Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 90 Dash Forward

The debris from the building that was struck by the enormous lightning fell to the ground.

"Fuck!" Sonya swore loudly. The person who had almost been hit by the powerful yellow lightning was none other than her.

Luckily, Sonya was still able to dodge with her incredible movement speed. She is now in the building with Asqa.

Asqa, who saw that she had just escaped from the incident, immediately approached her.

"Are you alright?" Asqa asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," answered Sonya. "You didn't say that the monster has an attack like that!"

Sonya shouted at Mona who was standing not far from them. Mona's eyes stared at the monster but she could hear Sonya's angry screams.

"I was dead before that monster let out that kind of attack!" Mona shouted back. "You should have yelled at Rodney!"

Sonya gritted her teeth. She didn't know what happened to them that's why she just thought that they passed the moments fighting the monsters together.

In that case, this was indeed Rodney's fault. Why didn't he tell her about this?

Sonya turned to Rodney. He, Eric, and Reed were also fighting the tentacles that were still trying to ensnare them.

'Was he doing it on purpose? Or just forgot about it?' Sonya thought while looking at Rodney.

"Sonya, another tentacle coming!" Asqa said.

Sonya no longer felt the need to turn to make sure. She immediately jumped to avoid the tentacles.


Sure enough, tentacles were attacking where she had been standing.

Sonya once again thanked Asqa but before she could say it Asqa had disappeared somewhere.

Sonya felt relieved instead of upset. That means Asqa is aware of her position in battle.

Instead of staying and putting herself in danger, Asqa immediately hides when she sees a danger she can't handle.

Sonya didn't notice that Rodney was glancing at her from where she was standing.

'So she's not dead yet?' thought Rodney.

Even though he saw clearly that the lightning from the monster's big yellow eyes had hit the place where she is standing. Yet, it's not killing her.

Rodney felt a little disappointed. But it can't be helped.

Rodney, of course, deliberately didn't tell about the lightning attack from The Devourer because he really wanted Sonya or Asqa to die here. That way, he can reduce the number of Clyde's friends.

Of course, Rodney thought that Asqa and Sonya were Clyde's friends because he was seen with them from the start.

So, if they both died, Clyde would probably be caught in a deep depression and let his guard down.

But it looks like that plan can't work now. Rodney just shrugged it off because there were still plenty of opportunities to do that.

He had to start executing a plan to kill them or Clyde and his friends would finish this Selection Stage with a Grade that was better than his Grade.

They continued the seemingly endless fight against the hundreds of dark purple tentacles that kept coming.

In the midst of that frustration, Sonya didn't have time to ask Rodney because she didn't have the chance to get closer to him. She was busy surviving on her own.

Clyde was also watching them from a distance. He also felt that this fight had no progress.

Rodney said that the monster's weak point would appear eventually but he didn't know when.

But is it true? Clyde suddenly felt suspicious of Rodney. He also never said that the monster could emit lightning attacks like before. Fortunately, Sonya was still able to dodge.

That made his suspicious feelings towards Rodney even higher.

He was a Regressor who had lived through this apocalypse until the fifth day.

Or, so he said. As someone who has a lot of information, Clyde is not surprised that Rodney - and his friends - will use that information to their advantage.

They will share pieces of information they want to share and will not share it if it could benefit them.

Clyde understood that way of thinking because he would have done the same thing if he had been them. Because of that, he will not be easily fooled.

'For now, I should just watch and see what they do,' thought Clyde.

The fight continued as if without hope. As time passed, their feelings grew even darker.

"How long, Rodney?" Reed asked in a tired voice.

"I don't know. I told you that I don't know when it will open its mouth, right? We can only wait," Rodney replied.

Reed sighed and again slashed at the tentacles that were coming towards him. For now, it seems that he can only resignedly wait until the time comes.

The yellow eyes suddenly lit up a little brighter.

"That monster will shoot that lightning again!" Eric said.

When the monster decided to shoot lightning, the giant's eyes would determine the target first. So, they only need to see where those eyes are looking and dodge.

With that size, it shouldn't be hard to see where those eyes were looking.

Eric and Reed thought that Rodney had already told Asqa and Sonya about the lightning strike before they got into the fight. They don't know about the truth and Rodney's cunning plan.

Several minutes later passed by slashing at the tentacles. Finally, a change occurred to the monster's body.

Something opened under the monster. Because they were under it, they could see it clearly.

The body that only looked like a lump of tentacles opened to reveal something like a round mouth. There were five rows of serration-like teeth in the mouth.

"That's it!" Rodney said.

"How do we kill it?" he asked.

Actually, there was an easier way to inflict damage on the weak spot in the center of the monster's mouth. That is by using Sonya's power which can shoot arrows.

But that way Sonya would become the Player who killed the monster after she found out its secret.

'I can't let that happen,' thought Rodney.

There's something different about the BOSS in this chapter than in previous Chapters.

Previously, rewards would be shared equally among all party members who attacked the BOSS, now a player who lands the last hit on the BOSS will receive a [Title].

With Sonya's strength, which can shoot arrows from a distance and perfect aim, her chances of getting the last hit on this BOSS are quite large.

"I'll go ahead and attack him. You guys have to protect me from the tentacles trying to get in the way," Rodney said while looking at Eric and Reed. "We have to do it together."

Eric and Reed immediately agreed on the idea. They ran and jumped to get to the top of the building where Mona and Sonya were.

Asqa was nowhere to be seen. She hid well so as not to be hit by the tentacles and create a burden for them.

As soon as the three of them got near Mona and Sonya, Rodney immediately said the same thing he had said before.

"You actually know how to kill it?" Sonya asked.

Rodney nodded. "Yes. But, I need you guys to overcome those tentacles."

Sonya stared at Rodney with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure there isn't anything else you need to say?"

Rodney caught the meaning of Sonya's suspicious gaze and seemed to judge him. But he just acted innocently.

"Uhm, no. You must have been shocked by the lightning bolt that came out of that monster's eyes earlier, right? Sorry but I was too focused on dodging those tentacles that I forgot to tell you," said Rodney while making a guilty face.

"You can say before we start the fight," Sonya replied sharply.

Rodney once again put on a guilty face. "I'm really sorry. But we don't have time to do this right now."


The Devourer let out that terrifying growl. Its circular-shaped mouth opened even wider and began sucking in everything under it.

Buildings, cars, trucks, and all kinds of things that got under its mouth were all sucked up like dust that was powerless before a vacuum cleaner.

"We're also going to be sucked in if we don't do something soon," Rodney said.

Seeing the situation had become like this, Sonya decided to shake off her angry feelings.

"Okay. I'll protect you from afar," Sonya said, pulling her bowstring. An arrow suddenly appeared on the bow.

Rodney nodded, then turned to Eric, Reed, and Mona.

"Let's go!" he said before dashing towards The Devourer's mouth.

At a time like this, The Devourer was activating its [Skill: Devour] to restore its strength after hundreds of its tentacles were slashed.

In this stage, the monster can still carry out tentacles attacks although not as often as before. But it would still be dangerous if they let their guard down.

From behind, Sonya aimed and fired an arrow that she had coated with her Magic Power.

The arrows hit the tentacles that were heading toward Reed and instantly destroyed them because the tentacles were quite small.

With support from Sonya, they can move on without worry.


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