Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 103 Shangguan Yan confesses her love

Seeing Shangguan Yan so nervous and on guard, Jiang Pingan immediately took two steps back: "Sorry, I was rude."

In fact, after he took two steps closer to Shangguan Yan, there was still nearly half a foot away, which was a normal distance for chatting.

After he took two steps back, the two were less than ten feet apart, and it was impossible to talk quietly.

Since Shangguan Yan was worried that there were ears on the other side of the wall, he had to say: "This is not a good place to talk, let's talk another day."

After that, he bowed politely to Shangguan Yan, then turned and walked to other bookshelves to select top-grade martial arts.

In less than a cup of tea, Jiang Pingan selected three top-grade martial arts.

He had carefully studied all the top-grade martial arts included in the martial arts building before, and had a basic idea in his mind.

"Shangguan Junior Sister, I'll go first." He said to Shangguan Yan before leaving.

Shangguan Yan just turned her head and looked at him, without saying a word.

Jiang Pingan smiled at Shangguan Yan, and then left the third floor.

After successfully exchanging for two copies of the secret manuals of top-grade martial arts, Jiang Pingan walked out of the martial arts building, but saw Shangguan Yan standing outside the door waiting for him.

"Shangguan Junior Sister." Jiang Pingan called out in surprise.

Shangguan Yan kept looking at the horizon and whispered, "Don't you have something to tell me? Come with me."

After that, she walked forward.

Jiang Pingan followed.

Shangguan Yan walked for a long time and stopped behind a small hill.

This was a corner where no one was around and no one could see.

She turned to face Jiang Pingan and looked at Jiang Pingan with burning eyes.

Jiang Pingan was a little uncomfortable with Shangguan Yan's gaze.

"Brother Jiang, are you angry that I am indifferent to you?" Shangguan Yan spoke first.

Jiang Pingan was slightly startled. He didn't expect Shangguan Yan to speak so bluntly.

Without waiting for Jiang Pingan to answer, Shangguan Yan continued, "Yan'er will never forget the past of the underwater cave."

After that, she turned and flew away.

Jiang Pingan came back to his senses from the shock in his heart, looked up at Shangguan Yan's flying figure, and was a little confused.

After Shangguan Yan flew away, she flew directly back to her residence.

She entered the bedroom, sat cross-legged on the bed, and a burst of icy air burst out, and her whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Her soul was pulled into the Phoenix Blood Sword, a world of ice that was frozen for thousands of miles.

"You swore to abandon love, but you took the initiative to express your love to him." The voice of the Ice Phoenix came from the air, full of severity.

Shangguan Yan said: "I... am willing to be punished."

A ray of ice phoenix flew down from high in the sky and hit Shangguan Yan's eyebrows. A cold current that froze everything rushed in, and Shangguan Yan subconsciously wanted to resist.

"This is your punishment." The voice of the Ice Phoenix came from the sky.

Shangguan Yan let go of the resistance, and the next moment her consciousness was white.

Jiang Pingan chewed on Shangguan Yan's two sentences for a long time, and the general meaning he got was that Shangguan Yan showed that she was not an ungrateful person, and her indifference to him was not deliberate, but just her personality.

Jiang Pingan returned to the central area, entered the magic building, and selected two top-grade magic spells.

After leaving the magic building, he entered the weapon refining building, took out the token, and officially ordered his top-grade robes.

Top-grade Xuanqi treasure armor is more defensive. He has Hunyuan body protection Zhen Gang, and his Zhen Yuan is as strong as the ocean, so he doesn't have to worry about defense. If the Hunyuan body protection Zhen Gang can't defend against the attack, the top-grade Xuanqi treasure armor can't defend it either.

Back in the residence, Jiang Pingan learned two top-grade martial arts and two top-grade magic spells, and comprehended the corresponding Xuan-level martial arts and magic spells.

In the next few days, Jiang Pingan went to the magic building continuously.

Now that he has a lot of learning skills, he simply relearns many basic magic spells.

Then, he went into the alchemy building and exchanged for the [Best] "Shen Nong's Alchemy·Volume 2".

He also exchanged for a recipe for the "Da Huan Dan". The Da Huan Dan is regarded as a holy medicine for internal injuries by most cultivators.

Using his proficiency points, Jiang Pingan quickly comprehended the [Best] "Shen Nong's Alchemy·Volume 2", learned the special-grade alchemy, and with the blessing of 100 times the proficiency points, he comprehended the Xuan-grade alchemy.

He also used 100 times the proficiency points to comprehend a top-grade recipe for the "Da Huan Dan" recipe - the "Huitian Dan".

