Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 26: Comprehending the Ultimate Martial Arts and Magic

Not long after, Jiang Zhengtian and Jiang Zhengfa came back with their children, that is, Zhao Ping'an's cousins.

The eldest cousin Jiang Huaihai is 26 years old this year. He has already returned to the family after learning skills, married and had children, and gradually took over part of the family business.

The second cousin Jiang Huaishan and the third cousin Jiang Huaiyi are both 22 years old this year and returned to the family a few months ago.

Now that the Jiang family is booming, it is in urgent need of reliable backbone personnel, so the three cousins ​​have returned to the family.

As for the cousin Jiang Yiyi, she has been growing up in the family. At the age of 17 this year, she is already a pretty and lively girl with many suitors in Baidi City.

Zhao Ping'an's fourth cousin and cousin have good cultivation and are already in the Yuanhai realm, which is stronger than their fathers in the past.

This is a thriving family.

"Cousin, you are here!" Jiang Yiyi saw the handsome Zhao Ping'an and immediately trotted to Zhao Ping'an and said happily.

The girl's eyes were bright and charming, and they were even more radiant when she looked at Zhao Ping'an. She put her hands behind her back and clasped them left and right. She leaned forward to Zhao Ping'an and swayed gently from side to side, looking very cute.

Zhao Ping'an smiled and nodded: "Cousin."

The two of them didn't look like cousins, but cousins.

Twelve years later, Jiang Yiyi still couldn't forget that she was Zhao Ping'an's tail when she was a child.

At this time, Jiang Huaihai, Jiang Huaishan and Jiang Huaiyi came over, greeted Jiang Wen and Jiang Shuyue respectively, and then greeted Zhao Ping'an: "Cousin."

"Big cousin, second cousin, third cousin." Zhao Ping'an responded to them one by one.

Jiang Wen cleared his cough, letting everyone focus on him, and then said to Jiang Huaihai and the other four: "I called you here because Ping'an will teach us two sets of top-grade martial arts. You all watch carefully."

Jiang Huaihai and the other four were surprised, and then overjoyed.

"Thank you, cousin!" The eldest cousin Jiang Huaihai was relatively mature in thinking. After reacting, he immediately thanked Zhao Pingan.

Jiang Huaishan, Jiang Huaiyi and Jiang Yiyi reacted and hurriedly followed to thank Zhao Pingan.

Zhao Pingan smiled and waved his hand, saying, "You are welcome, family, and these two sets of martial arts are also from the Jiang family."

After that, he performed the new "Dividing Flowers and Brushing Willows" body technique, and his figure was erratic and as fast as lightning. He rushed to the open space a few feet in front, and then performed the new "Dividing Flowers and Brushing Willows" body techniques one by one.

"It's the "Dividing Flowers and Brushing Willows" body technique! No, no, what kind of body technique is this? It's amazing!" Jiang Huaishan, Jiang Yiyi and others couldn't help but shout in surprise.

Jiang Wen, Jiang Zhengtian and Jiang Zhengfa didn't say anything, and they all watched with all their strength, fearing that they would miss a little bit.

Jiang Shuyue was also watching carefully.

She was shocked in her heart, because she had seen Zhao Pingan perform this set of body techniques twelve years ago.

Just now, Zhao Pingan said that he had gained some insights after practicing for many years. In fact, he had already gained some insights twelve years ago, and he had only learned it for more than ten days at that time.

As Zhao Pingan finished performing the new "Fen Hua Fu Liu" body movement, Jiang Wen was so excited that his face turned red: "Good, good, good! At least it is a top-grade body movement! Hahaha, the Jiang family has a top-grade body movement from now on!"

Jiang Yiyi excitedly ran to Zhao Pingan and said coquettishly: "Cousin, I want to learn your body movement! It is more elegant and beautiful than "Fen Hua Fu Liu". If I learn it, I will be like a fairy when I perform it!"

Others also showed joy.

