Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 23 - Kingship and Chain Quests

*Ding*[The entire Nekoshou village has sworn fidelity to Host making Host their lord and King]

*Ding*[Host has taken dominion of over 50km of land as well as gaining the loyalty of its citizens. Host current job had ranked up to [Ancestral King] and gained new skills. Host has obtained the skills [Unit Managment], [Title Grant], [Charm Resistance], [Poison Resistance], and [Soul Strike]]

*Ding*[[Genbu's Defense] has devoured [Charm Resistance] and [Poison Resistance]; [Seiryu's Wrath] has devoured [Soul Strike], and the skills [Unit Managment], [Title Grant], and [Lord's Decree] have combined to make special skill [King's Authority]]

*Ding*[Due to [King's Authority] Village Cheif Charollete has been granted the title of [Baroness]]

*Ding*[Due to [King's Authority] targets Irina Shidou, Kuroka Toujou, and Shirone Toujou have been granted the title of [Royal Consort]]

*Ding*[Due to Host's bloodline being further awakened Host's innate skills and abilities have become easier to use.]

*Ding*[Host has received the Chain Quest [Kingdom Building]]

[Kingdom Building:

1st Quest) Population - Now that you are a King you needed people to serve under you

- Task: Increase the population of your territory Gain 1,000 citizens (82/1,000)

2rd Quest) Wild Life - It isn't just people you also need animals too

- Task: Migrate animals into your territory (0/??)

3rd Quest) Expansion - Since you have the people build a city that'll be the heart of your kingdom

- Task 1: Finish construction of your castle (0/1)

- Task 2: Build a castle city around your castle (0/1)

- Task 3: Plant farm plots to feed your citizens (0/10)

- Task 4: Build a ranch to breed animals (0/2)

- Task 1: Set up a Militia of soldiers (0/1)

- Task 2: Set up a city wall (0/1)

- Task 3: Set up a counterintelligence force (0/1)

5th Quest) Conquest - A King must never stay idle and must strive for the top when the time is right to reveal your self to the world.

- Task 1: Step into the Ultimate Realm

- Task 2: Unlock full Primordial Bloodline

- Task 3: Integrate more than a third of a faction into your territory


1st Quest)

- Haven will gain another sun

- Human life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank

2nd Quest)

- 1x Earth Vein

- Haven will gain another sun

- Beastmen life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank {A/N: This means that when Haven can produce its own life this species will be added to the mix}

3rd Quest)

- Yin-Yang Core {A/N: Like a vein but it keeps the balance of negative and positive energies}

- Haven will gain another sun

- 1x Undead Legion of Shadow Soldiers

- 1x Magma Vein

- Haven will gain another sun

- Demon life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank

- Angel life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank

5th Quest)

- 1x Thunder Vein

- Haven will gain 1 sun

- Asura life form data will be inputted when Haven reaches 7th Sun Rank

Whole Quest Completion)

- Host will go from being an [Ancestral King] to a [Primordial Emperor]]


In my head, I was getting multiple notifications but outside I was staring in a daze at the kneeling villagers before me. Once I read through them the first thing I thought was

Yu - [... I'm a king now?... Awesome!]

Though it might have been a little childish I currently had the body of a 12 so leave me be. *Ahem* Back to business right now I have to communicate with these guys to have them understand the situation.

Yu - Raise your head.

In a commanding tone I spoke and as I did they listened and did I as I commanded. While I already knew what was happening due to the system but I have to ask.

Yu - Why are you all kneeling

Village Chief -> Charollete - We are pleading our fidelity to Yuu-sama as our Lord as thanks for allowing us to live here.

Yu - I don't think I ever asked this of you did I?, I did this because I wanted to not so I can get your servitude.

Charollete - That is true but still Milord the amount, of thanks we have for you is more than we can ever repay. Not only has Milord saved us from the clutches of death, but also given us who have nowhere to go a home the only thing we can give Milord our undying loyalty!

Yu - I see... Then from now on your are all my citizens and Haven will be my Kingdom, but before we do anything else you must be informed of the changes in Haven.

There I spent around an hour explaining the changes, their reactions almost caused me to laugh but I was able to keep it together. After that, it was time to organize things since it would make my progression in my chain quests faster.

Yu - Okay starting tomorrow there'll be some changes in how things will work. For now, I'll divide all of you into special teams.

