Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 43 Everyone is jealous and envious

"The competition continues." The referee announced again.

Yuan Ruolan quickly used her skills to distance herself from him. It was obvious that she did not intend to surrender directly.

Jiang Pingan did not chase after her to attack, so as not to give her a chance to criticize.

After the two stood on both sides of the ring, Jiang Pingan said, "I'm going to attack."

After that, he used the skill of splitting flowers and brushing willows to pounce on Yuan Ruolan.

Yuan Ruolan quickly condensed seven or eight water arrows and shot them at Jiang Pingan.

Seven or eight water arrows spread out, forming a large attack range. Jiang Pingan did not intend to directly confront her, so he quickly dodged horizontally.

Yuan Ruolan took the opportunity to cast a high-quality spell - Kanshui Jiaolong.

Countless water essences gathered and combined with Yuan Ruolan's water essence to form a dragon Jiao that was five feet long and as thick as a bucket.

The dragon Jiao was flowing with azure water all over its body, and it had a dragon mouth, dragon horns, dragon whiskers, dragon scales, dragon claws... and so on, all complete and lifelike.


The Kanshui dragon roared, causing pain in the eardrums of the audience below the stage, as if there was really a dragon.

The next moment, Yuan Ruolan controlled the Kanshui dragon to attack Jiang Pingan.

Jiang Pingan did not fight with the Kanshui dragon, but dodged the attack of the Kanshui dragon with his Fenhua Fuliu body technique while rushing towards Yuan Ruolan.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Pingan rushed to Yuan Ruolan.

When they thought Yuan Ruolan would perform some martial arts or spells, Yuan Ruolan surrendered directly.

Jiang Pingan put the sword on Yuan Ruolan's snow-white and delicate neck, and the latter smiled and said, "You won."

Jiang Pingan took back the sword, smiled and bowed, "Thank you Miss Yuan for admitting it."

He already understood that the other party deliberately let him win beautifully.

At this time, the referee's voice came: "Jiang Pingan wins!"

There was some sparse applause from the stage, and the audience basically thought that Jiang Pingan's victory was unexpected and easy, and the process was not very exciting.

"I seem to have done more harm than good." Yuan Ruolan found that there were few cheers, and apologized to Jiang Pingan.

Jiang Pingan smiled and shook his head slightly: "No, you helped a lot. I saved my strength and kept my trump cards. I will be ready for the next round of competition, and let my opponent not know my trump cards."

"That's good. You must win the next round, otherwise people will lose face." Yuan Ruolan said.

Jiang Pingan: "Definitely."

As they talked, the two walked down the ring and then separated.

Jiang Pingan walked towards Princess Bailing and others, and Hong Feng happily greeted him: "Brother Jiang, congratulations on winning the competition and advancing to the top 16!"

"Thank you, Brother Hong." Jiang Pingan smiled and accepted the congratulations.

Princess Bailing also came over: "Jiang Pingan, congratulations on your advancement. However, you have to make everyone believe in your strength, and it's best to win the next round of competition."

"Thank you Princess for your advice." Jiang Pingan smiled and arched his hands, but he was not particularly happy because of Princess Bailing's congratulations.

Princess Bailing turned and left, she should go to the ring where she competed.

After Princess Bailing left, Zhang Jingtian said with a fake smile: "Jiang Ping'an, you are so lucky. I hope you will always be lucky."

"That's not necessarily true. The next round of competition is a real one-on-one competition. It is a real competition of strength. Luck can't help." Lu Zhaisheng sneered.

Jiang Ping'an was not angry. He said calmly: "Luck is also a part of strength. My luck will continue to be good. You are all waiting to envy it."

Zhang Jingtian and Lu Zhaisheng's smiles froze slightly. They felt that they had punched a ball of cotton, which made them very uncomfortable.

They snorted coldly and shook their sleeves to go to the ring where Princess Bailing was going to compete.

Jiang Ping'an said to Hong Feng, who was standing beside him at a loss: "Brother Hong, let's go to cheer for Princess Bailing."

"Okay." Hong Feng came back to his senses and responded quickly.

After walking a few steps together, Hong Feng suddenly stopped and said to Jiang Pingan: "Brother Jiang, I think you should stay and continue to watch your next round of competition opponents. I will help you explain to Princess Bailing."

"Thank you for your kindness, Brother Hong. But it's not necessary." Jiang Pingan smiled and shook his head slightly, and left.


The competition progressed very quickly. In one morning, each arena had four melees, and the next round of one-on-one duels began in the afternoon.

There was no draw for the afternoon competition, and there was no draw for the following competitions.

The rule is that in the same arena, the winner of the first melee group will compete with the winner of the second melee group, and the winner of the third melee will compete with the winner of the fourth melee group, and then the final of the arena will be held.