"Cousin, your body movement is somewhat similar to "Fen Hua Fu Liu." Jiang Huaihai and the other three also walked in front of Zhao Pingan.

Zhao Pingan smiled and said: "It is derived from "Fen Hua Fu Liu". I made some changes."

Jiang Huaihai and the other four people couldn't help but be shocked.

After a while, Jiang Huaishan came back to his senses first, and said with sincere admiration: "I didn't expect that your comprehension would be even more amazing when you grow up."

He would never forget the embarrassing incident when he taught Zhao Ping'an "Qingfeng Sword Technique" the day before and was beaten by Zhao Ping'an using "Qingfeng Sword Technique" the next day.


Two sets of top-grade martial arts could not be fully taught in just one month, so Zhao Ping'an wrote "Xunxing Sword Technique" and the new "Fenhua Fuliu" in a book and gave it to his grandfather Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen was still excited when he got "Xunxing Sword Technique" and the new "Fenhua Fuliu": "Ping'an, you have made a great contribution to the Jiang family."

"I didn't do anything," Zhao Ping'an shook his head, "but let you worry about me."

Jiang Wen smiled and said: "Since you already have the cultivation of Yuanhai Realm, today grandpa will teach you two top-grade martial arts and one top-grade spell of the Jiang family."

He knew Zhao Ping'an's extraordinary comprehension, and he learned things very quickly, so one month was more than enough.

Moreover, he had a small extravagant hope in his heart, that is, after Zhao Ping'an learned the Jiang family's top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells, he could comprehend the best martial arts and top-grade spells, and then give them to the Jiang family.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Zhao Ping'an said happily.

He was about to go to Yujing, which was a long way away. Yujing was a place where there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. He urgently needed stronger top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells for self-defense.

So, Jiang Wen solemnly took out two top-grade martial arts secret books and one top-grade spell secret book and gave them to Zhao Ping'an.

After Zhao Ping'an took the secret book, he opened it and read it quickly, one after another.

In less than an incense stick, he finished reading the three top-grade secret books, and then returned them to Jiang Wen: "Thank you, Grandpa, I have memorized them all."

Although Jiang Wen knew that Zhao Ping'an had the ability to remember everything he saw, he was still a little shocked.

"Let's go, let's go to the martial arts field, Grandpa will teach you personally." He said.

Zhao Ping'an smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, but I want to try to comprehend it myself. If I can't comprehend it thoroughly, I will ask Grandpa for advice."

"Okay." Jiang Wen replied, thinking that with Zhao Ping'an's intelligence and understanding, he would be able to learn it easily.

After saying goodbye to Jiang Wen, Zhao Ping'an returned to Guiyue Courtyard, entered the bedroom, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

With his eyes slightly closed, he opened the panel and his eyes fell on [Spell].

[Spell: Hunyuan Body Protection Magic Gang [Earth Level] (100000/100000), Xunfeng Blade Technique [Top Grade] (0/2000)]

〖Xunfeng Blade Technique: After a short period of condensing the vitality of heaven and earth, one or more wind blades are sent to hit the target, with an effective attack range of up to five feet (sixteen or seventeen meters), and the sharpest can cut through a stone pillar. 〗

After reading the introduction of "Xunfengshu", Zhao Pingan couldn't help but secretly said: "Spells of the same grade are much stronger than martial arts, but it has a pre-casting swing. Moreover, the proficiency requirement is twice as high, which should be more difficult to practice. Perhaps, the consumption of true essence is also greater."

Thinking of this, Zhao Pingan began to add proficiency points to "Xunfeng Blade Art" and filled it up in one breath.

The next moment, a lot of insights about "Xunfeng Blade Art" flooded into his mind.

After more than ten breaths, he completely comprehended "Xunfeng Blade Art".

Opening his eyes and taking a short rest, before continuing to add a hundred times the proficiency points to "Xunfeng Blade Art", he secretly said in his heart: "I will try my best to compress the gathering time of the new spell, I hope I can do it."

