Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 94 Ambush in the Middle! (Two in One) (1/2)

When Jiang Pingan entered the stone chamber through the void, he happened to face these two Rakshasas.

Without thinking, he used the "Longyuan Breaking Void Halberd Method" and chopped the Feitian Rakshasas' neck with a halberd.

When Jiang Pingan suddenly appeared in the stone chamber, Feitian Rakshasas noticed it. Moreover, it was doing things and its reaction was a little slower than usual, so it just turned its head subconsciously.

Before it turned its head to see Jiang Pingan, Jiang Pingan had already chopped off its head with a halberd as fast as lightning.

The female Rakshasas lying on her back had been enjoying it with her eyes closed. She noticed that the Feitian Rakshasas on her body suddenly stopped, but she did not open her eyes immediately.

The next moment, she felt a chill in her neck, followed by a sharp pain. She was so startled that she opened her eyes in a hurry, but saw that both she and Feitian Rakshasas had lost their heads.

She instinctively wanted to scream, but she could not make any sound.

Jiang Pingan was a little surprised that he easily killed a Feitian Rakshasas and an ordinary Rakshasas without even alarming other Rakshasas.

This flying Rakshasa should be the leader of this camp. This group of Rakshasa has no leader, so it will be easier for him to kill them.

After putting the two Rakshasa heads into a separate storage bag, Jiang Pingan turned and walked behind the door, gently opened a crack in the door, and observed the situation outside.

His goal was to kill all the Rakshasa people in this camp.

Soon, he saw more than 40 to 50 feet away from the left front of the stone chamber, and there were more than a dozen Rakshasa people gathered together.

These dozen Rakshasa people seemed to be learning martial arts from a middle-aged Rakshasa man, and they were all concentrating.

Jiang Pingan took out the five-color jade plate and injected his true energy. In an instant, he appeared four or five feet behind the group of Rakshasa people, and immediately performed the "Longyuan Poxu Halberd Method", and slashed at these Rakshasa people with a halberd.

A sharp halberd energy swept across the Rakshasa people as fast as lightning, cutting them all in half in one fell swoop.

Ah ah ah ah...

A deafening scream completely filled the entire valley.

The surrounding Rakshasas heard the screams and subconsciously rushed towards the screams.

Jiang Pingan was not in a hurry to finish off the enemy. He used the Phantom Light Body Technique to pounce on the Rakshasas who came after hearing the sound.

His figure was like a stream of light, as fast as lightning and illusory, and the hurried Rakshasas could not see clearly at all.

Killing one with one halberd, or killing two or three with one halberd, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Pingan killed all the Rakshasas in one direction.

"Run away, it's a human dragon-transforming realm expert!" The other Rakshasas reacted, shouted loudly, turned around and fled desperately.

Seeing the Rakshasas running away, Jiang Pingan immediately used the Xunfeng Killing Wing Flying Technique to chase them.

The killing lasted for a cup of tea and ended. The Rakshasas in this valley were either killed by him or ran away without a trace.

The Rakshasas ran away at full speed, and their speed was too fast. Jiang Pingan didn't have time to chase them all.

Jiang Pingan returned to the valley to finish off the Rakshasas and harvest their heads. In the end, he got a total of 36 Rakshasas heads, including one flying Rakshasas head.

He entered the stone chamber again and took off the two long bone blades that the flying Rakshasas had on their elbows.

The bone blade is the natural weapon of the Rakshasas. It is hard and extremely sharp. The bone blade of the flying Rakshasas is of great value. With a little refining, you can get a long bone knife that surpasses the best ordinary weapons.

This long bone knife is very popular in the Dagan Kingdom and can be sold at a price dozens of times that of the best ordinary weapons.

Finally, Jiang Pingan rose from the valley to the sky and flew back to Huangshi Village from the sky.

Back in Huangshi Village, Jiang Pingan handed the special storage bag containing the Rakshasas head to Chen Donglai, and asked him to ride the green-feathered bird to the Baitoushan County behind to hand in the Rakshasas head and report the enemy situation.