My commands went a little like this

- 25 Nekoshou will work under Charollote in completing the village

- 25 Nekoshou will work under Kuroka and Shirone on finishing the castle under my exact blueprints

- 15 Nekoshou will work on the fields (I'll set up some nourishing formations later to speed up the process

- 5 Nekoshou will go out into Kyoto to get supplies that need to be replenished

- and 1 Nekoshou follow me and be my informant on how the whole process goes.

Yu - That's about all, for now, you'll work 2 four hour shifts the rest of the day will be up to you. Be advised that I plan to make something of Haven and will have more added to it in the future. When that happens I hope you all will have open minds because like you, they will also be under my rule.

Everyone - Yes!

Yu - Good that will be all for the day, I'll be leaving now.

And with that, I teleported out of Haven with Kuroka and Shirone.


Yu - *Sigh* [That was a lot to process I never thought I'd be given this kind of responsibility so soon and without any preparations too. The system really had my pants down on this one.]

Once we got back I wanted to get some rest but I still had some work I needed to do, the Nekoshou needed materials to build the village and since the stock over there was getting low we would need to refill them quickly. Going on the internet I went to my usual supplier and paid for some rushed shipping so it could get here tomorrow.

Before this would have made me cry blood on the price but thanks to the manga, novels, and anime I gave to Scripture Depo my budget limit was pretty high. I mean when I gave them the stuff they started manufacturing posters, collectibles and other stuff otaku's liked and don't underestimate the heart of an otaku when it comes to this stuff they usually try to buy as much as they can.

They even started making merchandise of work they haven't even released yet, these guys know how to make money I can't tell how they almost went bankrupt a couple months ago? Either way, after I was done with the supplier I set up a transportation formation in one of our empty rooms along with other defense and soundproofing formation around the house.

In order to make it so that the Nekoshou can bring everything as quickly as possible, I made a couple medium sized storage rings. It looked like a simple smooth grey ring but the amount of space it has in it can fill a whole warehouse.

I had boughten 2 warehouses full of supplies so I guess 2 rings will be enough for now. All that's left is for the Nekoshou to pick them up tomorrow. Today may have been really busy but I'm getting more excited for the future, now that I have taken my first step on the road to kingship more and more responsibility has fallen into my hands.

The only thing that concerns me it the chain quest, and my innates, the rewards for the quest were all good, but the tasks look like they'll take a couple years to complete unless I find some lucky encounter. Then for my innates because [Gendu's Defense] and [Seiryu's Wrath] both devoured at least one skill their powers enhanced a bit.

Now the defense I have against poisons and charms increased and I believe my shielding ability improved a bit but I also know that the energy consumption increased too. As for [Soul Strike] it was a skill that let me attack an opponent conscious it paired really well with the 2nd effect [Seiryu's Wrath]. I feel like my proficiency got a little better and I don't sense any increase in consumption so that's a plus.

The one skill that I'm most curious about is [King's Authority] I didn't get the chance to analysis it earlier so I guess nows a good time.


[King's Authority](Active Skill)

Active Effect 1: Allows for the subordination of either familiars or people

Active Effect 2: Allows for the summoning of a single subordinate within a certain range (small energy consumption)

Active Effect 3: Allows for the summoning of one of the user's armies (large energy consumption needed)

Active Effect 4: When used against someone who is not the users subordinate and oppressive aura will be released from the user's body (opponents strength will determine effectiveness)

Active Effect 5: When certain conditions have been met along with the user's recognition a title will be given to a subordinate.

List of Titles:

- General: A person who controls a part of the Kings army

- Baron/Baroness: A person who has been given control over a small city or village

- Viscount/Viscountess: A person who has been given control over a medium size city

- Earl/Countess: A person who has been given control over a large city and some villages

- Marquis/Marquess: A person in charge of a region

- Prince/Princess: The King's children

- Concubine: A woman the King has taken as his own

- Royal Consort: A woman who has given her heart to the king

Direct Subordinate Titles {A/N: It Mean's they will only listen to the king}

- Commander-in-Chief: A person in charge of the generals of the King's Army

- Duke/Duchess: A person who controls the ins and outs of the kingdom stationed in the castle city

- Knight of the Round Table: One of the 30 knights who has sat in one of the 30 thrones below the king


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