Entering a Company From Another World!?

367 Common daily life is an irreplaceable sight

Today is the day Suela is discharged from hospital.

That day, a week from the day of the birth, which was neither a fight nor an exaggeration.

Fortunately, there was no change in physical condition after childbirth, and both the mother and child received a heartbeat of health from the doctor and were discharged today.

"Is this all you got?

I can finally say that the day has come when I feel more at ease.

"Yes, I was originally hospitalized in an emergency, and I almost slept in hospital clothes, so I don't have much luggage."

"Well, if you say so."

That's the day I'm picking up Suela for discharge.

I think there will be some sort of cleaning up of hospitalization, so I am coming early.

I live in a room that is connected within the building and short distance, but I am still worried about walking alone.

I tried to bring Himiku with me just in case.

No, I won't do it this time. I'd like to put more effort into cleaning the room to welcome the kids!

Looks like you've been careful.

In fact, Himiku's words will not lie.

When I heard that Suela was feeling well and that her child was feeling well after giving birth, I started cleaning the room.

The precautions were amazing.

I carefully cleaned and tidied up the schedule so that I wouldn't even have to do a big cleaning at the end of the year.

Himiku looks like he can't wait for a new baby to arrive when he goes out to show his strength.

That's why I'm off work today to welcome Suela and her two daughters.

The two babies are hugged by Suela wrapped in a baby wrap.

Silver and black hair sleeping smoothly.

Just looking at it makes me feel calm enough to think that negative ions are also coming out.

I have a bag in my hand that contains what I brought in the hospital.

The weight is as light as Suela said.

I have two children so naturally it should be heavier there.

There is also the feeling of being a father who wants to hold even one child.

But sitting and hugging with hate and walking with a hug are different ways.

It's also true that it's safer for Suela to hold and carry it than I do.

Besides, we have to carry the ore tree, which will be the biggest luggage.

I can't just leave it to someone else, it's on my back.

I don't have the courage to hold a child with a weapon in my possession, so I swear to God I'll look around and hug him later.

Well, let's go.


While I'm thinking about it, I'm ready to be discharged.

Slowly and slowly lower your walking speed and stride width, caring for a subdued Suera.

So we're going to walk slowly towards the dormitory, naturally.

"Oh, it's Suela! You were born safe!!

"Oh dear, you're such a cute kid."

"... unusual."

"Congratulations as the same dark elf. Congratulations! I want my next child, too."

The child also seems to stand out as a baby.

Everyone who passes by relaxes and celebrates by stopping their work and looking at the children Suela holds.

The goblin crew laughed loudly with the surrounding goblins.

The fluffy OL of Harpy smiled at Suela saying that it was good to peek at the baby while being careful not to irritate her slowly.

The passing giant congratulated the baby while measuring the distance to avoid surprise.

This is another dark elf man passing by. After thanking him beautifully, he seemed to have caught fire in a slightly different direction.

I don't like the light.

Yes, but I'm also happy.

I see.

It is repeated and celebrated every time until it reaches the room.

Of course there are feelings that say you're happy, but when you're celebrated in exaggeration, it illuminates you.

Suela is right. I never feel bad.

Rather, it feels like I'm overflowing with joy.

"Oh Jiro! I found it!

Wizard King, suppress your voice for a while. There are also babies this time. Our mind is still too stimulating for the baby. "

And two of them were waiting near the entrance to the dormitory.

Teachers Kio and Fusio.


"Demon King, Immortal King"

There were two people I haven't seen lately, but when something happens, they just pop up.

I wasn't the only one who thought it was there, and so was Suela.

Face to face, after laughing, walk to them with a smile.

Teacher Kio shouted a little, but as soon as Suela gently whispered that she was okay, she returned to her calm sleep.

Looks like you've had a lot of trouble.

"Crunchy, the birth of life is the right thing to do, and I passed that test."

The first two laugh at Suela to work.

"Thank you very much for your hard work on behalf of my child."

"Thank you for coming, sir."

"Never mind, I like it too. Well, I'm a little busy at work, so I can't take my time, so I have to get back soon."

Despite the celebration, I am truly sorry that I am not very involved. This busy body is sad this time around. So if you'll excuse me, I'll just give you something to celebrate. "

Thanks to that, Suela lowered her head to the point where she had no influence on the child, and I lowered my head accordingly.

Never mind, I apologize to Professor Kio and Professor Fusio for not well celebrating the rarity of having a child.

"One of them has hair color like Jiro's."

Because I am a parent and child, I can understand the resemblance. Is the other one a rare child? Crunchy, it's packed with good magic. "

And when Suela looked at her face to see the children, she held her arms back and showed them to them so that they could be seen easily.

"I'm looking forward to the future with my dark hair."

If I agree, I feel no less talented than a rare child.

I know these two don't say anything.

A peek at our children's perception as seen from both eyes.

That's why the words are telling the truth.

My parents, Suela and I, didn't expect to be praised so much by the two respected people, and we were delighted.

"And what's your name?

"Oh, yeah. Tell me."

And Suela and I laughed as if we were in trouble.


"I haven't decided yet."

I found out that the child in Suela's stomach was twin, and the emergency hospitalization after that, as a matter of fact, was a lot of things, and somehow, I haven't decided yet.

There are a few candidates, to be exact, but they haven't been chosen yet.

Oh, my God, I can't take that.

"That's right! The first job of a parent is to give a child a name. What do you want me to do?

And, naturally, Suela and I can only be honestly ashamed of our reprimands.

