Entering a Company From Another World!?

98 Even if the department is different, I will do it when sales effort is needed.

Jiro Tanaka, 28, with her.

She's Suela Henderberg.

Memoria Tris

Professional Dungeon Tester (Full-time)

Magic Ability 9 (Quasi-Demonic King Class)

Position Warrior


"Yes, faith."

I repeat to examine the words said to Memoria, but unfortunately, as a person living in contemporary Japan from a general family, I only have the knowledge of believing in equal religions.

"What does that have to do with the status of luck?

From there?

So I asked what kind of connection there was.

I'm sorry about Memoria, but at times like this, it's helpful because you can create a situation where you can feel comfortable listening to the quiet birds.

She puts her hand on her chin and begins explaining after a little trouble.

"So, do you know the extent to which luck affects you?

"... getting lucky or something?

Even if it is said that the scope of application of luck is too broad, I can't think of it.

So let me give you an example of something familiar.

"That's what it means, but the spindle is different. Luck is a quantified representation of how perceived it is by unrecognizable external factors."

"Unperceptible external factors?

"That's right... if it's something close to Jiro's world, it's like God. There are others, right? You may be there, but you can't see it."

By analogy, are you referring to the existence that appears in the goga jam?

God is certainly close, but I don't know what he looks like, and I've never seen him in my life, and when I say I've met him, I'm immediately suspected of being crazy.

Speaking of Japan, there may be other dragons, demons, ghosts, and elves in a sense.

At least as an exception, God has met to the extent that he can't use words that are rare these days....

Oh, there you are.

"The numbers perceived from those beings are lucky."

"... I'm sorry, I don't get the guidelines, but what exactly is perception?

"It means as it is. Give God a voice and let him know. That's just what it means."

"... like sales results?

The analogy may be bad, but I can only think of it that way.

"It is the process of recognizing the existence of God, making his face remembered by offering and worshipping prayers, and getting help."

"It doesn't make sense to see greedy emotions, but I'm generally right about that perception."

"You're not mistaken."

In that case, I am certainly not fortunate, and I am convinced that it will fall.

Speaking of things close to the prayers I make, I would say thank you for the meal.

It's for the farmers who made the ingredients and the cooks who made the food, not for God.

You're so familiar.

"It's not convenient to live."

"Even vampires?

"Vampires are harder than humans."

I guess so.

The element of luck cannot be left unattended, but I cannot say that I am told to worship God immediately.

So let's skip a little joke and get this over with.

"So, what will you do to a vampire lover who has been known to be out of business hours?

"How about dinner with me to help you with the closing?

"Now, in addition to that, let's do it right tonight."

Roger that, princess.

"... it's not bad."

Memoria's eyes smiled at her mouth with joy.

We move on to the task of carrying the loot we brought ourselves to the back.

"Well, I'll clean up the sign on the front, so the loot will be in the back warehouse as usual."

"Copy that."

I don't know what I know.

I know roughly where to place and what kind of loot.

Enhanced stats can help you do that even at times like this, and it won't be difficult to carry large luggage.

Reduce the number of round-trip journeys by carrying them together as long as the width of the road permits.

Then, in less than five minutes, the delivery was finished and the customer came back to the store.


"Good evening."

When I came back from the back warehouse, there was another girlfriend of mine who wasn't there before.

He finds me coming out of the warehouse and greets Nicole with a smile.

"We met outside the store."

"Yes, we finished our work early, so we went to dinner together. Kaido-san told me it was here."

Having the store sign in one hand would have helped me finish the shop.

Suela, wearing a contemporary skirt and sweater instead of a suit, asks Memoria where to put the sign and puts it in place.

"Then why don't we go alone?"

That's right.

"Thank you."

Until now, I was supposed to go with Memoria, but Memoria nodded to me that there was nothing wrong with Suela.

In that case, it would be a waste of time to go back to the room, so the store was equipped, the schedule changed slightly, the number of people increased from two to three, and finally, after locking up the store, we went to the underground facility at night.

It has become a form of samurai to the left and right of nature, but now it is a familiar thing, and it has become a bit chilled.

"Whoa, Jiro! Don't let the two beauties out again today!!

"Aren't you jealous?

"Ah! If I go home, my wife will be waiting for me, why should I be jealous!!

Without hiding your liquor, you cross your shoulders and make jokes with the upbeat, familiar goblin.

"Oh, Suela. Aren't you working late today? Oh, not even Memoria."

"Yeah, it's rare. We finished early. We had dinner together."

"I envy you, my husband is still at work today, can you tell Evia?

Because the relationship between me and them is already a well-known fact, Lizardman's lady can also speak up without being exposed to strange sights.

Sure, from the medical team.

"Yeah, looks like you've done a lot of disrespect too. I heard from my husband."

Thank you for your help.

