "sin, sin", raised his hand and blessed him with a magic of walking.

For Su Junyu, this magic is just a casual move, but it is enough for Wu Fan to keep up with the pace of everyone.

When he was about to reach the top, Su Junyu suddenly turned his footsteps and flew in another direction. Noticing the puzzled looks of his junior brothers and sisters behind him, Su Junyu explained with a smile: "Do you see the top floor of the main hall?"

Wang Qi and the other four looked far away and found that the top floor of the main hall was not a layer of bricks and tiles, but a building on the roof.

"Illegal building?" Wang Qi laughed: "Does the Immortal Alliance also live a tight life?"

Su Junyu shook his head: "That is the main hall where Xiaoyao Daxiu and Grandmaster hold meetings, and the back hall where Xiaoyao garrison lives. Between the main hall and the back hall is the Tongtian Daotang where all the great sages and predecessors are enshrined. This main door can lead directly to the main hall. To show respect, we usually go through the side door."

After walking into the main hall from the side door, Wang Qi's breathing tightened, and he almost thought he had traveled through time again!

This floor of the Immortal Alliance headquarters is a service hall. The decoration here is consistent with the aesthetics of Shenzhou, with white marble floors, dark walls, and intricate and exquisite ceiling carvings. In the center of the hall is a round counter, where several Immortal Alliance personnel are handing over tasks with many monks. If you only see this, it is still a normal fairy-xia style, then the surroundings of the hall are a bit ruined.

The hall is surrounded by layers of translucent light curtains, with countless words on the light curtains, and they change every once in a while. Many monks are walking between the layers of light curtains. Most of these monks point at the light curtains, and occasionally someone grabs a ball of light from the light curtain and takes it to the counter in the center of the hall.

This is so fucking like the "cyberspace" seen in science fiction movies in the previous life! Could it be that Shenzhou has developed the ability to escape into the virtual world with a physical body! But this magic of entering the virtual world from the real must at least be a true immortal method! How could it be simply applied in an office!

Wang Qi shouted in his heart

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