But even if I say I'm ashamed, I'm grateful for the instructor's words.

"I have a few candidates, but I can't pick them."

Well, if you think hard, is there a problem?

It's just a twist.

When I saw that Professor Kio and I were about to derail to make it a strong name, Professor Fusio waited for me as the conversation got longer.

Wizard King, it's time to get down to business.

"Oops, what I've been doing is actually sneaking around this time. I'll give it to Evia while he spills his eyes."

Of course, that woman also seems sweet to her family, but there are limits to that. Let's get out of here before they hit us in the ass. "

And finally, instructor Kio gives me the white magnetic pottery that he had in one hand.

"From me, it's a toast. One of the first alcoholic beverages his demons will drink this year. It's magically preserved, so don't let your kids drink it when they can."

Teacher Kio prepared something like wine from the year of birth.

The surface is polished well, and the surface is beautiful enough to reflect the face, but I can see that the magic team is easily drawn to protect the contents.

It is a gift that seems to be a gift from instructor Kio.

It looks like a vial in the hands of a large instructor, but it's about the size of a quadruple bottle in my hands.

"Thank you."

The solid weight feels like the weight that instructor Kio is celebrating.

Thank you honestly.

"Celebrate extraordinary things. That's what demons are for."

Teacher Kio, who slapped me on the shoulder, didn't seem to be illuminated, but he just walked away, waving his hand behind his back.

Squawk, ahh, he's a hideout. I was surprised to learn that Suela's birth was dangerous. "

The old familiar instructor Fusio explains his glamour.


Sure enough, I also believed in Jiro. The Lord must give up his children and Suela. He prepared the liquor before the baby was born. "

However, Suela and I looked at each other and laughed with joy at Professor Fucio, who laughed that she saw something really unusual when she was worried.

"Now I have to thank you."

"Yes, maybe we should have a banquet like in the early spring."

Well, that's a good thing I heard. It will be a convenient place to show the faces of the children of the LORD, and it will be fun for me. I feel good about my work after this. "

And listening to what I said, Professor Fusio laughed.

Suela and I agreed to share the name we couldn't hear at that time.

Then I have to get back to work as soon as possible in order to have fun. It's not a good time to get in the way of young people. "

Say so, gently hold your thin hand in your pocket and take out a small box.

This is a celebration from me.

If you gently open it with your hands to show the contents, there are two cylindrical crystal substitutes inside, like snowdomes.

"Could this be!?

Suela raised her voice of surprise when she saw the particles of light dancing brightly inside, a substitute about five centimeters tall.

Wow, you're a smart driftstone spirit-maker. Obviously, this is a substitute called Spirit Shizuku. A high purity magic stone crystallized by pure magic elements in the spirit world. "

"It's two things."

As expected, it's a twin stone. It's not a rare substitute to excavate, but I don't care, it's good to help the children in the future. "

I wonder if it is quite expensive for that condition.

I feel hesitant to accept it, but Professor Fusio doesn't seem to care, so I put the small box in my hand right away.

Well, lately, something stinks and I'm depressed, but the celebrations made me feel lighter. Thank you.

I don't think it's a word that should be used by Professor Fusio.

But before we say anything, we need to get into darkness, Professor Fusio.

"As usual, they're like storms."

That's right.

As soon as he thinks he's here, he leaves and looks at the remaining festive items at hand.

I got a fine gift.

"By the way,"

"Yes, what is it?

Ask Suela as she lifts the liquor from Professor Kio, one of the items she received from the shadowless instructors.

"How old have you been drinking in your world?

"It varies depending on the race, but in our village only those who have completed the ritual of maturity. By the way, you get it from the age of 16 at the very least."

"Sixteen years at the earliest."

I heard it was a first-class alcohol and wanted to try it a little, but I think it would be good to drink it as a child at this time.

"Fufu, please hold on tight."

I see.

Accepting Suela's words as she gently stabbed her nail, she proceeded with the steps that had stopped.

"But my child is amazing."


It's just a chat like talking on the road, but I just want to say this.

Suddenly, Suela had a question mark on the subject.

"Isn't that what the instructors expect? Maybe we'll accomplish an incredible feat in the future."

I do not expect that I have risen so far since joining the company, but I think I have come so far because those two were expecting me.

I am proud that the expectations from these two people have been given to my children.

"Yes, I'm glad you did."

Ride the elevator and have casual conversations in the elevator.

The feeling of slowly climbing up is on my body.

"Well, when we get back to the room, we have to think about the names of these kids."


Suela holds the children back to support their weight.

"I'd like to call these kids names as soon as possible."

"The candidate is likely to have a broken bone."

I can only call them my own children yet.

I can't say anything because it is my responsibility to do so.

Many of the names in the notebooks I wrote at a time when I still didn't know that these kids were twins.

The name in the world view of Suera and the name in Japan.

I was worried about meaning and literacy, and if I kept giving the name that I thought was good, it would be a huge amount.

"It's hard, but it's a good thing I don't think I like it."

That's right.

Suela smiled at my words as she was in trouble.

Then open the door and enter the room.

"I'm home."

"I'm home."

It's been a long time, and Himiku welcomes you.

"Oh, my son-in-law! Suela, good to see you back!


Me and Suela met Miss Moyle.

"Mr. Moyle!?

"Grandpa, why are you here?!

Not surprisingly.

Moyle nodded that she was satisfied with the look on her face and thumped up.

"I came to see my great-grandchildren's faces!!

That's how I said it.

One word today.

The day will come when casual everyday life will be important.

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