In the evening, Chen Donglai rode the green-feathered bird back and reported the situation.

Chen Donglai handed in the Rakshasas head smoothly, and the instructors of Taiwu Mansion helped him throughout the process.

The next morning, a messenger entered Huangshi Village.

"Jiang Ping'an, General Guo has ordered you to meet him in the county today."

The messenger did not dismount, and was about to ride away after saying that.

Chen Donglai hurriedly stopped the messenger, stuffed him with benefits, and then asked the reason.

However, the messenger did not know.

After the messenger left, Jiang Ping'an smiled and said to Chen Donglai: "Uncle Chen, don't worry, this is a training, and the instructors of Taiwu Mansion are watching the whole process."

As far as he knows, even the deputy master of the mansion, Lu Yuren, was dispatched for this training to escort the students. He is a great man in the realm of Dharma.

There may be some unknown dirt in the army, but it will not fall on him.

Half an hour later, Jiang Ping'an explained Huangshi Village, left Qingyu Bird to guard, and flew to Baitou Mountain County alone.

Strictly speaking, the county town of Paektu Mountain is a large military camp. Almost all the people have fled. The army has transformed the abandoned houses into barracks, including the county government office, which has been transformed into a temporary general's mansion.

Jiang Ping'an walked to the temporary general's mansion, reported his name, and was immediately led in by a soldier.

Not long after, in a hall, Jiang Ping'an met General Guo, the highest commander of the army stationed in Paektu Mountain County.

General Guo was dressed in armor, had a burly figure, and his blood was as huge as a dragon. He had a faint smell of blood on his body and his eyes were deep and sharp.

"Jiang Ping'an, in view of your great contribution yesterday and your impressive strength, this general has decided to promote you to temporary Sima." General Guo said without any nonsense.

When Jiang Ping'an was about to express his gratitude, General Guo raised his hand to stop him. He continued: "Give you two choices: one, garrison Sanxi Town; two, lead a guerrilla cavalry squad."

"You have 100 breaths to make a choice. If you don't understand something, you can ask me."

Jiang Ping'an said: "Excuse me, general, how big is the guerrilla cavalry?"

"Thirty elite cavalry, all with Yuanhai realm cultivation, and ninety war horses." General Guo immediately replied, "He will lead the guerrilla cavalry team and must enter the Rakshasa position to conduct guerrillas within half a month."

"Also, as a guerrilla cavalry captain, you have the obligation to save the lives of the cavalry. A cavalry captain who is seriously injured or killed will be punished accordingly. If the team suffers heavy casualties, the captain will be severely punished, up to and including execution on the spot."

Jiang Ping'an could hear that the following words were a warning to him not to lead the cavalry to death because of greed for merit.

He could understand, after all, he was here for training. He had no feelings for the cavalry he led, and it was easy for him to sacrifice the lives of the cavalry for the sake of military exploits.

"I understand," Jiang Ping'an quickly made a choice and said firmly, "I choose to lead a guerrilla cavalry team."

General Guo turned to a middle-aged staff member who was not wearing armor and said, "He Zhifang, take Jiang Pingan to meet his cavalry."

"Thank you, General Guo." Jiang Ping'an gave a military salute to General Guo, and then left the hall with the middle-aged staff.

Half a day later, Jiang Ping'an led an elite cavalry team to leave the county.

There are thirty-one people in total, but there are ninety-one horses.

Except for Jiang Pingan, who rode a tall green-scaled horse, the thirty elite cavalry all rode one war horse and led two war horses.

After leaving the city gate, the horses galloped with great momentum.

Having just taken over the guerrilla cavalry team, Jiang Ping'an could not immediately lead the team into the Rakshasa positions. He only took the men and horses out for a walk to get familiar with the team and understand the combat characteristics of the guerrilla cavalry.