Honestly, Lizardman's face is indistinguishable, but he knows it.

Anyway, I liked it with my first impression when I saw the clothes in Osaka, and I gave birth to an aunt in Osaka in a different world.

Forget the Lizardman lady with these leopard clothes and purple accessories.

Well, my personality is also pleasant and affectionate, and there are parts that are similar to Osaka people, including parts that I like to talk about, so I think it's fun to talk about it.

"I know that a man is a reckless creature, but it's not good to be reckless. That's why it's always the woman who has to wait. Understand it well. Hold on tight to Suela and Memoria and don't let go of the man's rope!

Well, that's right, but don't listen to me, I'm leaving like a storm.


Having dropped it off, we laugh face to face.

"Where will the store be... at Master's?

"If that's the case, there's a store I'd like to go to."

"Where is it?

"This way."

I didn't plan anything by accident, so I'll show you the easy part, but today Memoria has suggested that she wants to go to a store.

Undecided in particular, we follow Memoria and go deeper and deeper.

"Oden shop?


And it was all over the back.

A shop with wooden sliding doors and white fabric that expresses the retro atmosphere of the Showa era.

Heh, there was a shop like this.

"I didn't know either."

"I've been able to do it recently, so I need to do it anyway."

I used the facility many times, but I didn't know this store.

Suela is the same and doesn't seem to have different memories.

And this is how people from other worlds make Japanese cuisine.

That's why we decided to enter this store.


If you open a slippery wooden door and put it inside, you can hear a sinister voice over the counter.

It was the owner of an old dark elf dressed in white cooking clothes who welcomed us.

There is no other clerk, and he seems to be cutting it off by himself.

"Are the three of you okay?

"Go to the back counter."

I somehow knew from the store, but it was narrow inside.

There are only three customers in the shop, except for us, whether or not there are ten.

Guests of the anomalous combination of Goblin, Lizardman and the Devil are already ready and don't look at us.

The owner of the shop tried to keep the noise a little away, so they let me pass away from the trio.

In the meantime, he moves quickly, and as far as he can see, the omelette platter is completed and transported to the noisy seat of the trio, it won't be a problem on his own.

Well, it's a familiar sight to use body strengthening for cooking.

And I wonder if it would be better if the Japanese people in the shop with the atmosphere of the Showa oden restaurant put in the current situation that I'm the only one.

"Here's the menu"

"Thank you."

"Whenever an order is made"

You shouldn't worry about it.

Intuition whispers when it leads to something extra.

So I receive the menu that the store owner handed over quickly.

It is no different from an oden restaurant that I know just to glance through.

The text is also written in Japanese and in the other (Isal) language.

"Would you like a platter?

"Yes, I don't know, so I'll leave it to Jiro."

"I only know Jiro's national cuisine."

"Copy that. Drinks... I'm sorry about the sake anyway."


So I thought to myself that Memoria would often come in.

The Oden shop that entered the store with interest smelled good even if the owner was cohesive or over the counter.

I can fulfill the order to the store owner even if I have expectations in me.

And the meal served using physical enhancement will be shown again in front of me.

Under the yellow fluorescent lamp, we have an oden and sake lined up at the countertable in front of us.

Place the small plate in front of Suela and Memoria.

Start by pouring alcohol on both of them.

Well then, good night.

Good work.


Oh, that's good.

"Yes, I've never eaten this before."

Pretty good.

If the shop is tight, the food is tight.

I can honestly say that it is delicious because it makes you feel the taste of soup stock and the ingredients are thoroughly soaked with flavor.

It's also a nice accent to accompany.

Do you both like it? Chopsticks grow naturally in the next dish, and you drink while slowly eating the omelette for three.

"Speaking of which, I was wondering about Memoria earlier, what kind of god do they believe in? After all, the Lord God, Louise?

I cut out what I thought when I had some food and some hunger.

This world has different religions from country to country, and God is so diverse.

The only god I know of is the sun god and the Lord of the moon, Louise.

There may be other things that are subject to faith, but I wonder if all Demon Kings believe in the same God.

"Louise is certainly a subject of faith in our Dark Elves, but my tribe believes in the Spirit, the son of Louise."

"I believe in Louise. Some vampires believe in something else."

"Well, I thought all the Demon Kings believed in it."

Only half of the expectations were missed and half were missed.

"Most of the time. My tribe is a little special and spiritual, so I've changed the subject of nature and faith. So it's not very common."

"Is that what it is?"

Is there still an exception?

This is a good opportunity.

At this time, let's listen to a lot of things like this.

Jiro Tanaka, 28, with her.

She's Suela Henderberg.

Memoria Tris

Professional Dungeon Tester (Full-time)

Magic Ability 9 (Quasi-Demonic King Class)

Position Warrior

One word today.

To connect, we need to spin words.

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