Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 57 Zhao Yingpeng was so angry and embarrassed that he went crazy

"Hui, Prince Hui, the Daqian Tianjiao List is the result of the genius ranking competition held not long ago in Taiwu Mansion." The reporter said nervously.

He was indeed very nervous, because this list of the top talents severely slapped Zhao Yingpeng's face, and Zhao Yingpeng was famous for his good reputation.

He was worried that Zhao Yingpeng would become angry and turn his anger on him, beating him to a pulp with one palm.

The reporter took a peek at Zhao Yingpeng's face and said cautiously: "Due to the rules of the competition, there are many coincidences in the ranking results. It is not a one-on-one competition. In the early stage, five people formed a team and competed as a team. . Miss Jorren lost because of the drag of her teammates. It was not because of the lack of strength of Jorren’s team.”

At this time, Su Yingluo interrupted: "If you are assigned a bad teammate, you really can't blame Jinglian."

Zhao Yingpeng's face looked slightly better, but he was noncommittal.

The reporter continued: "The True Destiny Master has already won the small team battle, but in the melee between the three, the other two people thought that the True Destiny Master was too strong, so they teamed up to defeat the True Destiny Master first."

Zhao Yingpeng's expression became a little better. He was defeated one-on-one, which seemed to be justifiable.

"Who are the people who join forces to defeat Zhenming?" he asked.

The reporter hesitated for a moment and did not dare to answer.

"Say!" Zhao Yingpeng shouted.

The reporter had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "It's Jiang Ping'an and Yuan Ruolan."

"Jiang Pingan?" Zhao Yingpeng immediately remembered that the top one on the list of Daqian's geniuses was Jiang Pingan. His expression suddenly became much better, and he even showed a tolerant smile, "It turns out that the real fate was defeated by the combination of the top one and another student. The crime of war.”

Then, he asked curiously: "Who is that Jiang Ping'an?"

The reporter's back was suddenly soaked with cold sweat, and his voice was trembling as he said, "He comes from the Nanhou Mansion in Baidi Town..."

"What? Say it again!" Zhao Yingpeng stood up suddenly, and the huge and substantial dragon-transforming aura surged out from his body. Many objects in the hall were crushed into pieces by the violently fluctuating dragon-transforming aura.

The reporter was so frightened that he knelt down and lowered his head to the ground. He felt as if he was being stared at by an angry dragon. He was like a small boat in the wind and waves, and like a small oil lamp in the strong wind, he could be shattered to pieces at any time.

His teeth kept chattering and he was afraid to speak and could not speak.

However, Zhao Yingpeng became even more angry, thinking that the reporter was laughing at him, the entire Zhennan Hou Mansion was laughing at him, the entire Baidi City was laughing at him, everyone was laughing at him, Jiang Shuyue was laughing at him, That scoundrel was also laughing at him.

"Ah ah ah ah, you evil son!!!!" Zhao Yingpeng roared angrily, his expression twisted and terrifying.

"Husband," Su Yingluo advised, "please calm down."

Zhao Yingpeng turned his head suddenly, stared at Su Yingluo, and roared with great anger: "That scoundrel changed his surname without permission, just to slap me in the face in front of everyone in the world!"

Pictures appeared in his mind. Everyone in the world was curious about who Jiang Pingan was at the top of the Daqian Tianjiao list. When he inquired about it, he found out that it was Zhao Pingan, the son of Zhao Shipeng. They then laughed at him for his father's purpose. Wu Zhu put Jiang Ping'an under house arrest for twelve years since he was a child, forcing Jiang Ping'an to refuse to be named Zhao.

Thinking of this, he was so embarrassed and angry that he went crazy.

And he completely forgot that before setting off for Yujing, he personally ordered Jiang Pingan not to call himself a descendant of the Zhennan Hou Mansion when he arrived in Yujing.

"Zhao Ping'an just got lucky and teamed up with an outsider to defeat Zhenming." Su Yingluo said quickly, "If it is really a game of capture and control, he is definitely not Zhenming's opponent."

"Moreover, my true destiny has reached the Yuanhai realm, and I will soon be promoted to the Shenzang realm. By then, my strength will be incomparable."

"Zhao Ping'an teamed up with outsiders to deal with his own younger brother, and took advantage of others. For such a person to give his surname Zhao is a great disgrace to the Zhennan Marquis Mansion!"

