Yu - Wha?!

Wasn't expecting that, but one thing confused me?

Yu - How'd you find out?

After that, he told me a long ȧss story starting from the time I left to right now. Apparently, today in the morning mom threw up and was worried but dad said she was fine. Later when he was hanging out with Murayama, and Katase and told them what happened they said she's probably pregnant as a joke, and Issei believed it.

However later he remembered that they were already pretty old now and probably couldn't have another kid, but when he told them this at dinner mom and dad gave him confused stares.

Mom/Dad - Did we not tell you?

That was their reply, and come on if they told us I'd definitely remember. Damn, I still can't believe they forgot to tell us! One lead to another and before I knew it this conversation happened.

Yu - Well at least we'll be getting a new sibling in the future.

Issei - Ya

Yu - Hey it's getting late I'll call again later

Issei - Okay bye.

Yu - *Sigh* [Looks like I did change somethings when I entered this world, but so far nothing bad has happened... !!!]

Suddenly while I was in the middle of my thoughts my detection abilities went off and I could sense someone using magic not far from here. Curious about what it could be I transformed into my [Void Demon Form] and went in the direction of the magic emission.

As for the [Void Demon Form], it's no different from my normal form just that I now have black hair and red eyes. In addition to that, I also get a nice ability with this form, I can partially step into the void.

Different from [Spatial Movement] which lets me use the void as a medium to move unhindered, this lets me go undetected while also letting me freely move from place to space. Basically when I in the void I'm sort of in an ethereal state where I can't be touched unless I remove the effect.


Now back to my search, I was surprised since the target seemed to be moving and it wasn't just one it was 5. Having my curiosity rise further I picked up my speed until I could faintly see what was going on.

From the back view, I saw 4 robed men chasing a small girl ina priestess outfit. After I got a closer look I noticed that she was only around 6 years old, and had 9 tails on her rear. She seemed to be sweating a lot probably from the excess use of magic.

It doesn't look like she knows senjutsu or youjutsu hence why she's running but why is she all alone? As these thoughts filled my mind the girl couldn't get a proper foothold and fell. We were currently 4 stories in the air and if she hit the floor she'd die.

Yu - S***

Giving out a small curse I used [Spatial Movement] and found my self just an arms reach away from her. Stretching out my hand I grabbed the collar of her kimono and took her in my arms be for I used my skill again to move to the roof of a nearby tower, and continued my run.

Yu - Hey are you okay?

Yu - I'm Yu can you tell me who you are?

??? - ...

She passed out and didn't even tell me her name but I think I have a good idea who she is. Ha~ after 5 minutes I found my self in an abandoned park and behind me were the 4 pursuers.

Pursuer 1: Kid hand over the girl if you know what's good for you!

Yu - Now why would-

Seeing that I was going to deny their demand they stopped talking and started throwing spells my way. Originally I would have taken these guys head on but I had a girl in my hand and had to consider her in the equation. So I simply dodged them and called out a name.

Yu - Magari!




The sound of 4 objects cutting the air was heard but when I looked at the men there were at least a dozen needles in each of them stopping their movements. How was this possible well Magari has already reached the ultimate rank while all these guys are only in the primary high rank?

However, for being at that level it's kind of disappointing that they were outrun by a girl who's at the bottom tier low rank. I don't know if it's because she's a fox but she was pretty fast.

Yu - Now then what do we do wit- Oh come on!

I wanted to interrogate these guy but when I looked closely at them they had foam coming from their mouths and they stopped breathing.

Magari - Yu-sama it looks like they killed themselves.

Yu - I can see that... Ha~ anyway what do we do with this fox cub here?

Magari - Yu-sama I suggest we leave her here.

Yu - Why?

Magari - Yu-sama just like me and those dead men she is a yokai and a fox yokai to be exact. They are one of the more influential clans in the yokai faction. Even if we leave her here it's highly possible that someone from the fox clan will come to pick her up.

Yu - You're right about that.

Magari - Huh?

Yu - They're already here.

While she was talking I felt 8 presences enter my Domain and made a quick guess on who they were. The next moment we were surrounded, Magari seemed to want to fight them but I could sense that 3 of these guys had strength equal to her so I signaled her to stop. Next, I rose my hand in the air and spoke.

Yu - Hello I'm Yu and this is my friend Magari we mean you no harm-


They ignored my words and simply chained me and Magari up.

Fox Clansmen - Silence! You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Princess Kunou! Do you have any last words!

Yu - [As I thought this is Kunou]


I can't believe that worked!! Magari and I were still tied up but still alive good thing for me I watched a lot of pirate movies in the past,

After our encounter with the Fox Clansmen in the park, we were moved somewhere on the north side of Kyoto and entered a barrier of some sorts. The life force here was rich but not as rich as the air in Haven.

Yu - [Hehe looks like I beat them at one thing so far. ]

As we moved through the now yokai filled streets I saw a lot of them were wounded, was there a battle recently? How could there be so many injured people here? I wanted to have my questions answered but I found that I had no right to speak right now I could only wait until I saw their leader and asked her directly.

Before long we were in front of a Japanese style mansion and inside we saw mayhem. Everyone seemed to be rushing to get from one place to another.

Magari - The yokai faction seems to be going through some problems

Yu - Yup

Since it was so loud here the guards could hear our voices well and continued to guide us towards their leader. I'm kind of excited.

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