Under the arena, there was still a huge crowd of student spectators.

Apart from Princess Bai Ling, the focus of these student audiences is Jiang Pingan.

Standing in the ring, although Jiang Ping'an has been labeled as a "mortal waste", his appearance is very good: he has handsome features, a jade tree facing the wind, holding a long sword, and his temperament is as calm as an abyss, which makes many female students unable to take their eyes away.

"The competition begins!" As the referee's voice fell, the No. 42 team on the opposite side immediately rushed towards Bai Ling Gong's side.

Team 42 did not have any students who were particularly proficient in magic, so they simply implemented the decapitation tactic.

Jiang Pingan, who was semi-free from the team, was ignored.

When Jiang Ping'an saw that no one was attacking him, he used the splitting flower and willow movement technique to go around to the back of Team 42, and then used the Sunda Star sword technique to attack the person closest to him.

"Get away!" The enemy student's name was Feng Bolong. He treated Jiang Pingan like a fly and slashed at Jiang Pingan's stabbing sword with his backhand, carrying a lot of sword energy.

His slash was a bit subtle, forcing Jiang Ping'an to either confront him head-on or retreat sharply to dodge.

In his expectation, Jiang Ping'an had a mortal body and his true energy was weak, so he would not dare to confront him head-on, and could only retreat backwards. As long as Jiang Ping'an evades, he can continue to seize the opportunity to attack Princess Bai Ling and others.

However, to his surprise, Jiang Pingan did not withdraw his sword and retreat, but continued to stab him.


The knife struck the long sword, but the knife failed to split the long sword. Instead, it was shaken away by a huge force, and the long sword continued to stab forward.

Feng Bolong was taken aback, and it was too late to dodge, so he had to hurriedly cast a middle-level spell - the Earth Elemental Body Protection Method to block the tip of the sword.

However, his body-protecting magic weapon was like paper and was pierced directly, failing to buy him even half a breath.

Jiang Ping'an pierced Feng Bolong's clothes and immediately withdrew his sword when it touched his skin.

Feng Bolong was horrified on the spot and his whole body became stiff.

At this time, the instructor outside the ring volleyed Feng Bolong out of the ring.

Under the ring, when the audience saw Jiang Ping'an defeating a student with one move, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "Huh?!!!"

The exclamations were full of surprise.

After Jiang Pingan defeated Feng Bolong, he immediately attacked the back of the second student closest to him as fast as a meteor.

The student was trying his best to avoid Princess Belle's magic attack when he was suddenly attacked by Jiang Ping'an. He was defeated on the spot and was volleyed out of the ring by the instructor outside the field.

The audience under the ring was obviously stunned. Jiang Pingan defeated two students in a row in the blink of an eye.

Who on earth said that Jiang Ping'an had a mortal body, weak true energy, and no fighting power?

Due to Jiang Ping'an, the situation in the ring was greatly beneficial to Team 135, with the team attacking from both sides, four against three.

Hong Feng had been defeated and eliminated. He stood in front at all costs. Although he was protected by armor with strong defensive power, he only knew middle-grade martial arts. He only lasted three or four breaths before he was defeated.

The remaining three enemies finally realized that Jiang Pingan was the biggest threat in the rear, and hurriedly turned around to deal with Jiang Pingan.

As a result, they were defeated by Princess Bailing and others in the blink of an eye.

"Team No. 135 wins!" the referee announced loudly.

Under the ring, Feng Bolong and others yelled angrily: "Which turtle is spreading this rumor? Jiang Ping'an is not a mortal at all! His true energy is stronger than mine!"

"Don't let me find out the little turtle who spreads rumors. I'm not done with him!!!"

Feng Bolong and others cursed angrily, blaming all the responsibility for the defeat on the people who spread the rumor that Jiang Ping'an was in a mortal body.

The other students not only found it funny, but also secretly felt glad that they had not been misled. They also helped Feng Bolong and others scold the rumormongers for their despicable intentions.

After leaving Yanwu Square, Team 135 found a quiet place to review the battle just now.

Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng stared directly at Jiang Pingan and asked: "Are you really a mortal? Why can you defeat two people so quickly?"

"I am really mortal. They showed their backs to me. If I can't defeat them, I won't be worthy of being your teammates." Jiang Ping'an replied seriously.

Princess Bai Ling said somewhat reproachfully: "Zhang Jingtian, Lu Zhaisheng, Jiang Ping'an let us easily win this competition, isn't it good?"