"He doesn't deserve the surname Zhao!"

After listening to Su Yingluo's analysis, Zhao Yingpeng felt better and said bitterly: "You are right, that scoundrel does not deserve the surname Zhao!"

After burning the incense, Su Yingluo left. Zhao Yingpeng sat quietly for a while, then suddenly slapped the table into powder with an angry palm.

Compared with Jiang Pingan being at the top of the Daqian Talent List, he would rather Jiang Pingan be last!

In the main courtyard of the Zhennan Hou Mansion, Mrs. Zhennan Hou read through the list of the top talents, and her eyes returned to the three words "Jiang Ping'an" at the top of the list. Her expression was uglier than if she had eaten a hundred kilograms of feces.

At first, when the old Qianpo saw the words "Jiang Pingan" on the top of the list, she couldn't help but think of Jiang Pingan, but then she shook her head with a smile and thought it was absolutely impossible.

Then, she looked down one by one, looking for the name of Zhao Zhenming, the name of her most proud and beloved grandson. She didn't see the words "Zhao Zhenming" until she found the seventeenth one.

She was a little disappointed. She had thought that Zhao Zhenming would be at least in the top three.

However, he was barely able to get by, already ranking first among all the children of the Zhennan Hou Mansion.

She continued to look down one by one, looking for the rankings of other grandchildren, including Zhao Jinglian.

When more than 1,300 people saw the three words "Zhao Jinglian", the old Qian woman's nose was almost crooked with anger. She usually doted on Zhao Jinglian a lot and gave Zhao Jinglian many good things. However, she ended up being the last one. It was so embarrassing for her.

"Jinglian is only twelve years old. She is still very young. This time she is ranked lower. When she grows up, she will definitely be as good as her mother Su Yingluo." After the old Qianpo got angry, she excused Zhao Jinglian.

The old woman continued to look down the rankings. She had found out the rankings of her grandchildren, but she wanted to see with her own eyes that the useless son born by the slave woman was ranked at the bottom.

After a while, she looked at the last one on the list, but still couldn't find the three words "Zhao Ping'an".

"Did I miss it?" The old woman was unwilling to give up, and started looking from the last one.

She searched and searched until she found the first one on the list, and her eyes fell on the three words "Jiang Ping'an".

For a moment, she was struck by lightning and became angry and embarrassed: "Could it be that Jiang Ping'an is the evil fetus born by that slave woman?!!!"

"I am so angry!!!"

"Her son is obviously a mortal waste, it is impossible for him to be the top of the Dagan Tianjiao list! Absolutely impossible!!!"


In other courtyards of the Zhennan Marquis's Mansion, a middle-aged man who looked a little similar to Zhao Yingpeng held the list and suddenly burst into laughter, full of ridicule and sarcasm.

"Old Third, Old Third, you are so blind that you forced your best son to change his surname. Your second son, whom you spoiled to the sky and often boasted to everyone, ranked 17th, not even in the top ten. And your doted-on daughter, hahaha, is actually the last one!"

"It's really funny! Hahaha..."

"Old Third, you drove her mother out of the mansion before she was born, and you took her back to the mansion when she was four years old and locked her up in a small courtyard as a pig pen. Let's see how you will end up in the future!"

Similar laughter came from more than one courtyard.

The Dagan Tianjiao List spread beyond the Zhennan Marquisate the next day and spread throughout Baidi City.

In the streets and alleys, teahouses and taverns, people talked about the Dagan Tianjiao List and all kinds of gossip.

"What? Jiang Ping'an is Zhao Ping'an? He was the one who became an alchemist at the age of one, a talisman maker and a weapon refiner at the age of two, but was later diagnosed as a mortal at the age of three..."

"That's him!"

"Oh my God, our Baidi City has produced an incredible genius!"

"Why did he change his surname? The Zhao family is the Zhennan Marquis Mansion, what a prominent family name!"

"Of course he was forced to do so. I heard that the son of the Zhennan Marquis had been disgusted with Zhao Ping'an before he was born, and drove Zhao Ping'an's mother, who was once the most beautiful woman in Baidi City, out of the Zhennan Marquis Mansion. He spent ten times the betrothal gift and betrothal money to remarry the current wife of the prince. After Zhao Ping'an was born in Jiang Mansion, the prince of Zhennan Marquis ignored him until he knew that Zhao Ping'an was detected to be a mortal body. The prince of Zhennan Marquis felt ashamed and forcibly captured him into the Marquis Mansion and locked him up as a pigpen..."

