They looked down. Below there, they see a crater. That shows how heavy the cyborg's body is. So that the fall alone can create a crater like that.

Clyde thought that he would be able to defeat the cyborg very easily. He has [Skill: Hacking] which is a bane for AI rogues like him.

Even when he's not completely robotic and still has human consciousness, aren't all his limbs and organs already become a machine?

Clyde was sure that he could easily take over all of the cyborg's body parts. And when his [Skill: Hacking] couldn't work for some reason, Clyde could still just beat him until he died.

"I'll leave him to you," Clyde said.

His words provoked the glances of the rest of the group.

"Are you sure?" Sonya asked. "You don't want all the rewards from him?"

Even Sonya only considered the cyborg who was the BOSS as a source of rewards. It's no longer a threat.

"For now, yes," answered Clyde. "Maybe I'll join the fight if I see something interesting."

"Actually, I'm not going to complain about that," Reed said. "If you don't want to, I think we can handle it."

"You all seem to underestimate that guy." In the middle of the conversation that seemed too relaxed, Rodney said.

"That cyborg might look weak to us now. However, he's quite troublesome when he's transformed."

Clyde turned to Rodney. "Are you the only one who knows about that?"

"Only I knew how to kill him in our previous turns," Rodney replied.

"Is it true?" Clyde asked while looking at the other Regressors.

"Yes." Mona nodded. "We just hid and left everything to Rodney."

Clyde's forehead furrowed when he heard her confession.

Clyde wanted to ask again. However, they had been talking for too long and forgot about the figure of the BOSS that was down there.

The cyborg was already jumping toward them at an incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of them slashing his two laser swords.


The sword slash was so powerful that it made a sound as it sliced ​​through the air in front of them.

Fortunately, the players had already jumped up with equally incredible reflexes before the sword had cut off their necks.

Sonya aimed and then immediately shot.





Sonya didn't just shoot once. She fired her rifle many times until it seemed that there was no pause. Her slender finger squeezed the trigger nonstop.

Yet, the cyborg can avoid all of those attacks by jumping and running on the roof of the building.

Rodney turned to Eric, Reed, and Mona. Through the look in his eyes, they could tell that Rodney was indicating for them to rush forward.

Reed, Eric, and Mona nodded. Then they approached the cyborg who was running around with a smiling face. As if thinks that everything that is happening right now is something entertaining.

"HAHAHAHA! Let's play!"

The cyborg changed its hands which were previously laser swords into cannons. He aimed at the four Regressors who were running towards him with their swords drawn.





Shot after shot from the canons in his hands shot off and hit the roof of the building. But none of them could hit all four of them.

The shots had a big enough impact on the building they stepped on. In a few moments, many large explosions were created until the building was in a state of near collapse.

It forced them to change spots. Clyde, Sonya, and Mona move to a location that's a bit further out.

Meanwhile, the four Regressors continued to engage in the fight with the cyborg.

"You really aren't going to get involved in these fights?" Asqa asked Clyde who was next to her.

Clyde didn't answer right away. Instead, he glanced at the Regressors. He recalled the earlier conversation that had taken place between them.

Mona says that they only hid when Rodney killed the cyborg in a past life. Rodney also said that he knew how strong and how to kill the cyborg.

Meaning most likely, Rodney was the one who had the most knowledge even among the Regressors.

​ "Let's just observe for the moment," Clyde said after a while.

Hearing that, Asqa did what Clyde said. She didn't know what was going through Clyde's mind and what he meant by 'observing' them.

But like before, Asqa chose to obey Clyde.

What Clyde wanted to know was how Rodney fought. If he knew a lot, it meant that he could fight easily and it also meant that there is a huge possibility that he knew a lot more things.

His friends don't seem to know that Rodney knows the robot's weakness.

They seemed so confident in Rodney that they didn't question his decision at all.

"I think we should act too," Clyde said when he realized that he can't let Rodney be too strong.

Clyde was convinced that Rodney knew about a lot more things. He couldn't let him gain more Exp. Or Rodney could have a big advantage.

His words were heard by Sonya and Asqa.

"When?" Sonya asked, instantly. As if she had been waiting for him to say that.

Clyde turned to Sonya. Then to Aska. They also seem to see him as someone they can trust to follow without questioning anything. Was it because he had saved them?

Perhaps that was also the reason those Regressors followed Rodney without hesitation.

"You guys just follow me when I move," Clyde said to them. "Asqa, you didn't use [Skill: Attack Up] on them earlier, did you?"

Asqa shook his head. "No."

"Good." Clyde nodded. "You can use it on me when the time comes."

"Alright," Asqa said.

Clyde felt a small happiness when he saw the two girls following him and willing to support him. Unknowingly, a small smile formed on his lips.

Once again, Clyde feels that having a companion isn't a bad thing.


A huge explosion suddenly created in front of them. Flames soared into the sky along with black smoke.

From within the flames, the figure of the cyborg flew out with a wide grin on its face.

"You guys really entertain me!" the cyborg said.

The cyborg then landed on top of a house. Clyde, Sonya, and Asqa drew closer to take a closer look.

The cyborg already had several wounds on its body. His all-black shirt was torn in several places with cuts. It was most likely caused by the Regressors' sword slashes.

However, he seems calm. That was because all the injuries he had suffered from those cuts had disappeared. His synthetic skin closed again the moment the wound landed on him.

Clyde could see that the cyborg would be a tough opponent because of its regeneration ability.

Well, after all, he was the BOSS on the fourth day so they could be expected that his power would be this strong.

Then the cyborg turned his head, noticing the presence of Clyde, Sonya, and Asqa.

"Hey! Don't you want to play?!" the cyborg asked them.

Sonya clicked her tongue. "Tch! He pisses me off."

"There's no point attacking him now because we still don't know his weaknesses," Clyde said.

"Yeah, I know. That pisses me off even more."

"How are those Regressors doing?" Asqa asked while looking at the puff of fire.

Not long after, the four Regressors shot out of the flames and headed straight for the cyborg. The cyborg himself seemed to be looking at them with an excited grin.

Clyde waited for Rodney to reveal his weakness.

They didn't take long to reach the cyborg, once they were around him, they immediately attacked the robot with extraordinary ferocity.

The Regressors' blades clashed with the cyborg's metal arms. Then a cyborg shot a laser from his eye and almost pierced Mona's chest if she didn't block the laser with her sword.

The laser shot pushed Mona several meters before finally stopping because Eric slashed the sword at the cyborg's neck. Yet, the sword only hit the metal that was under the skin of his neck.

Then from below Reed slashed his sword toward the cyborg's chest.


Once again the sound of metal clashing violently rang out. Reed's sword was able to pierce the cyborg's human skin however, it stopped again by the metal layer beneath his skin.

Rodney was already behind the cyborg. The cyborg glanced back with a grin as if he was expecting his enemy's futile efforts.

However, Rodney did not slash his sword or attack in any way. Instead, he just kept quiet and stared at the cyborg for a few moments.

Then Rodney said. "Do you still remember how your mother died?"

The cyborg's expression suddenly changed when he heard those words leave Rodney's mouth. His eyes widened instantly, and his face was deathly pale.

Rodney glanced at Eric and Reed then nodded. The two of them then united to give a kick at the cyborg simultaneously.


The cyborg was thrown backward, broke through the wall of a house, and ended up inside that house.

None of this went unnoticed by Clyde. Clyde's eyes narrowed at the scene in front of him.


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