Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 27 - Talking with the Yokai Faction

Yu - Civil War... Huh?

Magari - Seems so... and it doesn't seem like the Yokai Faction is gaining any breathing room.

I looked up to the group of yokai and couldn't help myself from asking

Yu - You guys are fighting a losing war, and your people are suffering how can you let this go on?

With the evidence shown on my way here along with the added insight on these document, I couldn't help myself from wondering. While the Yokai faction isn't as strong as the Angel, Grigori, or Devil factions they still had some power.

Yasaka - Hyoudou-dono I'm very grateful for your help with saving my daughter but this matter is ours and ours alone we can't bring any outside parties into this. Our pride won't allow it.

Raising an eyebrow I looked at Yasaka with an observant stare (and not in a perverted way). While she is skillfully hiding it I could see dark circles concealed under a thick layer of makeup. Obviously, this war has been affecting her badly, and with the condition of the others on the table it's fair to say that they're very anxious.

Yu - Are you really happy with this?

Yasaka - ...Pardon?

Yu - Your people are out there suffering, your territory is being destroyed, and the faction that your ancestors built is crumbling down!! This isn't a matter of pride what you need is someone who can help you because if you don't there are only 2 ending that'll come at the end of this war. One, you lose the war and all of you die and your daughter will either also die or worse, and then there's two. You guys win the war but you'll substance multiple casualties causing your faction to weaken tremendously. These'll be what happens if you continue to focus on your pride instead of your safety!

Random Clansmen - And what do you know! You don't know what it's like to protect a large group of people!?!?

Unable to handle my lecture one of the clansmen spook out.

Yu - You may be right I don't know how to manage a group as large as your faction, but I do know what it's like to protect people. Current;y I have a family waiting for me to come home, 3 lovers that pray for my safety, and 82 citizens under my protection waiting for me to lead them!! Because all these people are waiting for me I can't die, I need to live not just for me but for them too. I know I am still inexperienced in a lot of things but I'll never put something as meaningless as pride before what's right!!!

Silence dominated the room and everyone here fell silent after hearing my speech. They thought I was right they had been fighting this Civil War for a while now and the only thing that's changed has been the number of casualties on the battlefield.

Yasaka, while she is a good leader when it comes for calming the masses, she lacks in the art of war thus leading us to this. I can't fault her for this because not everyone is perfect but I still think that things should be decided upon by more than just one person. From the way, I see this room everyone has left things to Yasaka alone and the pressure is slowly getting to her.

Yasaka - Then what would you do in this situation if you were me?

Yu - Hm?

Earlier she talked about pride but now she's asking for advice. I wanted to say this but then I saw her eyes, they weren't the stoic ones I saw early these were eyes of someone who was grasping on the little bit of hope in front of them.

Yu - [Oh~ I see now.]

Yu - *sigh* I would ask for help. From the looks of it, you and the opposite party are at a standstill and no one is getting anywhere. I'm I right about this.

Everyone nodded.

From the information gathered on the table, the opposite party consists of Yamauba, Rokurokubi, and Yurei yokai. These Yokai have unfriendly relationships with humans. The Yokai faction then consists of Obake, Tengu, and Tsukumogami, who seem to have friendlier relationships with humans. Then sitting on the sidelines are the Kappa and Kintaro, who want to have no relation with either side.

As of right now, they've been at war because the opposite party wants to rule over humans, while the faction party wants to co-exist with humans. Before long the leader of the Yurei has a fall out with Yasaka and before they knew it the faction was split in 2 and war began. 4 months have passed since then and the damages have been astronomical. From my guess, if this war were to end it would be in 2 or 3 years and the previous Yokai faction will be no more.

Currently, of the 8 strongholds, they have throughout the city of Kyoto 3 were destroyed, 3 are now in the hand of the opposite party, and the last 2 were in the hands of the faction. Those two strongholds are currently the main headquarters and the main supply depot. The ones the opponents have are two smaller supply depots and an underground base under the Kyoto Tower.

Yu - The reason you guys aren't going anywhere is that while you have the numbers you lack the combat potential, while the opponents have the potential but not the numbers. In order to succeed you need to fill the gap that your missing.

Yasaka - How do we do that the Kintaro and Kappa won't participate in this war so we have no one to rely on for support.

Yu - You could always hire a group of skilled people and give them proper compensation for the job they do.

Yasaka - But we know no one like that our faction doesn't dwell in that part of the world, and what would we give them as compensation we mostly deal with supply and demand of goods in and out of Kyoto.

Everyone - ...

Yu - What?

Yasaka - I don't mean to be rude since I know you are strong but against an army, I don't believe you'll win unscathed.

Yu - Obviously but did you forget I have 82 people under me and most of them are highly skilled fighters. Do you remember the Nekoshou?

Clansmen 1 - They were a group of strong Yokai who the previous generation faction leader exiled. If I remember correctly they went missing a few years ago.

Clansmen 3 - But what does have to do with you.

Yu - You all know that the Nekoshou went missing 3ish years ago, and it just so happens I was in the neighborhood a the time and was able to save everyone one and bring them to safety with me when I left.

Clansmen 4 - The those 82-

Yu - Correct! Exactly what your thinking. No what if I told you that I had a group of elite fighters waiting for my signal to fight.

Yu - [It's come to this]

Even I'd be suspicious if someone made this offer to me so I can understand their doubts. However, right now I can make use of this opportunity to benefit myself greatly I can't let it pass.

Yu - Simple I only have 3 requests. 1) Since the Yokai handles the supply of goods in and out of Kyoto I want you to create a steady flow of materials for me. Obviously, I'll pay for them I just need an easier way to get materials.

Clansmen 2 - That is something we can do.

Yu - 2) I want to learn some skills from you guys to boost my arsenal it doesn't have to be much maybe one or two.

It took them a while to answer because they all seemed to be contemplating whether to accept it or not. In the end, they agreed as long as there weren't any forbidden or secret techniques.

Yu - 3) I want some people, so it would be nice if you could migrate some people from your faction to my base.


Clansmen 1 - ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Our people cannot be traded as bargaining chips!

Yu - Calm down will you, while yes you may be using them as bargaining chip it's not like I'm demanding it, it's a request so I would be glad if you accepted. However, if you refused then while it is disappointing it's no big deal. I just wanted to help deal with your population problem.

Clansmen 3 - What problem do we have with our population?

Yu - Since the war is going on and many are dying that means the number of soldiers you can deploy to maintain the peace diminishes and public order becomes unstable. So if I were to take some I could help your problem as well as maybe heal some who are no longer able to heal themselves through normal methods. Either way, it's a win-win situation.

This is true I've studied medicine for a long time and can probably heal most 'permanent' wounds with enough time. So if I were to get some crippled Yokai that would be fine because when I heal them they might become loyal to me in the end. Now all I got to do is convince them to agree with me.

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