Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 96 Army Of Robots

Clyde also gave a brief nod indicating that he also thought Sonya, who was holding a futuristic rifle that fired lasers, was looking cool.

"Let's go," Clyde said as he drew the Elderglass Sword from its scabbard.

The Regressors who saw the robot army outside caught up with Clyde.

"Will we gain Exp when we kill them?" Sonya asked while turning towards the Regressors.

"No. They don't give Exp. They are only there to hunt us down and give us trouble," Eric answered.

Eric then walked faster ahead of the others. "I'll go first."

Then he dashed outside the lobby. The rifles of the doom robots were aimed at him and they shot as if they had heard the same order.

With the settings back to normal, Eric didn't seem worried. He creates a light shield in front of his body.





The robots shoot lasers simultaneously and are directed at one target. Their target is definitely Eric who was charging towards them.

But all of those shots were able to be blocked by Eric's light shield. Eric's eyes stared at the robots with hatred.

The feelings of anger and revenge that he felt last night after hearing Sonya and Asqa's explanation became the fuel that made Eric fearless even though there were dozens of robots in front of his eyes.

He's charging fast. Then when he was in front of the robot army, he swung his short sword.


Eric's sword slashed straight through the necks of the three robots that were so unfortunate that they were right in the range of his sword. The other robots that saw it immediately became more aggressive.

Their eyes lit up even brighter. There was the mechanical sound of the machines as something inside them awakened.

Suddenly the robots released their rifles and attacked Eric with their hands and feet.

Eric, of course, couldn't hold back all the metal fists aimed at him. His light shield could only cover one side so the robots that surrounded him from the other side could launch attacks at him.

Luckily, help came just when he needed it.




The katana sword slashed through the necks of the robots and made them collapse on the ground.

"What the fuck you doing idiot!" Mona shouted angrily at Eric.

Eric just snorted with an angry face. "I just need something to vent my anger."

"You're only killing yourself," Rodney said. "Don't be hasty or you'll start over again without us."

Eric did not reply to Rodney's words. He just continued to slash at the robots that he could see in front of his eyes.

The four Regressors worked well together. They fought easily even against dozens of robots that came to surround them from all directions.

It didn't take long, they had succeeded in killing all the robots. Leaving metal wrecks that have lost their heads and other limbs around them.

"We don't even need to join the fight. I guess this just gets easier," Sonya said.

"Yeah, I told you before," Clyde said.

"Hey, why don't you show them where the Skill Purchasing Machine is? Don't they have to buy new Skills too?" Asqa asked while looking at Clyde.

Clyde was looking at the Regressors who were sighing in celebration of their success in killing the robot troops.

"I don't really trust them," Clyde replied.

"Why? Did you see anything suspicious about them?" Sonya asked in a whisper.

Clyde thought for a few moments. "Not really. I just had a hunch."

Sonya and Asqa looked at each other. But then, they no longer asked about it.

They are the ones who know what happened until the fifth day. If Clyde were them, he'd be leaving something he didn't reveal as his trump card.

That's why Clyde chose to be wary. At least he will also have a trump card that they don't know when things are going bad.

But actually, in his heart, Clyde hoped that nothing would happen. And they can work together until the end.

'Is that too much to ask in this apocalypse?' Clyde thought.

"Listen," Clyde whispered to them both. "If they ask where you got a new Skill, just say you found it while killing Wendigos with me. Or make up your own excuses."

Asqa and Sonya looked at each other again. Then nodded at Clyde.

The Regressors walked towards them. Then Rodney said. "That's only the first wave. The robots can be killed by decapitating them. But the coming wave will be different."

"What's different?" Clyde asked.

"In the next wave, the robots can still move even if their heads are chopped off," Reed replied.

"What?! Then how are we going to kill them?" Sonya asked.

"We have to cut off their limbs. And their heads," said Rodney again.

"So our work will become even more troublesome," Sonya sighed wearily.

Suddenly, Clyde asked something that surprised them.

"You guys know where the Main Control Tower is?"

The four Regressors stared at him in shock. While Asqa and Sonya stared with confused faces.

"How did you know about that?" Rodney asked.

"I simply heard of that. You must have heard from Sonya and Asqa about me meeting the beings that may be behind this apocalypse, right?" Clyde said.

The Regressors looked at each other. After a while, Rodney said. "Since you already know about it, then we have to tell you."

Hearing this, Sonya and Asqa paid full attention.

But before the Regressors could say anything, another army of robots appeared from the crossroads. They lined up like trained soldiers holding rifles.

Their eyes lit up even brighter as they found the seven Players. As if they had found their target.

The steps of the robots suddenly became louder.





The sound of metal footsteps treading the asphalt road was heard clearly and seemed to echo among the surrounding buildings.

"We can talk later," Rodney said as he unsealed his sword.

Clyde was a little disappointed that the robots had suddenly appeared.

Seeing the approaching danger, of course, they would choose to deal with it first rather than telling Clyde about the Main Control Tower.

'I just have to destroy them quickly so I can get the answers faster.'

Clyde, then he ran towards the robot army first.

Shots from the robots started coming toward him. But Clyde immediately used his Skill.

[ Burning Hand (Lv. 10) is activated! ]

Flames burned in Clyde's hands. Then he kicked the ground and jumped so high. The laser shot just went through him.

The robots, of course, will not stop there. They kept shooting at Clyde who was still in the air.

Clyde then started descending. He waved his hand forward and let out a torrent of fire that was so huge and covered a wide area.

The power of [Skill: Burning Hand] which was already at Level 10 made the heat of the flames much higher than normal flames. So, the robots made of metal began to melt when exposed to Clyde's fire.

Clyde landed in the middle of them and then started slashing his Elderglass Sword. The sword slashes easily sliced ​​through the metal body that was almost melted.

Sonya, who had only been watching, realized that she could not stay silent. So she raised her rifle and started aiming.


Sonya shoots and destroys the head of one of the robots. But the robot can still move. So Sonya pressed the trigger longer to let out a barrage of lasers at the robots.

With their metal skeletons weakened by Clyde's fire, Sonya can destroy them with her continuous shots.

Sonya managed to reduce several robots to pieces of metal that scattered on the road in just a few seconds. And Clyde has destroyed even more.

But another army of robots came from another direction. As if doesn't want to give them a chance to take a breath.

Even this time they came with more variety. There is a robot nearly three meters tall that walks on all fours. The robot is equipped with canons and machine guns.

There are three of them. But the possibility that those big robots will appear again is very big.

The Regressors looked at each other. In a moment, they knew what had to be done.

The Regressors immediately ran towards the other robot troops that came.

They decided to tackle the newly arrived troops at once because they knew Clyde could handle it alone. Moreover, there is Sonya who helps him.

Asqa turned between the Regressors and Clyde. She was confused about who to help now.

"Just stay here," Sonya said while continuing to shoot. "Unless they get hurt."

After thinking about it for a while, Asqa decided to go along with what Sonya had said. After all, Clyde said he had some kind of bad feeling about them.

A few seconds later Clyde had finished cleaning up all the robots around him.

Clyde stood amidst the scattered bits and melting metal. Despite destroying them by himself, Clyde didn't look tired.


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