Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 29 Fighting Corpse Bringer

The sound must have spread in all directions.

There were no zombies around the Corpe Bringer Dragon's location. It was because the creature had absorbed all the zombies in the area.

However, a few tens of meters from that area was where Leon's group and the others were resting.

After they fought the axe-wielding giant zombie and got their reward, the five people decided to rest until nightfall.

But a booming sound heard from far away caught their attention.

"What the hell was that?" Wiley asked.

"I don't know," Leon replied.

Albert walked towards the window to look outside. But he couldn't see anything because the thick green fog still enveloped the surroundings.

"I can't see anything," Albert said.

"Then we don't have to think about it," Leon said. "Looks like whatever it is, it's far away from here."

Albert was still looking outside worriedly. Even so, he assumed Leon's words were true.

"Yeah, you're right."

Albert returned to where he had been sitting and fiddled with his new dagger.

"Have any new monsters appeared?" Lola asked in a frightened tone.

"I think so," Wiley replied. "After all, this is an apocalypse. And we are still on the second day."

Lola looked even more frightened. She pulled her knees closer and buried her face in them.

Rosie came closer to Lola and rubbed her shoulder. After that, she glanced at Wiley with a piercing gaze.

"Great job," she said.

Wiley who realized what effect his words had on Lola felt guilty.

"But I'm just telling the truth," Wiley muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, Leon was staring in the direction he heard the voice just now.

It was a very loud sound. From that alone, one could predict that whatever fell was large.

Besides that, the sound lasts a bit longer. It was as if the fallen creature had length and continued to move for several meters before finally stopping.

Leon swallowed his saliva subconsciously. He was starting to feel scared too.

Even though he has the power to become unpenetrable, he still doesn't know what will appear out there anymore.

Yet, he couldn't show that fear. Or the group members will be even more scared.

Leon gripped his short sword tightly. While hoping that everything will be fine for them in the future.


The Corpse Bringer Dragon's body was indeed dragged a few meters before it finally stopped.

It's all because of the force and size of his large body.

Moreover, it fell suddenly while flying. Its forelegs were broken and formed a painful-looking angle.

Clyde himself was also thrown from the creature's back when they fell together.

Clyde crawled up from under the rubble. He found Corpse Bringer still lying in front of him.

The monster didn't move. Clyde thought maybe it was dead. But he didn't get any notification saying that he got any Exp points.

"Well, that could only mean one thing."

Clyde walked from the rubble and approached it. He drew the Elderglass Sword as he knew it was time for action.

The Corpse Bringer suddenly stirred.


It let out its distinctive screaming sound while flapping its wings.

The flap of the wings lifted its body.

Clyde watched as its front leg which had been broken earlier began to twitch.

A disturbing rattling sound was heard then a few seconds later, its forelegs returned to normal.

Clyde could control himself quickly knowing it was going to happen.

Seen from anywhere the monster looks like the main boss that can't be defeated easily.

Clyde immediately ran at full speed toward the Corpse Bringer.

He kicked the ground and then shot up. Even though he couldn't be defeated easily, Corpse Bringer was only a C-rated monster to him.

So, there was no reason for Clyde to be worried.

Corpse Bringer noticed Clyde's movement and immediately swung its front claws.

Clyde used the Elderglass Sword to keep the claws from hitting him.


The reddish-black, rotting-looking claw smashed into the clear blade of the Elderglass Sword.

Clyde was knocked aside by the force behind the swing.

But he managed to land well on the rubble-filled asphalt.

Corpse Bringer opened its beak. Then a wisp of reddish-black smoke appeared at the back of its throat.


It blew the red-black smoke at Clyde.

'It must be that skill called [Death Breath].'

Clyde immediately ran as hard as he could to the side to avoid the reddish-black smoke.

He managed to avoid that. When Clyde looked back, he saw that the place where he had been standing had turned into a black, reddish slime.

Both the asphalt and the rubble covered in slime began to melt and disintegrate within seconds.

'That's very dangerous.'

[Death Breath] was extremely fast and deadly.

If Clyde's Agility wasn't Level 10, he didn't know if he could have avoided the smoke.

Corpse Bringer didn't let Clyde remain silent for too long.

It flapped its wings and flew again into the air. After that, it dived towards Clyde about to thrust its beak into him.

Seeing that, Clyde ran away. The beak pierced the ground where he had been standing.

Clyde then kicked the ground again. He shot onto the Corpse Bringer's back.

[ Burning Hand (Lv. 3) is activated! ]


Flames shot from Clyde's hands toward the Corpse Bringer.


The creature screamed as if in pain. Some parts of the meat on its back were burned and melted.

Clyde landed back on the ground. He wasted no time and immediately took off with the Elderglass Sword in hand.

Clyde slashed the Eldergrlass Sword with all his might at the Corpse Bringer's feet.


The clear bluish blade slashed the Corpse Bringer's left hind leg. It immediately fell because it lost its balance.

Then Clyde channeled his Magic Power into the Elderglass Sword intending to cause greater damage to the Corpse Bringer.

The Elderglass Sword's blade let out a bluish glow in response to Clyde's Magic Power.

Clyde ran fast. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the creature's head and slashed the Elderglass Sword.


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