Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 32 Genius Ranking Competition

The spaceship did not return directly to Yujing, but turned to other states and counties to pick up the children of other princes, including some powerful children of aristocratic families in some states and counties.

Among them, the spaceship passed Qingzhou and picked up five children of the Su family.

As the spaceship picked up more and more people, the spaceship became more and more lively.

However, these had nothing to do with Jiang Pingan, who basically absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth in the room to practice.

He was born with a whole body of meridians, and could practice for more than eight hours a day, while others could only practice for one hour at most.

A month later, the spaceship finally arrived in Yujing and landed in the square of Taiwu Mansion.

In order to build Taiwu Mansion, Emperor Qian invested a huge amount of money and divided three districts in Yujing, where every inch of land was worth a lot of money (Yujing was divided into a total of 108 districts except the central imperial city), and built them very beautifully.

Therefore, the square of Taiwu Mansion could stop the huge expedition spaceship.

After getting off the spaceship, the students, servants and guards stood in batches.

A middle-aged man with a dragon-like aura, a tall hat and a wide belt, accompanied by two instructors with the same dragon-like aura and a dozen instructors in the God Hidden Realm, welcomed the students who had just got off the spaceship.

The students sent by this spaceship were the last batch of students, and Taiwu Mansion was familiar with welcoming them.

"My name is Cao Yunsheng, and I am the Supervisor of Taiwu Mansion, in charge of the discipline of Taiwu Mansion." The middle-aged man with a tall hat and a wide belt said slowly, his voice was not loud, but it was clear to everyone's ears, "Cao, on behalf of Taiwu Mansion, welcomes you."

After a pause, Cao Yunsheng continued: "There is no order without rules. Taiwu Mansion has gathered the best of the princes of various parties in my country, the outstanding people of various states, and many talented people from the people. They are all geniuses and are full of enthusiasm. In order to make you learn and achieve success, Taiwu Mansion has set a set of government rules."

"There are many government rules and regulations. Cao is in Here are a few important ones to tell you first. "

"First, respect teachers and respect the teachings. Students are strictly prohibited from provoking, insulting and threatening teachers;

Second, it is strictly forbidden to kill, maim and beat fellow students;

Third, all the skills, spells, martial arts and secrets in the mansion must not be leaked without authorization;


No matter who it is or what their background is, once someone violates the above rules, they will be severely punished and will not be tolerated!"

Cao Yunsheng said the last part and used the soul secret technique. Although the sound was not loud, it contained the power of heaven, which made all the students present feel shocked, fearful and obedient.

After a few pauses to let the students recover, Cao Yunsheng continued: "Now, according to the level of cultivation, the students in Tongmai Realm stand on the left, the students in Yuanhai Realm stand in the middle, and the students in Shenzang Realm stand on the right."

Some of the students began to move to the left, no one moved to the right, and most of them stayed where they were.

This time, Taiwu Mansion forced enrollment and gave up the children of Shenzang Realm from various lords and families, even if they were under 24 years old.

After grading the students according to their cultivation, Cao Yunsheng asked the instructor behind him to lead the students to the dormitories.

The Imperial Academy had a clear intention to arrange the dormitories for the students, and tried to separate the children from the same princes or family and disperse them to different dormitories.

Everyone had their dormitories assigned, and only Jiang Pingan was left.

"What's your name?" An instructor in charge of arranging dormitories asked Jiang Pingan, "Which prince or family are you from?"

Jiang Pingan replied, "My name is Jiang Pingan, my original name is Zhao Pingan, and I come from the Zhennan Marquis's Mansion."

When the instructor heard that the name was changed and the surname was changed, he immediately guessed that it was a grudge between the marquis's family, but he didn't care.

Wait, the children who changed their surnames from the Zhennan Marquis's Mansion need to be given special care.

He took out the flower book and looked at it, then looked at Jiang Pingan and said, "Your cultivation should be Tongmai Realm, right?"

Jiang Pingan practiced "Hua Fan", and no one could see through his cultivation unless the saint came in person.

"I am Yuanhai Realm." Jiang Pingan said, while releasing the aura of Yuanhai Realm.

