Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 28 Kill Qiu Shui and count the spoils

In less than 20 breaths, Zhao Pingan caught up with the masked woman and the two monsters.

The two monsters were only second-level monsters, and their strength was comparable to that of the human race's Yuanhai realm. Although they were fast in escape, they could not compare with Xunfeng Shayi at all.

Zhao Pingan swooped down from the air, like a hawk hunting, and hit the lumbar spine of a monster that was escaping with a Luohan Fumo Fist.

The monster's spine was broken into two pieces on the spot, and it was paralyzed on the ground, emitting a wail and roar.

Zhao Pingan hit the monster's head with another Luohan Fumo Fist, and the monster's brain was splattered, and it was dead.

Zhao Pingan continued to chase the masked woman and the tiger monster who took the opportunity to escape dozens of feet.

When he repeated the same trick, the masked woman riding on the tiger monster's back suddenly activated a Gengjin sword energy talisman, and countless golden sword energy shot at him who was swooping down.

The speed of the Gengjin sword energy bursting out and the speed of diving down, the two combined, the speed was so fast that it did not give people any reaction time.

It must be said that the masked woman's counterattack time was very good.

Moreover, the Gengjin Sword Qi Talisman is a top-grade spiritual talisman, powerful enough to kill a strong man in the Shenzang realm.

However, Zhao Ping'an dared to swoop down and kill the enemy like this, so he naturally relied on something.

Suddenly, a protective shield with golden light appeared on his body, blocking all the Gengjin sword qi.

It was the Hunyuan body protection magic.

Still the fierce Luohan Fumo Fist, he broke the lumbar vertebrae of the huge tiger monster with one punch.


The tiger monster screamed, and its huge body rolled up under inertia, and the masked woman was thrown out on the spot.

The masked cloth of the masked woman in the air also flew away, revealing her face. It was Qiu Shui, Su Yingluo's maidservant.

Zhao Ping'an abandoned the tiger monster with paralyzed lower body and pounced on Qiu Shui.

As soon as Qiu Shui landed, his fists followed.


When it was about to hit Qiushui, a golden shield appeared on Qiushui's body, blocking Zhao Ping'an's fist.

It was a stronger amulet than the Golden Bell Cover Talisman, the Golden Light Talisman, a top-grade spiritual talisman, which could defend against the attacks of the strong in the Shenzang Realm.

Zhao Ping'an sneered, opened the solar meridian, and the vast sea of ​​true energy gushed out, and immediately punched again.


The golden light shield was immediately broken, and then hit Qiushui, knocking her away seven or eight feet.

Zhao Ping'an did not chase after her anymore. He released the Golden Dragon Rope and let the Golden Dragon Rope tie Qiushui up, while he turned around and walked towards the tiger monster, and ended the tiger monster's life with a Luohan Demon Subduing Fist.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Rope tied Qiushui with blood in her mouth and nose and flew over.

"Qiushui, you wanted to kill me, but you didn't expect to be killed by me?" Zhao Ping'an sneered at Qiushui.

Qiu Shui's face was full of hatred and fear, but she still snorted coldly: "Kill me if you want! I won't betray my wife!"

She knew in her heart that it was useless for her to beg for mercy at this point.

"Haha, you think too much. I don't intend to torture you at all. You are of no use to me!" Zhao Ping'an laughed.

Qiu Shui's face flushed with anger, and Zhao Ping'an's words hurt her dignity.

Zhao Ping'an paused, and then he said: "I will keep your life temporarily, just to let you feel the fear and regret before death. You must regret why you went out of the city to assassinate me yourself, right?"

Qiu Shui cursed in shame and anger, trying to provoke Zhao Ping'an so that Zhao Ping'an would give her a quick death.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her mouth, Zhao Ping'an slapped her, dislocating her jaw and making her unable to curse.

"Killing you directly is too easy for you!"

"At the beginning, you led people to break into Jiang Mansion to capture me, separated me and my mother, and called my mother an abandoned woman, causing my mother's internal injuries to worsen, vomiting blood and coma. You are on my death list!"