After seven or eight days of familiarity and running-in, supplemented by simple, crude and immediate bribes with elixirs and talismans (such as golden amulets), Jiang Ping'an officially led his guerrilla cavalry team to leave the human position and enter the Rakshasa position.

Chen Donglai was left in the county by him, and Qing Yuniao was also left in the county.

Although the blue-feathered bird flying high in the sky can serve as eyes and ears, it can also easily reveal the existence and location of the guerrilla cavalry squad.

The Rakshasas are not an unintelligent race.

More than ten days later, Jiang Pingan led a guerrilla cavalry team back from the Rakshasa position.

The first time they went out to attack the Rakshasa people, they gained a lot, beheading more than 400 Rakshasa people, including seven flying Rakshasa people.

Only four of their cavalry were injured, but they were all cured with elixirs.

As they entered the county, they accidentally encountered another guerrilla cavalry squad.

Jiang Pingan intended to exchange information, but found out that the captain of this guerrilla cavalry team was Shangguan Yan, so he had to give up.

Jiang Ping'an felt a little bad when he saw Shangguan Yan's aloof appearance, refusing to accept people from thousands of miles away.

It's really a battle between friendship and rivalry. If you choose any student, he can exchange information.

After handing over the head of the Rakshasa, Jiang Pingan asked his guerrilla cavalry team to rest in the county for four or five days.

While resting in the county town, Jiang Ping'an discovered that not only he and Shangguan Yan had become guerrilla cavalry squad captains, but also several four Shenzang realm students had also become guerrilla cavalry squad captains.

After understanding, he knew that as long as Shenzang Realm students took the initiative to attack the Rakshasa people and captured ten Rakshasa heads, they would be promoted.

After four or five days of rest, Jiang Pingan once again led his team to leave the county and enter the Rakshasa position to guerrilla the Rakshasa people.

However, the guerrilla situation changed this time.

Firstly, the Rakshasa people near the front line seemed to have retreated, and secondly, the ordinary students who were clearing out the infiltration in the rear almost all crossed the defense line, and all entered the Rakshasa people's position and took the initiative to attack.

In order to find the Rakshasa people, Jiang Ping'an had to lead his team to go deep into the Rakshasa position for more than 200 miles.

After going more than two hundred miles deep into the Rakshasa position, Jiang Ping'an discovered a large number of Rakshasa villages, and there were no Rakshasa soldiers to defend them.

However, Jiang Pingan was not merciful and eliminated the Rakshasa settlements one by one.

This is a competition for racial survival. Either you die or I live. Being kind to the Rakshasa tribe means being cruel to the human race.

There was almost no danger in wiping out the Rakshasa villages, and the military achievements were as expected. The cavalrymen were all red-eyed and excited.

After six or seven days, Jiang Ping'an led his team to eliminate 13 Rakshasa villages and captured more than 1,170 Rakshasa heads.

However, at this time, ordinary students from the Taiwu Mansion also went into the Rakshasa position in groups for more than 200 miles, and once again fell into a situation where there were too many monks and too little food.

On this day, Jiang Ping'an was leading a team to eliminate a small Rakshasa village. Suddenly, a team composed of ordinary Taiwu students also came in and quickly harvested Rakshasa heads.

The cavalrymen were immediately unhappy and asked the students to put down the Rakshasa heads. The students refused directly: "These Rakshasa people are not raised by you, and whoever kills them will be considered theirs!"

Seeing that a fight was about to start, Jiang Pingan rushed over in time to stop it.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Jiang." When the leading student saw Jiang Pingan, his tough attitude immediately softened, "The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple, please forgive Senior Brother Jiang."

Jiang Ping'an said magnanimously: "It doesn't matter, we are all killing the aliens to restore the territory of the human race. Anyone from the Rakshasa tribe will be killed. This village is left to you."

There are only dozens of Rakshasa people, so there is no need to conflict with classmates. These classmates will all have strong connections in the future.

Moreover, he leads the Rangers, who can go deeper into the Rakshasa position to kill the enemy.