Seeing that Jiang Ping'an was really in the Yuanhai realm, the instructor thought for a moment and smiled gently, "Jiang Ping'an, come with me, I will arrange a good residence for you."

"Thank you, Instructor Li." Jiang Ping'an bowed respectfully on the surface to express his gratitude, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

After walking for half an hour, Instructor Li finally stopped and pointed to an empty small courtyard and said, "Jiang Ping'an, this is your residence."

Jiang Ping'an looked at the new and elegant small courtyard and the beautiful environment around it, and his heart was full of doubts.

The situation seemed to be completely opposite to his worries just now, and what Instructor Li said was actually true.

"Thank you, Instructor Li." He bowed and thanked.

Instructor Li smiled and said, "Mountains are not high, but they are famous if there are immortals; water is not deep, but it is magical if there are dragons. A good residence, hahaha..."

As he spoke, he had already gone far away with a string of laughter.

As Jiang Ping'an walked towards the gate of his residence, he thought about the meaning of Instructor Li's words.

"So, my neighbor is a big shot." He thought to himself.

However, he was not in a hurry to visit and get to know him for the time being. The neighbor was there and could not move away. It would not take a few days.

The gate was closed, but the key was inserted in the lock, waiting for its first owner.

Jiang Pingan opened the gate and walked in.

First, there was a small front yard. About six feet inside was the main house. The main house was a two-room building with four rooms. There was a small wing room on each side of the main house.

In addition, the yard also had a small backyard.

Entering the main house, the first thing was a small main hall that was one foot wide and one foot and two feet deep. There were wooden furniture such as tables and chairs in the hall.

On one of the square tables was a book.

Jiang Pingan walked to the table and picked up the book to read it. The book had four big characters "Instructions for Entering the Mansion" written on it.

However, what attracted his attention the most was a map of Taiwu Mansion and a piece of paper called "Taiwu Mansion Regulations" pressed under the letter.

When I opened the map and looked at it, I saw that the terrain of Taiwu Mansion was almost equivalent to a Bagua array. The center of the map is the core of Taiwu Mansion, including the Palace Lord's Hall, the Kung Fu Building, the Magic Building, the Martial Arts Building, the Secret Art Building, the Alchemy Building, the Talisman Painting Building...etc., a huge circle is drawn in the center, and then the center of the circle is As the center, sixteen areas of similar sizes and shapes are divided. These sixteen areas are named after the Bagua directions, such as Shangqianyuan, Xiaqianyuan, Shangxunyuan, Xiaxunyuan... and so on.

However, what Jiang Ping'an found a little strange was that the divided areas were completely isolated and not directly connected, forming relatively closed areas that could only be moved through the central area. Almost every area has its own independent martial arts arena, training room, etc.

Putting down the map of Taiwu Mansion, Jiang Pingan picked up the "Rules of Taiwu Mansion" and read it carefully and memorized it.

Government regulations are rules. If you understand the rules and don't exploit loopholes in the rules, at least you won't be tricked by others using the rules.

Then he quickly read through the instructions for entering the house.

The instructions for entering the palace remind that the opening ceremony of the palace will be held tomorrow, and Emperor Qian will attend the ceremony as the first palace owner.

On the third day after the opening ceremony, the Taiwu Mansion held a genius ranking competition. All students must participate. The rankings will determine the allocation of resources for the next three months until the genius ranking competition is held again three months later.

Moreover, those who win the ranking in the competition will receive generous rewards.

First place: one top-grade martial skill or spell, two top-grade Yuan stones, twenty bottles of high-grade Yuan Qi pills and one thousand learning skills;

Second place: a top-grade martial skill or spell, twenty bottles of high-grade vitality pills and five hundred learned skills;

Seeing such a generous competition reward, Jiang Ping'an was very moved. He just lacked the qualifications to practice.

Now that he has entered the middle stage of Yuan Hai Realm, he has begun to expand Yuan Hai, which requires a large amount of true energy. Under normal circumstances, the area of ​​the final Yuan Sea is about ten times that of the initial Yuan Sea. Whenever he thought that his Yuan Hai was almost boundless and could expand ten times, he actually felt worried that he would never be able to enter the divine realm.

