Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 89 The vicious woman who was driven mad

Zhao's Mansion.

Zhao Zhenming hurriedly walked into the gate and immediately noticed that the atmosphere was different.

"What happened?" He couldn't help but ask Tan Yun, Zhao Jinglian's personal maid, who was following behind him.

It was Tan Yun who suddenly conveyed his mother's order to him, asking him to return to Zhao's Mansion immediately.

He saw that Tan Yun's eyes were red, and it was obvious that something was wrong, so he asked what happened, but unfortunately Tan Yun said that the lady didn't allow it.

"Sir, you will know when you go in." Tan Yun didn't finish her words, and she covered her face and ran away crying.

Zhao Zhenming suddenly had a very bad premonition, and he walked in quickly.

Soon, he saw white hanging everywhere.

Soon, he saw a coffin.

At the same time, he also saw Su Yingluo and saw his mother wearing all black clothes for the first time.

He saw that his mother's face was very sad and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Mom, what happened?" Zhao Zhenming asked with a trembling voice, "Where is my sister?"


He was answered with a loud slap in the face.

Zhao Zhenming didn't feel any pain, but his mind went blank, and the world suddenly became unreal.

He stared at the coffin in a daze, and a completely unacceptable guess came to his mind.

"Zhao Zhenming, because of your fragility and cowardice," Su Yingluo's voice sounded in his ears, full of rebuke and blame, "Jinglian was killed by that evil beast!"

Zhao Zhenming only felt a bang in his brain, his eyes blurred instantly, and his whole body fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing this, Su Yingluo was even more angry, her face twisted, she lifted up the limp Zhao Zhenming with one hand, and screamed and cursed: "Zhao Zhenming, stand up! Knowing that your sister was killed, you should be angry, you should immediately go to that evil beast and fight to the death to avenge your sister!"

"Did you hear that?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help shaking Zhao Zhenming's body hard.

Zhao Zhenming finally came back to his senses, and said with tears streaming down his face: "I will go to Taiwu Mansion now, and let Taiwu Mansion..."


Before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard again, and his face was swollen.

Su Yingluo said sternly: "Can't you cheer up? Your sister was killed by that evil beast! You must kill him with your own hands, avenge your sister, and kill his entire family with your own hands to sacrifice to your sister's spirit in heaven!"

"But I can't beat him, I will never beat him..." Zhao Zhenming said instinctively, full of pain.

Su Yingluo was so angry that she slapped Zhao Zhenming away with a palm. She thought that Zhao Jinglian's death would arouse Zhao Zhenming's blood and courage, and Zhao Zhenming would practice hard from then on, and kill Jiang Pingan in the future to avenge himself.

I didn't expect Zhao Zhenming to be so useless.

My daughter died, and my son was still so useless that he didn't even have the courage to pick up the sword for revenge. Her chest was filled with resentment and disappointment, and she was about to explode.

She was going crazy.

"Zhao Zhenming, open your eyes and watch how your mother avenges Jinglian!"

She said sternly, grabbed Zhao Zhenming, flew into the air, and flew towards the yard where Jiang Shuyue rented.

She had stayed in Yujing for so long, and she knew where Jiang Shuyue was.

Today, she would use Jiang Shuyue's head to sacrifice her daughter's soul.

After half an hour, Su Yingluo arrived in the sky in front of the yard where Jiang Shuyue rented.

"Open your eyes and watch how your mother uses that evil beast's mother to sacrifice Jinglian!" Su Yingluo gritted her teeth and let go of Zhao Zhenming.

After falling more than ten feet, Zhao Zhenming came back to his senses from the grief and used the flying technique to stabilize his body.

At this time, Su Yingluo took out a mysterious sword and flew towards the house where Jiang Shuyue rented as fast as lightning.

Two maids in the courtyard were shocked. Before they could make a sound, Su Yingluo chopped them in half with a sword.



The two maids could not help but scream in extreme pain.

Inside the house, Jiang Shuyue sensed the breath of a dragon outside, and immediately took out the Xuanqi sword and rushed out, but it was still a step too late, and Su Yingluo did not kill the two maids.

"Who are you?" Jiang Shuyue stared at Su Yingluo, questioned in a cold voice, murderous.

It turned out that she had never really seen Su Yingluo.

Su Yingluo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed strangely: "You don't know who I am!"

"Are you the woman surnamed Su?" Jiang Shuyue guessed.

Su Yingluo suddenly stopped laughing, and said with hatred: "The evil beast you gave birth to dared to kill my daughter. Today I will take your head to sacrifice to my daughter's soul!"