After more than a hundred breaths, Zhao Pingan's understanding of "Xunfeng Blade Art" was extremely profound, and he introduced new and stronger spells.

He named the new spell "Extreme Speed ​​Xun Wind Blade"

[Spell: Hunyuan Body Protection Magic Gang [Earth Level] (100000/100000), Extreme Speed ​​Xun Wind [Top Grade]]

〖Extreme Speed ​​Xun Wind Blade: After a very short period of condensing the vitality of heaven and earth, one or dozens of wind blades are sent to hit the target, with an effective attack range of ten feet. The sharpest can cut off an iron pillar with a diameter of one foot (33.3 cm). 〗

After reading the Extreme Speed ​​Xun Wind Blade, Zhao Pingan couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. He could actually control the direction of the deduction of martial arts and spells.

Moreover, the power of the Extreme Speed ​​Xun Wind Blade is also very strong. Ordinary armor can't block it at all. It is estimated that only Xuanqi can barely block it.

After giving his brain a rest for a while, Zhao Pingan continued to add proficiency points to the two top-grade martial arts of the Jiang family.

[Martial arts: "Xunfeng Wing" [Top Grade] (0/1000), "Golden Wind and Drizzle Palm" [Top Grade] (0/1000), "Xunxing Sword Technique" [Top Grade]...]

〖Xunfeng Wing: True essence and wind essence are combined to form wind wings, and the flying speed can reach 100 feet per breath. 〗

〖Golden Wind and Drizzle Palm: Tight defense, palm with wind and rain, injure the enemy from a distance, erode the enemy's body, and make the enemy lose after a long battle. 〗

After reading the introduction of "Xunfeng Wing" and "Drizzle Golden Wind Palm", Zhao Ping'an couldn't help but secretly rejoice: "Xunfeng Wing" is just right for me, allowing me to gain the ability to fly before the Shenzang realm, and the speed is very fast. Drizzle Golden Wind Palm is also good to use with the split flowers and brush willows body method."

At that moment, he filled up the proficiency points of "Wing Wind Wing" and "Golden Wind and Drizzle Palm" respectively, and learned these two martial arts.

Then, he increased the proficiency of "Xunfeng Wing" and "Golden Wind and Drizzle Palm" by 100 times, and comprehended two new top-grade martial arts.

After a little thought, he named the two top-grade martial arts respectively.

"Xunfeng Killing Wing" [Top-grade]: True essence and wind essence are combined to form a pair of wind wings with a wingspan of five feet, and the flying speed can reach three hundred feet per breath. The wind wings are as sharp as a knife, and when passing by the target, the wind wings can cut the target.

"Wind and Rain Transformation Palm" [Top-grade]: Tight defense, palm with wind and rain, forming a piece of wind and rain, wind and rain quickly erodes the enemy's body, killing the enemy.

After upgrading two top-grade martial arts and one top-grade spell, Zhao Ping'an did not plan to pass them to Jiang Mansion immediately, because they were too shocking.

He planned to pass them to Jiang Mansion in a few years.

Two or three days after returning to Jiang Mansion, Zhao Ping'an couldn't wait to wander around.

Being imprisoned in a small courtyard for twelve years, the feeling of depression and suffocation can be imagined.

He was able to suppress the negative emotions of being under house arrest, but that didn't mean he wasn't affected at all.

Zhao Ping'an first wandered around the streets of Baidi City for seven or eight days, gathering wherever there were crowds, and then he began to go out of the city for outings, even to the wild forests for camping.

At first, his cousins ​​accompanied him to play and go crazy, but they couldn't hold on to camping in the wild forests for a long time, so Zhao Ping'an asked them to go back to the city.

Including Chen Donglai, he was sent back, leaving him alone in the wild.

"Amitabha, Mr. Zhao, I am really polite."

When Zhao Ping'an was grilling a fat wild rabbit, a middle-aged monk appeared from the forest and walked in front of Zhao Ping'an.

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