He said to himself helplessly: "I didn't want to be too arrogant, but ranking affects resource allocation, and the reward for first place is generous, so I had no choice but to take first place."

After reading the content of the Genius Ranking Competition, he continued reading and saw that the instructions for entering the mansion required that he must go to the Palace Lord's Hall in the central area to receive the identity jade token today.

Jiang Ping'an did not continue to look at the house. He turned and left the yard and went to the Palace Lord's Hall in the central area to receive the identity jade token.

More than half an hour later, in the side hall of the main palace, after verification, when he was about to receive the identity jade token, Jiang Pingan asked tentatively: "I have changed my surname. Can I write the name of my identity jade token as Jiang Pingan?"

"Changed your last name?" The instructor was a little surprised. Just when he was about to refuse, a rich middle-aged voice came, "Of course."

The instructor quickly turned around and saw the person in charge walking over. He quickly stood up and stepped aside to make way.

The middle-aged manager said to Jiang Ping'an amiably: "We in Taiwu Mansion appreciate people with ideas, and we hope you will shine in Taiwu Mansion."

"Thank you." Jiang Ping'an said, sensing that the middle-aged principal seemed to have another purpose.

The middle-aged boss nodded slightly, turned and walked away.

After a while, Jiang Pingan got his wish and got an identity jade plaque named Jiang Pingan. From now on, at least in Taiwu Mansion, he will be Jiang Pingan, not Zhao Pingan.

After successfully receiving the identity jade token, Jiang Pingan immediately rushed to see Jiang Shuyue, Jiang Yiyi and Chen Donglai.

Taiwu Mansion was so big that Jiang Pingan walked as fast as flying. It still took him half an hour to reach the place where the students' servants and guards were gathered.

"Mom, cousin, are you okay?" Jiang Pingan asked with concern.

Although we were on the same ship on the road, we couldn't see each other for a month.

"We're okay." Jiang Shuyue nodded slightly and asked with concern, "What about you?"

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Everything went well for me."

After chatting over a cup of tea, Jiang Ping'an took the initiative to explain in detail the situation of entering the mansion, including his residence.

"It's getting late," Jiang Shuyue looked up at the sky and said to Jiang Ping'an, "I'm leaving Taiwu Mansion to find an inn to stay. When I find a place to stay, I will send someone to deliver a message to you."

After Jiang Shuyue escorted Jiang Ping'an to Yujing this time, she did not plan to return immediately. She was worried about Jiang Ping'an's encounter in Yujing, and wanted the mother and son to spend more time together, so she would stay in Yujing for about a year.

In addition, she also took on the family task of setting up a soap shop in Yujing and selling soap to Yujing.

"Mother..." Jiang Ping'an couldn't help shouting, feeling reluctant to give up, but didn't know what to say for the moment.

Jiang Shuyue smiled softly, stretched out her jade hand to touch Jiang Pingan's head, but found that Jiang Pingan was too high for her, so she patted Jiang Pingan's upper arm, then turned and left.

After watching his mother leave, Jiang Pingan took Jiang Yiyi and Chen Donglai to register as his servants.

After Jiang Yiyi and Chen Donglai obtained the jade tokens of servant status, they were finally able to truly enter the Taiwu Mansion.

Finally, Jiang Pingan took Jiang Yiyi and Chen Donglai back to his residence, Jiachen No. Shangkunyuan.

Along the way, Jiang Yiyi was excited about the new life that was about to begin, and looked at the buildings and scenery she encountered along the way with curiosity.

Although Taiwu Mansion was newly built, it was invested a lot. Various skilled craftsmen built Taiwu Mansion beautifully and magnificently. Although Baidi City is a majestic city, it is a rear military town to fight against demons. It is far less prosperous and luxurious than Yujing, the capital of the country. Any building and scenery in Taiwu Mansion can make Jiang Yiyi amazed.

Jiang Pingan was not in a hurry and accompanied Jiang Yiyi to watch.

He himself was also relaxed and stretched a lot, and a charming smile was always on his handsome face.

It was a brand new life for Jiang Yiyi, and even more so for him.

He was under house arrest for twelve years and could only move around in a small yard for twelve years. Now he is finally going to fly high.

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