Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 72: The training begins, encounter with dragon-transforming sea ape

After the meeting, many students asked Jiang Pingan to form a team, but Jiang Pingan declined.

He planned to act alone. His strength was far superior to most students. Forming a team would only slow down his efficiency in killing sea ape monsters, unless he formed a team with Princess Bailing, Yan Ruyu and other top five students.

However, none of the top five students was not arrogant and would not be willing to be inferior to him.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Pingan began to think about how he should prepare for the battle.

The half-month preparation time passed in a flash. On this day, all the students boarded an expedition spacecraft parked in the Grand Martial Arts Square.

In addition, there were many servants of the students.

Jiang Pingan did not bring Jiang Yiyi and Chen Donglai to participate in the training. Their strength was average. Although they could help a little, they were still easy to drag him down.

He only brought the blue-feathered bird.

The blue-feathered bird had only been raised for a few months, with a wingspan of less than ten feet, and had no combat power for the time being.

However, he did not expect the blue-feathered bird to help kill the sea apes, but only wanted the blue-feathered bird to act as his eyes and ears, so that he could find a large number of sea apes as quickly as possible.

The expedition spacecraft took off and flew eastward.

On the spacecraft, the instructors issued a distress signal talisman and a small mixed-yuan golden light talisman to each student.

It must be said that Taiwu Mansion was generous, even though the small mixed-yuan golden light talismans issued were of inferior quality.

However, the small mixed-yuan golden light talisman was only used to save the students' lives. Once used, it means that the student "died", and the training results were invalidated.

If the distress signal talisman is used, the training will end immediately after the person is rescued, but the results will still count.

Therefore, even if the distress signal talisman is used, the small mixed-yuan golden light talisman cannot be used.

After the training, Taiwu Mansion recovered the small mixed-yuan golden light talisman.

Two days later, the spacecraft arrived at the seaside and continued to fly for dozens of miles. Looking down from the sky, you can see the scattered large and small islands and reefs as if inlaid on a piece of endless blue jade.

The spaceship continued to go deeper than a hundred miles, and finally entered the training area scheduled by Taiwu Mansion.

The spaceship descended to a height of one hundred feet above the sea surface, and then used the flying boat to randomly place the students and their servants on the larger islands and reefs.

After Jiang Ping'an landed, he immediately used the Xunfeng Wing to leave the island and reef, and flew to the depths of the sea with the Qingyu Bird.

With his strength, he was not afraid of encountering a group of sea apes, not to mention that he could fly away if he couldn't beat them. He wanted to kill the most sea ape monsters, so he naturally couldn't fight with other students on the same island and reef for sea ape monsters.

Not only Jiang Ping'an, many powerful students or students with servants of Shenzang Realm also flew to the depths of the sea.

After flying for about ten miles, Jiang Ping'an found that there was a small island and reef below, where a large number of sea ape monsters gathered.

At that moment, while flying over the island and reef, he took out a top-grade spiritual talisman-fire rain talisman and activated it.

For a moment, a twenty-foot-circle rain of fire fell from the sky onto the heads of the group of sea ape monsters. Those sea apes were either lazily basking in the sun or mating and reproducing.

Sea apes are generally over six feet (two meters) tall, with bulging muscles and tough hair, and they can be said to have thick skin and flesh.

However, the Fire Rain Talisman is just the right counter to these water-based monsters.

The Fire Rain Talisman is a top-grade spiritual talisman. The fire rain generated is not only large in area, but also high in temperature. As a second-level monster, the sea ape will not be able to escape death if it is touched by the fire rain.

That's right, in order to win the first place in the experience, Jiang Ping'an bought a large number of spiritual talismans at all costs. In addition to the Fire Rain Talisman, there are also Fireball Talisman, Gengjin Sword Qi Talisman... and so on.

Other students have the help of Shenzang Realm powerhouses or even Hualong Realm powerhouses, so he had to use a large number of spiritual talismans to win.

In the half-month preparation, he stopped using the high-grade Yuanshi for cultivation, and the Yuanshi obtained from buying the small Hunyuan Jinguang Talisman was basically used to purchase spiritual talismans.

He couldn't leave Taiwu Mansion, so he asked his mother Jiang Shuyue to help purchase.

Jiang Shuyue is a top-level warrior in the Dragon Transformation Realm. Although he purchased so many talismans, there will be no danger.

After releasing the Fire Rain Talisman, Jiang Pingan did not look at the effect. He first flew down to the sea ape monsters that were not covered by the fire rain and fled in all directions. The Yuanlong painted halberd swept across, and a halberd aura slashed away. Five or six sea ape monsters were cut off on the spot.

Jiang Pingan killed more than a dozen sea apes in a row, and suddenly heard a thunderous roar from the fire rain.

He turned his head and saw two huge sea apes with half-burned hair flying out of the sea of ​​fire, rushing towards him with anger.

It was a sea ape that had evolved into a third-level monster, and its strength was equivalent to that of a strong man in the Shenzang Realm.

Jiang Pingan was not afraid at all. He swept across with a halberd, and a halberd aura slashed at the two third-level sea apes.

Seeing this, the two third-level sea apes quickly used water shields to block.

However, the halberd qi was so sharp that the two water shields were cut open like paper by the halberd qi, and the halberd qi continued to cut the two sea apes into four pieces.

With the Xuan-level martial arts and the top-grade Xuan weapon, even the top-level masters of the ordinary Dragon Realm would have to avoid the sharp edge.

After killing two third-level sea apes with a halberd, Jiang Ping'an did not chase the other sea apes because they basically escaped into the sea water.