"Ah?" The group of students were suddenly filled with surprise.

The moment they saw Jiang Pingan, they were all ready to leave the village.

Before they could react, Jiang Pingan turned around and ordered his cavalry: "We are withdrawing and looking for other Rakshasa villages."

After saying that, he turned the green-scaled horse's head and rode away outside the village.

The students reacted and shouted to Jiang Pingan's back: "Thank you, Senior Brother Jiang!"

The cavalrymen were reluctant, but they still withdrew from the village and followed Jiang Pingan.

After going deeper into the Luosha tribe's position and destroying two or three villages in succession, Jiang Pingan decided to return to Baitou Mountain County.

It was too smooth, which made him feel a little uneasy. What if it was a trick of the Luosha people? The consequences would be unpredictable.

However, he was not too worried. After all, with the support of the Dharma Image Realm and a large number of Taiwu Mansion instructors, these Luosha people could not turn the tables.

"Mr. Jiang, please forgive us for not agreeing!" The three cavalry sergeants spoke out together to oppose Jiang Pingan's order to return to the city. The other cavalrymen stood behind them with a clear attitude.

One of the cavalry sergeants said: "This is a rare opportunity to make achievements. We probably only have this opportunity in our lifetime. We really can't miss it! I beg Mr. Jiang to withdraw the order."

"I beg Mr. Jiang to withdraw the order!" All the cavalrymen bowed to Jiang Pingan and shouted.

Jiang Pingan didn't get angry, and said calmly: "Aren't you worried that this is a trap? We have killed enough Luosha people."

"Even if it is a trap, we will admit it." A cavalry sergeant said, "Besides, we are cavalry. If we find something wrong, we can escape back at any time. It may not be that dangerous."

"I beg Mr. Jiang to sympathize with our difficulties in making achievements."

The cavalry shouted loudly: "I beg Mr. Jiang to sympathize with our difficulties in making achievements."

Facing the will of all cavalrymen, Jiang Pingan saw what it means to be coerced by the army.

These cavalrymen are willing to risk their lives and take the opportunity to eat the bait laid by the enemy.

As an airborne team leader, he can't force them to return to the city unless he kills people to establish his prestige.

After a long silence, Jiang Pingan finally said: "Since everyone is fearless, let's kill more Luosha people."

Anyway, there is Taiwu Mansion to support the bottom line, even if it is really a trap laid by Luosha people, it won't be a big problem.

Moreover, with his strength, he can escape back even if the Luosha army suddenly surrounds him.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!" The cavalrymen shouted happily in unison.

Jiang Pingan smiled bitterly in his heart. Leading an army to fight is much more complicated than hunting sea apes alone.

Next, Jiang Pingan continued to lead the team to find the village of Rakshasa people and eliminate them.

However, he deliberately suppressed the guerrilla cavalry team to continue to go deeper.

At noon the next day, when Jiang Pingan was leading the team to chase a group of Rakshasa people, the wind and clouds suddenly changed color. Three powerful auras swept from north to south in the sky and rushed directly to the county town of Baekdu Mountain. The strong killing intent was overwhelming.

Jiang Pingan hurriedly stopped the team, then quickly flew up to the sky and looked north.

Just one look, his face changed drastically.

Dozens of miles away, countless flying Rakshasa spread out in a line, covering the sky and the sun and flying towards them.

Not only that, the Rakshasa cavalry on the ground were all over the mountains and plains, rushing from north to south like a tide.

Before he could react, fierce battle fluctuations came from the direction of the county town of Baekdu Mountain behind him.

Jiang Pingan turned around and saw a devastating battle taking place in the direction of Baitou Mountain County. A huge human Dharma elephant was beaten back by three Rakshasa Kings as big as mountains.

"It's a big trick!" Jiang Pingan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The Rakshasa tribe suddenly sent out three Rakshasa Kings to block the retreat of all the students in Taiwu Mansion.

This is a big trap for the students of Taiwu Mansion!!!

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