Zhao Ping'an used the original Xunfeng Wings and flew back to the place where he killed Kong Zhen and other three powerful people in the Shenzang Realm.

Xunfeng Killing Wings is a top-grade martial art that consumes a lot of true energy. He should use it less when it is not necessary. It is not easy for him to accumulate some true energy.

As for Qiu Shui, of course, she was tied up by the Golden Dragon Rope and followed behind Zhao Ping'an.

Qiu Shui is just a maid in the Yuanhai Realm. It is a blessing to be tied up by the top-grade spiritual weapon Golden Dragon Rope for so long.

Landing in front of the corpses of the three powerful people in the Shenzang Realm, Zhao Ping'an began to touch the corpses.

This was all taught by the old black dog. He is pure by nature.

After a while, Zhao Ping'an got two Qiankun bags, two top-grade ordinary swords and a string of hanging beads with another Qiankun.

He was in no hurry to pour out the contents of the Qiankun bag and the hanging beads.

"I've let you live for so long, you should know when to die." Zhao Ping'an turned to Qiu Shui and said.

The next moment, he hit Qiu Shui's heart with a Luohan Fumo fist, which was neither light nor heavy. Qiu Shui was immediately in extreme pain. He wanted to scream but couldn't, and blood kept flowing from his mouth and nose.

Zhao Ping'an took back the Golden Dragon Rope, and let Qiu Shui roll and twitch on the ground in pain.

After forty or fifty breaths, Qiu Shui finally died.

After pulling off Qiu Shui's Qiankun bag, Zhao Ping'an walked to Kong Zhen's body.

The wounds on Kong Zhen's body showed many traces of Jiang family martial arts, which must be destroyed, otherwise Pu Du Shan would follow the clues to find Jiang Mansion and then target him.

Moreover, he wanted to frame the death of Qiu Shui and others on Pu Du Shan or Kong Zhen, and Kong Zhen must "disappear".

"It would be great if I had Senior Laohei's white flame, which is an absolutely great skill for destroying corpses and erasing traces." Zhao Ping'an said to himself with regret, "Why didn't I think of asking it for advice on white flames before?"

He sighed lightly and had a good idea: "I got it, then destroy the corpse in another place!"

At that moment, he took out a big bag and put Kong Zhen's corpse in it, then used Xunfeng Killing Wings to fly away from Baidi City.

Xunfeng Killing Wings can fly 300 feet per breath at the highest speed. Zhao Pingan flew for a full 100 breaths and stopped only when he passed the surging Yuanjiao River.

In the air, he threw Kong Zhen's body down, splashing countless water.

Kong Zhen's body immediately attracted the attention of the water monster in the river. A giant catfish with a head as big as a small house surfaced and swallowed Kong Zhen's body in one gulp.

After confirming that the body was destroyed successfully, Zhao Pingan turned around and flew back to the campsite.

Of course, everything in the campsite could not be cleaned up again. He rode on the horse and whipped the horse's buttocks several times with the whip.

The horse suddenly felt a huge pain and ran wildly regardless of everything.

Zhao Pingan did not control the direction very much, allowing the horse to pass through the thorny bushes and tear his clothes.

He was just trying to fake the traces of his panic escape.

More than an hour later, Zhao Pingan rode back to Jiang Mansion.

Seeing Zhao Pingan's embarrassed appearance, the people in Jiang Mansion asked about his concern, but Zhao Pingan did not answer any of them.

He went straight back to Guiyue Courtyard and changed his clothes to remove the traces of embarrassment.

He did not intend to tell Jiang Shuyue that he was assassinated by Su Yingluo, lest Jiang Shuyue go to Zhennan Marquis Mansion to seek justice.

Although Jiang Shuyue was already in the fifth level of Shenzang Realm, he was nothing in front of the huge Zhennan Marquis Mansion.

If Su Yingluo did not send someone to interrogate and investigate him, then it would be as if nothing had happened.

Otherwise, in the end, it would only make Jiang Shuyue sad and worried.

In the middle of the night, it was quiet.