"How could such a thing happen? Is he still a human being?"

"That's right! Now Zhao Ping'an, no, it's Jiang Ping'an who has arrived in Yujing, like a dragon returning to the sea, and immediately became famous in Dagan Kingdom!"

"The prince of Zhennan Marquis is really blind!"


Taiwu Mansion, the teaching of top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells finally began.

Jiang Ping'an listened to the teaching of "Dragon Catcher" in Shangkunyuan in the morning and successfully obtained the copy of the secret book of "Dragon Catcher". In the afternoon, he obtained the copy of "Wind and Thunder Induction" in Xiazhenyuan.

With proficiency in use, he quickly learned "Dragon Catcher" and "Wind and Thunder Induction" completely, and comprehended the stronger top-grade martial arts "Dragon Fighting Hand" and the top-grade "Thunder Induction".

However, "Thunder Attraction" cannot be used immediately, because it needs to refine some lightning and store it in the Yuanhai as a catalyst.

The same is true for "Wind and Thunder Attraction".

With the lightning catalyst, "Wind and Thunder Attraction" and "Thunder Attraction" can be used instantly, otherwise it is impossible.

As for the required lightning, there is no need to risk great danger to fly to high altitudes or mountain tops on rainy days to collect it. Some high-end business houses have lightning liquid for sale, or some lightning elemental stones also contain thunder.

"In a few days, it will be a ten-day holiday. I can buy lightning liquid on the way back from visiting my mother." Jiang Pingan thought to himself.

After obtaining the top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells, Jiang Pingan also chose the skills he was going to learn, that is, the formation.

Formation masters are mysterious and rare, more than ten times rarer than alchemists, because formations are too difficult to learn and require extremely high talent.

Moreover, after learning formations, because too much energy and effort is spent on formations, it often affects the improvement of cultivation.

Ordinary cultivators who want to learn formations often have no entry.

Jiang Pingan thought that he had a panel and proficiency points, so he could try to learn formations.

As for alchemy and talisman drawing, he had already entered the door and did not need to be taught.

On the first day, Jiang Pingan went to the formation class, but was stood up by the instructor. It was said that there was an important formation that needed to be repaired urgently by the instructor, and he would not be able to teach formations in Taiwu Mansion within a month.

Jiang Pingan had read the introductions to more than a hundred top-grade spells, but he still hadn't made a choice, because with the token, he could still go to the martial arts building to read the introductions to top-grade martial arts and broaden his horizons.

So he went to the martial arts building.

The number of top-grade martial arts included in Taiwu Mansion was astonishing, as many as more than 800, about eight times the top-grade spells.

"Take your time to read it. Anyway, it's still a long way from the second genius ranking competition, so there's no rush to learn." Jiang Pingan thought so, and then calmed down and read the introductions to top-grade martial arts carefully.

The days were fulfilling and happy, and it was the ten-day holiday again.

Jiang Pingan rode out of Taiwu Mansion to visit his mother.

Jiang Yiyi did not go with him because she had recently made friends with a few young ladies from aristocratic families and wanted to go shopping with them.

It turned out that since Jiang Pingan taught other students martial arts and magic, Jiachen Residence was almost always crowded with people.

Although Jiang Yiyi entered Taiwu Mansion as Jiang Ping'an's servant, her real identity was Jiang Ping'an's cousin, so some female students took the initiative to make friends with Jiang Yiyi.

Riding a horse quickly, Jiang Ping'an arrived at the courtyard where Jiang Shuyue rented in just one stick of incense.

The door was opened by the maid, and Jiang Ping'an entered the courtyard. After handing the horse to the maid, he walked into the house and shouted, "Mother, I'm here to visit you."

However, just as he entered the house, a tall old man with a bloody and murderous aura flew over the courtyard from outside.

The middle-aged man quickly threw out four small formation flags and inserted them into the four corners of the entire courtyard, and then pinched the formation formula to activate the formation.

For a moment, the four formation flags interacted with each other to form a transparent barrier, isolating the entire courtyard from the outside world, including the violent fluctuations of the vitality of heaven and earth.

The tall old man landed in the center of the yard, and with a casual palm, he beat the maid in the yard into a pulp, and then he exuded a terrifying dragon breath and a murderous aura that was as real as if it were real.

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