It took two days for Jiang Pingan to refine several furnaces of Da Huan Dan and Huitian Dan in case of emergency.

After being busy for seven or eight days, Jiang Pingan finally decided to enter Yulong Mountain for retreat and enter the Palace Master Hall to apply.

Coming out of the Palace Master Hall, Jiang Pingan saw Chen Donglai running towards him from a distance.

"Young Master, the old lady of Zhennan Hou is looking for you." Chen Donglai ran up to him and reported immediately.

Jiang Pingan showed disgust on his face and asked, "What does that old woman want to see me for?"

"I don't know." Chen Donglai replied, "I just received a notification from the guard."

Jiang Pingan walked towards Shangkunyuan and said decisively, "No!"

"But, she is the old lady of Zhennan Marquis after all..." Chen Donglai whispered.

Jiang Pingan sneered, "So what? In my eyes, she is just an old woman, and it's unlucky to hear her."

Chen Donglai didn't dare to persuade her anymore.

The old lady of Zhennan Marquis thought she was sincere and waited for half an hour, but still couldn't wait for Jiang Pingan to come out to see her.

Confirming that Jiang Pingan was unwilling to come out to see her, she had to find another way and let the guard notify her other grandson, Zhao Haoran.

This time, in less than an incense stick of time, Zhao Haoran hurried out to take her into Taiwu Mansion.

"Where does Pingan live? Take me to see him." After walking a few steps into Taiwu Mansion, the old lady of Zhennan Marquis said to Zhao Haoran.

The smile on Zhao Haoran's face froze, and he immediately knew that the old lady of Zhennan Marquis did not come to Taiwu Mansion to see him.

At the same time, he couldn't help but guess that the old lady of Zhennan Marquis wanted Jiang Ping'an to return to Zhennan Marquis Mansion.

He forced a filial smile again and advised: "Grandma, Jiang Ping'an is very hostile to our Zhennan Marquis Mansion..."

"Stop talking!" The old lady of Zhennan Marquis scolded unhappily, "Just lead the way when I ask you to."

Zhao Haoran had no choice but to respond: "Yes."

Half an hour later, Zhao Haoran led the old lady of Zhennan Marquis to Jiang Ping'an's residence.

"Knock on the door." The old lady of Zhennan Marquis ordered.

Zhao Haoran made a final struggle and said: "Last time, Aunt San also came to Jiang Ping'an, but Jiang Ping'an didn't give her any face, which made Aunt San lose face in public. Afterwards, many students laughed at Aunt San and criticized our Zhennan Marquis Mansion."

Zhao Zhenming was already ruined, and he felt that he had hope to compete for the position of the future prince. If Jiang Ping'an returned to Zhennan Marquis Mansion, he would have no chance.

"I'm his grandmother, how dare he be rude to me?" The old lady of Zhennan Marquis said disapprovingly, "Knock on the door."

Zhao Haoran had no choice but to go forward and knock on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and Chen Donglai saw the old lady of Zhennan Marquis dressed in noble clothes, and immediately guessed the identity of the visitor.

"This is the wife of Zhennan Marquis, why don't you let Jiang Pingan come out to greet her." Zhao Haoran deliberately said to Chen Donglai in a proud voice.

Chen Donglai, who had been deeply rooted in his body and mind for the Zhennan Marquis Mansion since childhood, hurriedly said: "This is the young master."

After saying that, he quickly turned around to find Jiang Pingan.

The old lady of Zhennan Marquis did not stand in front of the door waiting for Jiang Pingan to come out. She ordered Zhao Haoran: "You wait outside the door."

Then, she walked in by herself.

In the hall, Jiang Pingan heard Chen Donglai report that the old lady of Zhennan Marquis had come to the door, and he was immediately angry: "You still let me greet her? Why doesn't she die!"

"But..." Chen Donglai wanted to persuade.

Jiang Pingan interrupted immediately: "No buts!"

Chen Donglai had no choice but to turn around and walk out of the hall, but he saw that the old lady of Zhennan Marquis had already walked into the yard. He was so scared that he turned back in a hurry.

"Master, she has already entered the yard." He shouted.

Jiang Pingan calmed down instead.

He stood up and walked out of the hall, his eyes fell on the old lady of Zhennan Marquis.

When the old lady of Zhennan Marquis saw Jiang Pingan in person, she immediately showed a kind smile and shouted: "Pingan, grandma is here to see you."

Jiang Pingan suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and three layers of goose bumps appeared all over his body.

Old pious woman, do you have any shame?

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