He could not continue to chase them into the sea water, which was too inefficient.

Jiang Ping'an put away the Longyuan painted halberd, took out a sharp sword, and cut off the left ear of the sea ape while finishing the knife.

The left ear of the sea ape is the proof of killing the sea ape.

After the harvest, a total of two third-level sea ape left ears and thirty-seven second-level sea ape left ears were obtained.

The value of a third-level sea ape is equivalent to ten second-level sea apes, which is equivalent to killing forty-seven ordinary sea apes.

"In fact, using the Fire Rain Talisman is not a disadvantage. One Fire Rain Talisman can kill more than 20 sea apes. One sea ape can apply for a low-grade Yuanshi reward from the court." Jiang Pingan calculated in his mind, "and one Fire Rain Talisman is 20 low-grade Yuanshi."

"Of course, the timing of releasing the Fire Rain Talisman must be grasped."

Without thinking too much, Jiang Pingan flew up again and continued to fly towards the depths of the ocean.

He let the blue-feathered bird fly in front to explore the way. Just now, when he was hunting sea apes, many students had already flown over.

The blue-feathered bird flies fast. It can find other students in time when exploring the way in front, avoiding flying in the same direction as other students, which affects the efficiency of hunting sea apes.


The training time is fifteen days. Seven or eight days have passed unknowingly. Jiang Pingan doesn't know how many miles deep into the ocean he has gone.

He has basically used up his talismans, and he has a lot of harvests, hunting more than 6,000 sea apes.

That day, he flew over an island reef and saw a student fighting with a group of sea apes below.

Logically, he should have flown over directly, so as not to let the students below mistakenly think that he was going to steal the sea ape.

However, he found that something seemed wrong. The student was obviously defeated and wanted to fly away, but was blocked by six or seven third-level sea apes.

At that moment, he immediately swooped down as fast as lightning, wielding the Longyuan painted halberd and killing the three third-level sea apes who didn't react on the spot.

The student found that there was finally a loophole in the sky, and immediately took the opportunity to fly into the air, and then found Jiang Pingan.

"Brother Jiang?" The student shouted in surprise.

Jiang Pingan nodded slightly and said, "Sister Shangguan, I didn't expect to meet you here."

It turned out that the student was Shangguan Yan, a female student who studied formations with Jiang Pingan and one of the four beauties of Taiwu Mansion.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang, for saving my life." Shangguan Yan said gratefully.

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "I really don't deserve it. With the strength of Junior Sister Shangguan, she can break out of the siege with more time. What's more, you still have the signal for help and the small Hunyuan Golden Light Talisman."

Below, after Jiang Pingan ambushed and killed three of the three-level sea apes, they fell back to the reef in panic and were with a large group of ordinary sea apes.

Jiang Pingan looked down and saw that the reef was very small, more than 40 feet long and more than 20 feet wide, but there were many sea apes on it, and there were probably more than 500 of them.

"Senior Brother Jiang, let's join forces." Shangguan Yan invited.

Although she was aloof, she couldn't be aloof in front of Jiang Pingan, not to mention that Jiang Pingan had helped her just now.

Jiang Pingan: "Okay."

After saying that, he immediately pinched the magic formula quickly and cast the Xuan-level magic-"Phoenix Flame Samadhi Fire Array".

For a moment, more than a hundred Samadhi true fireballs with a diameter of more than one foot were generated, arranged in a fire array similar to the shape of the reef below.

"Huh!" The Samadhi Fireball immediately shot down at the island reef, as fast as a meteor, and covered the entire island reef.

For a moment, all the sea apes on the island reef were not spared, including several third-level sea apes, except for a few at the edge of the sea reef that could barely escape into the sea water.

Shangguan Yan was stunned. The group of sea apes that she almost fell into was killed by Jiang Ping'an in one spell.

At this time, Jiang Ping'an's voice came: "Thank you, Junior Sister Shangguan, for casting a rain spell to put out the fire, otherwise the sea apes will be burnt to death, and we will be in vain."

Shangguan Yan quickly recovered from her shock and cast a cloud and rain spell on the island reef.

The water vapor on the sea was unusually abundant, and a drizzle that should have been a drizzle turned into a heavy rain, which quickly put out the sea of ​​​​fire.

"How about 30%?" Jiang Ping'an asked.

Shangguan Yan shook her head: "Not good. 19% and you 9."

She felt that she had taken advantage of 19%.

"Let's split it 20-80." Jiang Ping'an said, and then he landed on the reef, put away the Longyuan painted halberd, and took out the sharp sword to harvest the sea ape's left ear.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yan had to agree to split it 20-80 and landed on the reef to harvest the sea ape's left ear.

While Jiang Ping'an was harvesting the sea ape's left ear, he noticed that the heaven and earth energy on this island reef was particularly rich.

In addition, he also found that there were many conchs, oysters, and kelp attached to the rocks of this island reef. He concluded that this was a reef.

A reef is usually under the sea water and only briefly emerges from the water during low tide. And there are too many conchs, oysters, and kelp growing on the rocks on this island reef, and I'm afraid it won't emerge from the water once or twice a year.

"Is there something special about this reef?" He couldn't help but guess secretly.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a huge dragon-like demonic energy rushing out of the sea water.

He turned around and saw a giant sea ape, three feet tall and covered with silver hair, leaping out of the sea, attacking Shangguan Yan with its two-foot-long claws.

This is a fourth-level sea ape, equivalent to a top-level Dragon Transformation Realm warrior! ! !

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