Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 112 New Place To Sleep

They were all still running to get as far away as possible from the explosion. Even though they were far enough, they could still feel the heat and shockwave from the explosion.

Even after a few seconds, the heat and wind waves continued to spread around.

None of the buildings, houses, and plants around the blast zone survived. Everything was devoured by the heat.

What is happening right now is so similar to the explosion of a nuclear bomb dropped in the middle of a city. Even though the actual effect wasn't that bad, anyone who saw it would definitely think that the explosion was not much different from a nuclear explosion.

They finally stopped after about a minute of running at full speed dodging the blast. They turned towards the blast.

The hot wind was still blowing on their faces. Make them squint their eyes because of it.

Not long after, a notification saying that this chapter was finished appeared. This means, the BOSS had indeed died due to self-detonation.

[ "Congratulations to Player "CLYDE CROSS, SONYA REID, ASQA STARR, ERIC HANSEN, MONA COXX, REED RIVERA, AND RODNEY STRING" for defeating the BOSS "Cyborg Mark I."" ]

[ "Rewards for defeating the BOSS sent to Inventory." ]

[Rewards: 30,000 Coins, Grade A Weapons. ]

[ "The Third Chapter: Time of the Machine has been completed." ]

After the notification appeared, they could only heave a sigh of relief. Sonya, Reed, and Mona even immediately threw their ass on the ground with a sigh.

"Another day has passed," said Sonya.

The light from the explosion would undoubtedly still illuminate the night sky for a few more moments.

The fire that it causes will still burn even tomorrow. This previously quiet city has become a little more... lively. Even if it's not for something good.

"Will our motel endure?" Asqa asked while looking sadly at the part of the city that was destroyed by the explosion.

The motel has indeed located some distance from where they fought. However, given the size of the explosion, the chances were pretty slim that the motel was still intact.

The motel is probably still standing. But the damage it had suffered must have been great enough that it could no longer be a comfortable place for them to sleep in.

They all understand that.

"We have to find a new place to sleep tonight," Mona said.

"Yeah, there's no way the motel will be safe after an explosion of that size," Sonya added.

After agreeing, they immediately looked for a place to spend the night. Even though they knew that they had just obtained Grade A weapons, they were more interested in finding a bed first.

Soon they found a house that seemed to be owned by a rich family before this apocalypse happened.

There is a white iron gate fence that stands in front of the house. Clyde kicked the fence to pieces as if it was nothing then walked inside.

The house consists of three stories and is painted with the predominant white color. There were traces of blood and dismembered bodies in the stone driveway that led them to the door of the house.

The door of the house itself is a carved double door. And that door is now wide open. When they went inside, the house was pitch black.

"Are there still monsters here?" Asqa asked with a worried tone.

"I don't think so," replied Rodney. "Once we finish this Chapter there won't be any monsters or robots left."

Hearing that, the rest of the group felt relieved. They looked for the light switch and found it shortly after.

As soon as the light came on, it turned out that the condition of this house was a mess. The limbs and blood were strewn in every corner and gave off a sickening rancid smell.

"Ergh... I hope the rooms in this house are in a better condition than here," Sonya said with disgust.

They began to go upstairs and look for the remaining rooms.

The rooms in this house were not touched at all. Whatever incident of a massacre occurred seemed to occur after all of the occupants had exited.

That is great news for them. The arrangement of the rooms is not much different than before. The Regressors were in a room that somehow had two king-sized beds.

Asqa and Sonya are in one room. And Clyde still prefers to have his room.

Sonya took off all the futuristic weapons that were in her body, put all the weapons on the table, and then threw herself on the bed.

"Ahh..." Sonya took a deep breath. A smile also appeared on her face. "This bed is really comfortable. It's the first time I've ever felt sleeping on a mattress this soft."

Asqa is somewhat different from her. She kept her composure and sat by the bed.

"Yeah, I guess it's not bad," Asqa said.

Sonya glanced at Asqa after hearing her words. "I guess the mattress you used to sleep on was like this one."

Asqa turned to her, then smiled. From her smile, Sonya could tell that her guess was right.

"Ah, you are so lucky." Sonya had started to close her eyes when she said that.

Asqa was silent after hearing that. The look in her eyes seemed to say that she was thinking about what had happened to her until now.

Then, Asqa said in a low voice. "Hm. I guess you're right. I'm just lucky."

But Sonya didn't hear what she said. Sonya was already letting out a soft snore with slightly parted lips.

She didn't even bother cleaning herself or taking off her clothes so she could sleep more comfortably. Sonya just closed her eyes, then fell into a comfortable sleep.

Asqa could only smile a little. She stood up and went to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her face no longer looked like the face Asqa recognized. The color of her face seemed duller than she remembered. There are dark circles in her eyes which indicate fatigue.

Then, looking at those eyes, Asqa saw the look in the eyes of a stranger in the mirror.

Her eyes, which she remembered were light brown and had been brilliant had now lost their shine. Leaving a brown color that looks dimmer but sharper.

"I've seen a lot of things."

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ Asqa muttered to herself. She has changed now. She wasn't sure whether she had become a better person or not.

But in this ruined world, Asqa knows that changing her is the best thing for her and everyone in the group.

Asqa sits on the toilet. Her eyes stared ahead without actually seeing anything.

'Are we really friends, though?'

The question started to arise when Asqa saw everything from a distance.

She, was the only person who could observe everything from a broad perspective. Because the others are busy facing the enemy with attention directly focused on that enemy.

Asqa sees something going on between them. There was a kind of invisible dividing wall, so even though they all seemed to work well together, they weren't really doing it because they wanted to help each other.

Earlier, Asqa saw clearly that Rodney threw the black sword slash without hesitation even though he saw that Clyde was still there.

There was still a possibility that Rodney did that because of the chaotic battle situation. However, her gut feeling told her that Rodney had done that on purpose.

Asqa sighed. If bad turn to worst, what should she do?

Then, the image of Clyde saving her first appeared in Asqa's memory. If she had not met Clyde, she would certainly have died with body parts scattered on the streets by now.

Instead, she still lasted until the fourth day. And develop into a figure that is braver, and stronger.

Asqa nodded because she already knew what she was going to do. So, she got up and washed her face.

Asqa came out of the bathroom with a new resolve. She lay down beside Sonya and closed her eyes.


Clyde opened his Inventory and took the Nightmare Orb he got from the Main Control Tower. He studied the gray orb with a frown.

[ Name: Nightmare Orb (Replica). ]

"A replica, huh."

Clyde still thinks none of this is real. It made him quite uneasy. What if he had to let all this go on the last day?

His negative side conveys the idea. However, he had seen for himself that there were World Masters and Celestials who wanted to make a deal with him.

So, there must be another purpose behind this Selection Stage, even though none of this is real.

Clyde put the Nightmare Orb back into his Inventory and then lay down on the bed. He fell asleep not long after.


The next day begins with something different. No notification sounds to wake them up.

No monsters suddenly came and attacked them. Yet they know that a new Chapter has started.


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