After that, she suddenly pounced over as fast as lightning and chopped Jiang Shuyue's head with a sword.

Jiang Shuyue had been on guard, and she immediately raised her sword to block.


With a deafening sound of metal hitting each other, Jiang Shuyue felt an irresistible force coming, which shook her more than two feet away on the spot, and she almost couldn't hold the sword in her hand.

Before she could stand firm, Su Yingluo's sword stabbed at her neck as fast as lightning.

Jiang Shuyue hurriedly used the flower-split-willow body method to dodge, narrowly avoiding the sword, but was immediately cut by Su Yingluo's sword energy.

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Jiang Shuyue immediately activated the exquisite small mixed primordial golden light talisman pinched between two fingers.

A golden light shield appeared on her body in time, and the golden light shield barely blocked the sword energy.

After all, that sword energy was not Su Yingluo's full-strength attack, and the power was not very great.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Shuyue used the biggest trick of "Meteoric Sword Technique" and fought back brazenly.

As she stabbed Su Yingluo, dozens of sword energies shot towards her from all directions, leaving her no way to dodge.

This trick requires time to accumulate power, and she cannot dodge during this period. She often needs to put her life at risk before using it.

If you use the Small Mixed Yuan Golden Light Talisman in advance, you can avoid being seriously injured or killed by the enemy while accumulating power.

"Rubbish swordsmanship!" Su Yingluo snorted contemptuously, with no intention of dodging at all.

She easily blocked Jiang Shuyue's full-strength sword with her sword, and then hit Jiang Shuyue's chest with her left hand.


The golden light shield was broken on the spot, and then hit Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Shuyue spurted blood and flew backwards, crashed into the house, and crashed through the wall.

At this time, the sword energy from all directions fell on Su Yingluo, but it was all blocked by a layer of Buddha light that suddenly appeared on Su Yingluo's body.

Su Yingluo held the sword and walked into the house with murderous intent, saying bitterly: "Jiang Shuyue, you must die today. Blame it on you for giving birth to that evil beast!"

The next moment, she suddenly found that Jiang Shuyue's breath was gone in the house.

While she was stunned, she suddenly found that Jiang Shuyue's breath was behind her.

She turned around and rushed out quickly, and saw Jiang Shuyue appear behind Zhao Zhenming and stabbed Zhao Zhenming's back with a sword.

"Zhenming, be careful!" She was frightened and shouted in a hurry.

However, Zhao Zhenming couldn't react at all. He had lost his former sharpness, not to mention that Jiang Shuyue was in the Dragon Transformation Realm.

It turned out that Jiang Shuyue also had a five-color jade plate in his hand, which was given by Jiang Pingan.

After she was knocked into the house, she immediately took out the five-color jade plate and injected her true essence, and shuttled through the void to the back of Zhao Zhenming to attack Su Yingluo's weakness.


A layer of Buddha light suddenly emerged from Zhao Zhenming's body, blocking the sword stabbed by Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Shuyue was not too surprised to find that Zhao Zhenming also had a Buddhist magic weapon to protect him. She immediately used her left hand to hit Zhao Zhenming, who still hadn't reacted.


Zhao Zhenming was knocked down on the spot and crashed into the yard, creating a big pit.

Even with the Buddhist magic weapon to protect him, Zhao Zhenming was still shocked and his blood was churning, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Su Yingluo rushed up and helped Zhao Zhenming up: "Zhenming, what do you think?"

She didn't care about killing Jiang Shuyue for the time being.

At this moment, several shouts came from far and near: "Yujing Shandi, no fighting!"

The next moment, a powerful and murderous God Forbidden Army had flown over and surrounded them. Several powerful Dragon Transformation Realm auras enveloped everything at the scene.

The battle between Su Yingluo and Jiang Shuyue was a battle at the Dragon Transformation Realm level, and it was in broad daylight, without any cover, and had a bad impact, which had violated the taboo of the God Forbidden Army.

Jiang Shuyue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pointed at Su Yingluo below, and shouted to the leader of the God Forbidden Army team: "She came to kill me, so I had to fight back! She has killed two of me!"

The leader of the God Forbidden Army team immediately believed Jiang Shuyue's words, his eyes fell on Su Yingluo, pointed at Su Yingluo with the blade, and shouted in a deep voice: "Catch her, if she dares to resist, kill her without mercy!"

It turned out that the God Forbidden Army team responsible for this area had been instructed by the higher-ups to secretly protect Jiang Shuyue, so they came so quickly.

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