"Haha, of course it's good." Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng quickly said with a smile, "We are just curious about the combat effectiveness of the mortal body."

Princess Bailing smiled at Jiang Ping'an and said, "I'm a little surprised by you too."

After summing up the review and burning incense, the team broke up and went back to rest.

The third round of competition will be held in the afternoon, so you need to take a good rest and recharge your batteries.

However, not long after they separated, Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng caught up with Jiang Pingan: "Jiang Pingan, we have something to tell you, come with us!"

There was no room for rejection in their voices.

However, what surprised them was that the "weak" Jiang Ping'an smiled and shook his head: "If you have anything to say, you can say it directly, or say it over there. I'm quite busy."

As he spoke, he pointed to the big tree next to him, three or four feet away from the road.

He had always been very talkative before, just because he didn't want to compete with other people for a woman. Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng wanted to show their courtesy in front of Princess Bai Ling, and he couldn't stand in their way.

"Jiang Ping'an, don't toast and you'll be fined if you don't eat!" Lu Zhaisheng threatened.

Zhang Jingtian also said: "Don't forget where you come from and where we come from."

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Jiang Ping'an's expression remained unchanged, and he turned around and continued to move forward.

Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng were angry. After they looked at each other, Lu Zhaisheng shouted to Jiang Ping'an from behind: "Let's talk under the big tree!"

Jiang Ping'an turned to the big tree.

When he arrived under the tree, Lu Zhaisheng immediately said sternly: "Jiang Ping'an, you are not allowed to show off in the next competition, and you are not allowed to defeat anyone again!"

"Yes, absolutely not allowed!" Zhang Jingtian also said in a deep voice.

Jiang Ping'an said calmly: "You are for the top two places in the team after the team wins, right?"

"It's good to know!" Zhang Jingtian said coldly, "Some things are not for you to take!"

In the first two rounds of competition, Jiang Ping'an performed outstandingly, and his contribution even exceeded that of Princess Bailing. If he continues to maintain this, Jiang Ping'an will definitely be ranked in the top two of the team. And Princess Bailing will definitely occupy a place, so he and Lu Zhaisheng will not be able to enter the championship group competition.

Jiang Pingan said disapprovingly: "Of course I can get it with my strength. You can also get it with your strength."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Lu Zhaisheng said impatiently, his tone full of threats.

Jiang Pingan said in a calm voice: "I dare to offend even the children of the prince of Zhennan Marquis's Mansion, so why should I be afraid of your threats?"

After that, he turned and walked away.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do?" Lu Zhaisheng turned his head and looked at Zhang Jingtian and asked, "This guy suddenly became tough. He was obviously pretending before. He paralyzed us!"

Lu Jingtian had no good plan for the time being, so he had to say: "Time is too urgent. We don't have time to force him to commit. The next two rounds of competition will depend on our abilities!"

"Alas, this is the only way." Lu Zhaisheng said angrily.

Jiang Pingan walked back to the Jiachen residence of Shangkunyuan, and then turned and walked to the Jiamao residence next to it, and knocked on the courtyard door.

After a while, the courtyard door opened, and a beautiful young palace maid appeared.

"It's Mr. Jiang. What can I do for you?" The young maid had seen Jiang Ping'an once and remembered his appearance.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Hello, young lady. I have something important to discuss with Princess Bailing. Can you inform her for me?"

Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng both wanted to compete for the top two places in the team. They missed the first two rounds of competition. I'm afraid they will do everything to grab the credit in the next competition. By then, the formation will be in chaos, and they will not cooperate with each other. They may even deliberately trip their teammates, and it is difficult to ensure that the team will not lose unexpectedly.

Therefore, it is necessary to discuss countermeasures with Princess Bailing.

The young maid blushed slightly and whispered, "My name is Caixia. Mr. Jiang can call me by my name or Xiaoxia directly."

"It turns out to be Miss Caixia." Jiang Ping'an bowed and smiled.

"I dare not." Caixia quickly returned the greeting, and then said, "I will inform you right away."

After that, she closed the door.

In less than a cup of tea, the courtyard door was reopened, and it was still Caixia.

She took the opportunity to take a good look at Jiang Ping'an's handsome face, then turned sideways and saluted, saying, "Mr. Jiang, the princess invites you."

"Thank you." Jiang Ping'an bowed and walked into the courtyard gracefully.

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