In the bedroom, Zhao Ping'an got up and lit a monster oil lamp, then took out today's spoils to count.

First, there were the Qiankun bags of the two masked black-clothed men in the Shenzang Realm. There were a lot of things, and the pile was one person high, but there were not too many really valuable things.

The truly valuable things: a total of five bottles of top-grade elixirs including the Wannian Yuanshen Pill, seven or eight bottles of mid-grade elixirs, five or six Yuanshi, gold and silver ingots and silver notes totaling more than eight thousand taels...

Yuanshi is an ore containing a large amount of Yuanqi, which can be used for cultivation, alchemy, refining, array formation, etc., and is also the currency in circulation in the cultivation world. According to the purity of the Yuanqi contained, it is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade.

A low-grade Lingshi can be sold for about three thousand taels of silver, but low-grade Lingshi generally cannot be used directly for cultivation, because it contains too many impurities of Yuanqi, and some impurities are still poisonous.

Those five or six Yuanshi are all low-grade Yuanshi.

"Poor ghost!" Zhao Ping'an couldn't help complaining.

Put away the valuable things, and put the worthless "garbage" in a Qiankun bag, and find an opportunity to deal with it another day.

Zhao Ping'an then poured out the things in Qiu Shui's Qiankun bag and counted them. What surprised him was that he poured out a lot of gold, Yuanshi, elixirs and talismans.

The total value of gold, silver and silver notes is as high as more than 40,000 taels of silver.

There are four Yuanshi, but one is a high-grade Yuanshi, and the other three are medium-grade Yuanshi.

This surprised Zhao Pingan.

You should know that one high-grade Yuanshi can be exchanged for ten medium-grade Yuanshi, and can be exchanged for one hundred low-grade Yuanshi. High-grade Yuanshi can be used directly for cultivation. Medium-grade Yuanshi can barely be used directly for cultivation, but it is not recommended.

High-grade Yuanshi looks like crystal, and you can see the rich liquid Yuanqi contained inside, and the surface emits a bright light.

Zhao Pingan took the high-grade Yuanshi in his hand and played with it, and he couldn't let it go: "This high-grade Yuanshi is just right for cultivation to make up for the large amount of true Yuan I consumed today."

"Is it easy for me to fill my Yuanhai?"

As for the spiritual pills, there are more than a dozen bottles, but they are basically Yuanqi pills, which are not too valuable.

Finally, there are talismans, a total of 20 to 30 pieces, of which seven are high-grade talismans, and the others are medium-grade talismans.

A top-grade talisman is worth several thousand taels of silver. There is a big difference between different top-grade talismans, and Zhao Ping'an is not sure yet.

If all these talismans are sold, they should be able to get 50,000 or 60,000 taels of silver.

"A maid has so much money, she must have been seriously corrupt!" Zhao Ping'an couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, "It's just a bargain for me."

After counting Qiu Shui's spoils, Zhao Ping'an then counted Kong Zhen's things.

As expected of the master of Pu Du Mountain, he is rich as oil. Kong Zhen's things are more valuable than Qiu Shui and the other two powerful masters of Shenzang Realm combined.

Zhao Ping'an couldn't help but feel happy: "Now, I finally have some cultivation resources."

After counting the spoils, Zhao Ping'an sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the top-grade Yuan Stone and held it in his hand, and then began to absorb the Yuan Qi of the top-grade Yuan Stone for cultivation.

The extremely rich Yuan Qi was absorbed into the body like a thick fog, and then quickly refined into pure Zhen Yuan, and finally flowed into the Yuan Sea like a trickle.

This cultivation speed is many times faster than in the Zhennan Marquis Mansion where the heaven and earth energy is very rich.

After an hour, Zhao Ping'an had to stop practicing because the energy contained in the top-grade Yuanshi was absorbed by him and turned into a piece of waste stone that could break at any time.

Zhao Ping'an stretched his waist and said with a sense of aftertaste: "It's really cool. In just one hour, I not only made up for the energy I consumed during the day, but also had a slight surplus."

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