Arena C, the arena was crowded with spectators early on, and it was a dark mass. In addition to the students, there were servants and instructors who showed up to watch.

Jiang Pingan stepped onto the arena, and the arena immediately set off a wave of whispering and discussion.

Some people asked the people around them whether Jiang Pingan was a mortal body, and some people were curious about whether Jiang Pingan had come to this point because of luck or strength, etc.

Jiang Pingan stood on the ring and waited for a long time. He heard the referee loudly urging a student named "Wu Daoming" to come to the ring several times, but that "Wu Daoming" was still not on the stage.

"Could it be that my luck is really so good that I won without fighting?" Jiang Pingan's handsome face couldn't help but show a bit of weirdness.

After waiting for about a cup of tea, a servant hurried to the side of the ring and said a few words to the referee.

Then, the referee announced loudly: "Wu Daoming will come to the competition in the future. Jiang Pingan won this competition!"


The audience under the ring couldn't help but let out a roar, and they were all boiling.

"No way? He can still win by luck at this time?!"

"It makes no sense. I'm obviously more handsome than him, so why am I not as lucky as him? I was dragged down by my pig teammates in the first round of the team competition!"

"Life needs miracles, miracles give people hope!"

"A mortal can actually enter the top eight in the genius ranking competition. This luck is impressive!"

Jiang Ping'an stood on the ring, and he could clearly feel the countless envious, jealous and hateful looks directed at him from below.

He reluctantly spread his hands to the audience. He was ready to have a serious fight, but luck didn't allow it.

Walking off the ring, facing many envious and jealous eyes, Jiang Ping'an kept waving his hands in greetings with a smile on his face: "I accept it, I accept it, I accept it..."

Not only did everyone not calm down their envy and hatred, but it became even worse. They had the urge to rush up and punch Jiang Ping'an in the face.

Jiang Ping'an walked up to Yuan Ruolan. Yuan Ruolan had a strange expression: "Mr. Jiang, I really don't know if you are lucky or not."

Jiang Pingan heard what Yuan Ruolan meant. She meant that in the next round of competition, the opponent would be stronger and more difficult to win. If he can't win, it's a sure sign that he's a fluke.

"Of course it's good luck!" Jiang Ping'an said with a smile, "At least I have advanced to the top eight. The rewards for the top eight are not comparable to those of the top 16."

Yuan Ruolan could only say: "That's right."

After separating from Yuan Ruolan, Jiang Pingan went to the Ding Arena to watch the battle.

According to the rules of the competition, the champion of the No. C arena will compete with the No. D champion in the semi-finals, that is, there will be one person in the No. D arena who is his opponent.

Coincidentally, Princess Bailing was in the D ring.

Walking under the D ring, Jiang Pingan saw Princess Bai Ling, Hong Feng and others, and walked over.

Seeing Jiang Ping'an approaching, Hong Feng asked in surprise: "Brother Jiang, hasn't your competition already begun?"

Princess Bailing didn't care to watch the competition on the ring, and looked at Jiang Ping'an with some surprise and confusion.

"Haha, he must have lost! He was knocked off the stage with just one or two moves!" Lu Zhaisheng couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Jingtian also laughed: "Luck, luck!"

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "Yes, good luck is indeed good. Thanks to the good words of you two, my opponent may have been too injured to participate in the competition. I relied on 'luck' to win another round and successfully advanced to the eighth round. Stronger.”

The laughter of Lu Zhaisheng and Zhang Jingtian was suddenly stopped. They were like two geese singing loudly to the sky when someone suddenly grabbed their slender necks. The expressions on their faces were more uncomfortable than eating ten pounds of dead flies.

The jealousy in their eyes was too strong to hide.

"That's great, Brother Jiang, congratulations!" Hong Feng shouted happily.

Princess Bai Ling couldn't help but sigh: "Jiang Pingan, you are indeed lucky. Luck is also a kind of strength."

"Hahaha, thank you Brother Hong and Princess." Jiang Ping'an smiled and bowed his hands to them.

After about a cup of tea, the winner of the competition on the D ring was determined. The second competition began, and Princess Bai Ling stepped onto the ring.

No surprise, Princess Bailing won this round of competition.

At this point, today's competition is over.

On that day, Jiang Pingan's name spread to the ears of almost all students. A large number of students were either envious of Jiang Pingan's good luck, envied Jiang Pingan's good luck, or despised Jiang Pingan for relying on luck to win.

In addition to things about Jiang Ping'an's luck, there was of course a lot of news spread for students to sit in groups and gossip.

For example, Zhao Zhenming, one of the four students who was recognized as the most promising candidate to compete for the top position, suffered a huge upset and was knocked out of the ring by Jiang Ping'an, the son of luck.

For example, Zhao Jinglian became famous in the whole house again. She behaved in public and shouted that she refused to admit that Zhao Zhenming lost to Jiang Ping'an.

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