Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 76 Finishing Candice

Who would have thought that Candice, the blue Wendigo, could have this kind of ability?

She can even control and create ice with her own will.

Clyde thought that she could only speak like a normal human and deal with physical attacks like Jacob the green Wendigo. Because of that Clyde didn't bother using [Skill: Inspection] on her.

Clyde thought he can handle the healing ability if he deal enough damage to her. So it's not a big problem.

Now Clyde must bear the consequences of his carelessness.

The two ice clones were still attacking Clyde from two different sides.

Meanwhile, another ice clone was still at a safe distance and didn't make itself within the range of Clyde's attack.

Did Candice order her ice clones to do something like that? If that was true, then this looked like a high-level technique that was cast by people skilled at using their Magic Power.

Clyde can still fight them easily. He had managed to decapitate them a few more times since earlier.

The problem was that they continued to regenerate as soon as their heads were cut off. That's really annoying.

After several minutes of struggling with these ice clones, Clyde finally came to a conclusion about what he had to do to be able to kill them all at once.

The ice clone that was at a safe distance from him seemed to be in charge of regenerating the two ice clones that were attacking him.

'It looks like I have to kill them all together.'

[ Pure Lightning (Lv.10) is activated! ]

Clyde immediately scattered his bluish-white lightning around. The two ice clones that were attacking him blindly were struck by the force of the lightning.

But the effect caused by [Skill: Pure Lightning] was not as big as he thought.

Even though the lightning struck them strongly, the two ice clones weren't instantly destroyed. Only a small part of their ice body chipped and fell onto the roof of the building.

Clyde once again thought that the power of these ice clones was too great to be on this stage.

The attack did not destroy the two ice clones. But at least it stuns them for a few seconds.

It was a precious few seconds because it meant that their attacks stopped temporarily.


Clyde took the chance to dart past them to head for the distant ice clone.

In the blink of an eye, Clyde was right in front of the ice clone.

It immediately raised its ice dagger. However, the movement was not fast enough to match Clyde's current speed.


The flame-coated blade of the Elderglass Sword had slashed the ice clone's neck. Separating its head from its body instantly.


Clyde didn't stop to watch the ice clone's head fall. Before the ice head fell to the roof of the building, Clyde had disappeared from in front of it.

He returned to the two ice clones who luckily were still in the stunned stage. He slashed his Elderglass Sword toward their necks.



Their heads also immediately fell onto the roof of the building almost simultaneously with the head of the ice clone who was some distance away.

After that, just as Clyde had expected, their icy bodies crumbled into tiny ice flakes.

"Huh!" Clyde exhaled loudly. Then, with his body still covered in bluish-white lightning, Clyde dashed in the direction Candice was running.

Clyde didn't want to waste any more time and let Candice run further. So he immediately ran and jumped over the building while still activating [Skill: Pure Lightning].

However, he disabled [Skill: Burning Hand] in hopes that he wouldn't lose too much Magic Power.


On the other hand, Candice who has run out of energy and Magic Power can only hide in an abandoned car on the street.

Her entire body trembled with fear. Candice's yellow eyes moved quickly to the window and scanned the street. She scanned the street to see if her pursuers were close.

'No!' Candice shook her head. 'He's already dead!'

But then Candice's mind flashed back to the image of how the man had fought. He looks terrifying with that fiery sword.

Candice shook her head again. Trying to get the terrible thoughts out of her head.

However, that thought never left her head. Instead, the form of her terror and fear appeared right before her eyes.



Clyde falls from above in front of the car Candice is hiding in and shatters the windshield.

The bluish-white lightning on hid body dazzles Candice. She hadn't even had a chance to see Clyde's form before the tip of the Elderglass Sword dug into her chest.


Candice's eyes widened. The pain in her chest was felt throughout her body. The shock she felt made her freeze and couldn't do anything.

But it all didn't end there, from in front of her a hand came and grabbed the collar of her brown coat and then pulled her.

Clyde grabbed Candice and dropped her onto the road.

Candice lay with wide yellow eyes staring up. She just lay there for a few moments.

The wound on her chest had started to close. Clyde who saw that thought that maybe all Wendigos that have that special color have the ability to heal themselves.

Clyde walked towards her and stopped beside her head. Candice's yellow eyes looked up at him from below. Those eyes conveyed a very clear fear.

"Please...don't kill me," Candice said in a pleading voice.

Clyde didn't answer and just raised the Ederlglass Sword. Then swing it hard.


Candice's head rolled away from her body and stopped not too far.

Candice's eyes stared at Clyde with hatred. But once again, Clyde just ignores her because, for him, Candice is just one of the many monsters he has to kill.

[ 2. The Blue Wendigo killed (1/1) ]

The notification with pink writing on a black background appeared again indicating Clyde's success in completing the Personal Request from Gremory.

Clyde deactivated his [Skill: Pure Lightning] and let the lightning slowly disappear from his body.


Only now could Clyde finally heave a sigh of relief after he had finished killing Candice.

He looked around but didn't see anything or anyone around.

Clyde walked over to an overhang and sat down to rest for a while. Even though he was resting, Clyde did not put the Elderglass Sword back into the scabbard.

He stared straight ahead but his eyes seemed empty. Because actually, Clyde wasn't looking at anything up ahead.

Even though his eyes were looking ahead, Clyde tried to sharpen his senses around him.

'Who are they?'

Actually, a few minutes ago, when he was chasing Candice and into the alley, Clyde had felt eyes watching him from an unseen place.

Clyde tried to steal glances around when he was fighting Candice and her clone earlier.

However, he couldn't see anyone. Yet he knows that someone - or something - is watching him.

Even Clyde had a hunch that there was more than one side observing him.

Clyde couldn't see them. But he knew they were there.

'Who are they? Is there another Demon who wants to see me? Or another kind of Celestial?'

Those questions filled Clyde's head. But he knew that now there was no use questioning all that.

So he then stood up because he felt his time to rest was done.

'Well, whatever. I'll just start hunting again.'

Clyde goes out to hunt again. There was still a Wendigo for him to kill. And that red Wendigo would definitely give him a lot of trouble too.

The blue Wendigo could even use the power of ice like a skilled mage. Clyde knew from that, the red Wendigo must also have another troublesome ability.

Clyde was quite annoyed with the fact that he couldn't use the Skills and Stat Points he had. What if he can't use it now? Then when could he use it?

All of his Stats and Skill Levels are limited to 10 only. Though he still has a lot of Points. So it seems, all the Points are in vain for now.

'Maybe later, after this apocalypse ends on day six, these Points will come in handy.'

Clyde continued walking through the ruined city.


What Clyde felt was true. His instincts told him clearly that he was being followed.

Now, even those observing and following him were not just one party. But three parties who have the same different goals to meet him.

Nimue, jumps from the top of tall buildings following Clyde after discovering his whereabouts through the beacon in the form of a necklace that Gremory gave him.

He had just witnessed Clyde kill a monster that looked different than the others in this chapter. Even so, she remembered about the monster.

Nimue, who had forgotten a bit about what happened in the Selection Stage, couldn't forget what happened in the Second Chapter on the third day.

Wendigos. A monster created from hunger. Because she managed to complete one of the three Personal Requests that Gremory gave her, Nimue is now her most loyal servant.

One thing leads to another. And now Nimue has become a being with enough strength to easily pass through all of the Selection Stages.

Nimue thought that maybe Clyde would also become a follower of Gremory like her. Because who would be stupid enough to refuse the power that Gremory offered?

Gremory just told her to follow Clyde without knowing more about him.

But based on what she saw, Clyde was indeed quite strong.

'No wonder Duchess Gremory is interested in him.'


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