Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 61 Personal Request

What Gremory is currently offering does sound like a good deal. Because she offers it for free.

In fact, it's too good for the level of a Demon.

"I can't believe you'd give something away for free," Clyde said.

The corners of Gremory's lips turned upwards slightly. As if indicating that she almost let out a laugh. But she managed to suppress it.

"Ah, alright. I give up. I won't try to trick you anymore," Gremory replied.

'I knew it would be like this!' Clyde felt his chest pounding. He was just about to say yes to that Demon.

What Gremory did was indeed very dangerous for humans who weren't careful.

She didn't say any conditions and only said the reward she would give. Some people will obviously be easily fooled by that trick.

Clyde really didn't want to make a Demon feel offended. However, Gremory openly almost tricked him and it made his anger raise.

"If you don't have anything else to say, then you better leave," Clyde said in a cold voice.

It was obvious Gremory would ask for something in return from the three answers that she said were free.

The longer he is with her, the greater the possibility for Clyde to fall into her cunning tricks.

"No no no. Don't get mad like that. I didn't do it on purpose. It just became my habit after so long," Gremory said.

Clyde looked at her sharply. "Let's finish quickly. No more tricks. Name your price."

Gremory looked at Clyde with the same eyes. Namely the amused eyes and a thin smile on her face.

Gremory's face now would always look sly in Clyde's eyes.

The impression she gave him after the attempt to trick him just now would not go away. Maybe forever.

And that's good because that way, Clyde will always be careful when with her.

Maybe all Demons will be like that. So Clyde had to prepare himself because he felt that this was not his last encounter with the Demons.

He also had to be prepared the next time he met other Celestials.

"Alright," Gremory nodded her head curtly. "Tomorrow, when Chapter Two begins, I'd like you to do some things for me."

"What's that?"

"I'll send it to you right now."

Gremory stretched out her hand towards Clyde as if giving something to him.

Not long after that, in Clyde's eyes, a new Window appeared that he had never seen before.

Even more confusing, the color of the Window was different from normal.

The window is now pink and with black writing. It's as if this new Window is something completely outside the system that manages this apocalypse and just forces its way in.

[ You have received a Personal Request from Demon Duchess Gremory. ]

Clyde's brow furrowed deeply. 'Personal Quests?'

[ Demon Duchess Gremory's Personal Request. ]

[ 1. The Green Wendigo's Blood (0/1) ]

[ 2. The Blue Wendigo's Blood (0/1) ]

[ 3. The Red Wendigo's Blood (0/1) ]

Clyde scanned the Window with three Personal Requests in front of him.

All of that seems suspicious. He never knew there were Wendigos with different colors.

What Clyde knew from the book he had read was that the Wendigo only had a gray body.

"What is this?" Clyde asked.

"That's what you have to do to get the answers to the three questions that I will give you," Gremory answered.

"You should get answers before you know what to do. But you're smart enough not to be fooled."

Clyde knew what Gremory meant by his words. If he asks and gets an answer, then like it or not he must complete all of her Personal Requests.

If he failed, then Clyde would receive a consequence he couldn't imagine.

'Shit, I just avoided death,' Clyde thought.

"What if I can't clear everything?" Clyde asked.

"Then you will only get the answer from how many you clear," Gremory gave a very simple answer.

"May I know what the consequences will be if I already receive an answer, and fail to complete your Personal Request?" Clyde asked again out of curiosity.

Gremory chuckled. "Well, actually it's not as bad as you think. You will only have a bond in the form of 'debt' to me. Which you have to pay when I ask for it."

Clyde snorted. "Seems like you want to tie me up as a slave."

Gremory only showed a faint smile that was full of meaning. She did not deny or justify Clyde's words.

"How difficult is it?" Clyde asked.

"They're pretty strong. But at your current level, they shouldn't be a problem."

Once again, Clyde couldn't believe Gremory's words.

'I have to do this task with the assumption that this colorful Wendigo is strong enough.'

That way, he won't die silly.

"You still seem quite worried. Don't worry. Even if you accept those Personal Requests, you haven't gotten anything from me, so there won't be any consequences for you.

It's just that if you fail, you won't get anything either."

Clyde stared at her. "Just that?"

Gremory nodded its head. "Yeah."

Clyde thought for a few moments. before he finally answered.

"Alright. I'll accept your Personal Request."

"Then you just need to finish it. Once you get the blood, call me with this."

Gremory opened her palm up. A necklace with a certain symbol appeared floating above her palm.

Gremory moved her hand and the necklace flew towards Clyde.

Clyde took the necklace and looked at it.

There was some kind of symbol he had never seen there. The symbol is a complex combination of circular shapes and curved lines.

"Call my name and I will come. Wear the necklace," Gremory said.

"No thanks." the necklace disappears into Clyde's Inventory.

Gremory let out a chuckle.

"Is that it?" Clyde asked.

"Yeah," Gremory replied. "That was it."

A Portal appears next to Clyde. The portal was different from the portal he used to enter earlier.

Instead, the portal looked the same as the one Gremory had used to come from earlier.

Clyde walked through the portal. Before he disappeared inside, Gremory's voice sounded.

"See you soon, Clyde."


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