Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 53 What's Going On?

Arrows fired from her bow flew through the air. There was a sort of thin bluish light that enveloped the arrow.

But no one could see the light because the arrow speed was so fast.

The thin light was created because Sonya added her Magic Power to the arrow.

That way, the damage produced by the arrow is also bigger than it should be. Maybe even many times bigger than before.


Sonya's arrow hit the monster in the head hard from behind.

Its head instantly shattered.

Sonya lowered her bow and grinned.

'It turned out to be this easy, huh.'

Sonya turned to look for where Asqa was hiding. It turned out that the girl was hiding behind an overturned truck.

"Come here!" Call Sonya. "It's over already."

Asqa had also seen what had happened. The monster was hit by Sonya's arrow and its head was instantly destroyed.

So she didn't hesitate to walk out of her hiding place and approached Sonya.


But suddenly a loud, deafening voice was heard.

Asqa automatically stopped where she standing and turned around. Her eyes widened and her body froze in shock.

Before she could really see the source of the disturbing voice, a gray figure lunged at her and swung its massive arm.


The huge gray arm hit Asqa's body with such force that she was sent flying far away.

"ASQA!" Sonya shouted with wide eyes.

Her shout made the monster turn towards her. It seems to have considered that Asqa is dead after it hit her and no longer considers her as something worth its time.

'Shit! It's still alive?!'

Sonya couldn't stop thinking. How could that monster still be alive when she just clearly see its head being destroyed by her arrow?

Now what Sonya can see is, that the monster's head has grown back even though it's not fully recovered.

In the instant that Sonya looked away from it, the monster had already regenerated its head. It really was a terrible monster.

But how could it be like that? Weren't they able to kill monsters easily?

Just as those thoughts were running through Sonya's mind, the gray monster lunged at her.

Those wide steps made the gray monster quickly approach Sonya.

Sonya immediately darted to avoid it.


The huge monster's hand hit the ground where Sonya had been standing.

Sonya, who had dodged to the side, immediately pulled her bowstring and created an arrow.


Sonya fired her arrow.


The arrow pierced the monster's chest and created a large wound.

However, the wound can heal quickly.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

Sonya didn't know what was going on. Will each monster have a different power level?

In that case, why didn't Rodney say anything before agreeing to split up?

But there are still other possibilities. Maybe, the setting of this apocalypse was deliberately made easy some time before to catch them off guard.

Then, when they were caught off guard by splitting up like this, the difficulty setting was raised again.

If that's true, Sonya can only curse the parties who were running out of his apocalypse even harder inside her heart.

The monster kept charging toward Sonya with incredible tenacity.

It also keeps emitting deep growls as if its appearance wasn't horrible enough.

However, Sonya quickly collected herself. If she was carried away by fear, then she would only really die.

'Calm down. You got this.' Sonya encouraged herself.

She reminded herself that she was a Level 32 and have maxed out Stats. She wasn't a weak human who would quickly die facing this monster.

Sonya continues to dodge at high speed.

None of the attacks from the gray monster can hit her.

'I shouldn't have been afraid like before.'

Sonya was much calmer now knowing she could dodge that monster easily.

Because she had become calmer, Sonya can aim properly after creating an arrow in her bow.

[ Hunter's Marker (Lv.10) is activated! ]


The arrow shot and stuck in the other chest of the gray monster. Then blood started gushing out from the arrow wound.

The monster stopped running. Then he lowered its head to look at its chest which was bleeding.

Its ugly gray face seemed to say that it was wondering what was going on.

Yet Sonya didn't allow it to be in a confused state for too long.



Another arrow shot and stuck in the monster's head. Then blood flowed down its face.


The monster let out a scream similar to a mix of rage and pain.

On the other hand, Sonya grinned at its suffering. She created another arrow in her bow.

'If I use [Hunter's Marker] just two more times, maybe I can make that monster bleed to death,' thought Sonya.

The monster lunged again. This time it increased its speed.

Sonya could see it and hear the change in pace by the increasingly intense sound of its stomp.

Yet Sonya no longer trembled with fear. With [Skill: Hunter's Marker] already activated, Sonya shot her arrow.



The arrow dug into the monster's thigh and knocked it to the ground in an instant.


The strange scream came out. Sonya did not stop.

She created another arrow and activated [Skill: Hunter's Marker] and immediately shot.



This time the arrow stuck in the monster's head for the second time.

So now on the monster's head, two arrows create wounds that keep bleeding.

The Bleeding effect made the monster unable to move anymore. It drowned in that pool of its own blood.

"Hey!" Sonya snorted and then grinned. Now she just has to wait for it to die.


The monster was still letting out a growl. Though now that growl sounded like nothing more than a sign that it was dying.

Sonya then ran past the monster to look for Asqa who had been thrown away.

"Asqa!" Call Sonya with a worried look.

"I'm fine."

Asqa's voice was not far away. She walked out from where her hiding with a faint smile.


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