Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 36 - Death of a King



Charging at King Tepes I activated the second effect [Byakko's charge]. With my speed triple what it previously was and with the added destructive power in my charge, King Tepes wasn't able to react to my speed. Slashing my blade across his ċhėst I sent him flying with a deep gash mark diagonally across his ċhėst staining his clothes.

Smashing into his throne destroying it King Tepes was disoriented by my attack and his mind stopped working trying to process what just happened.

Yu - You should always be focused on the battlefield, or else you can die.

Not giving him some time to recover I sent the weapons hovering around me his way. Still in his dazed state may blade impaled him. I wanted to cut him to pieces but his defense was able to cancel out some of my weapons attack power and stopped them from doing anything else.

King Tepes - *Deep Groans*

Yu - Tch! He's pretty tough

Yu - [I need some better weapons these ones won't cut it anymore.]

Staring at the impaled vampire before me I tried to will my blades out of him with telekinesis but they were stuck.

Yu - [No they're not stuck, their-]







Releasing a lot of mana King Tepes was able to break the swords that impaled him while also enhancing his physical capabilities by 3 or 4 times. He seemed to have gone into a berserk-like state and charged at me but this time I felt threatened by his fists.

Yu - This has gotten troublesome.

Original I was able to contend against him with the ȧssistance of my skills and abilities which let me fight against those in higher ranks than me. A normal high-rank fighter can't normally fight against an ultimate rank fighter unless they had ȧssistance like a skill or sacred gear.

I don't know what he did but this sudden change caused me to also get serious. Using my current weapons would be useless since I currently don't have any to contend against an ultimate rank yet. Fighting head on would be stupid but I'm not one to back down in front of a challenge on the battlefield.

[Time Alter: Hepta XL] Activate!

[Seiryu's Wrath: Berserker] Activate!

[Genbu's Defense: Shell Armor] Activate!

[Suzaku's Rebirth: Rapid Regen] Activate!

[Byakko's Charge: Blessing of the Wild] Activate!

The sudden activation of my skills boosted my combat power and I charged at King Tepes. We faced each other fist to fist going at each other in high-speed mortal combat. If this was before I used my skills it would a difficult fight but now we're more or less even.

[Time Alter: Hepta XL] boosted my speed by 7 times, but the pressure it had on my body was too much even for me at the moment. To cancel that I used [Seiryu's Wrath: Berserker] to turn off my pain receptors while also boosting my strength.

[Genbu's Defense: Shell Armor] caused my skin to turn into black scales as well as boost my defense. [Suzaku's Rebirth: Rapid Regen] helped heal any damage I received from [Time Alter] and [Seiryu's Wrath].

[Byakko's Charge: Blessing of the Wild] enhanced my senses, while [Parallel Thoughts: Scattered Mind] let me process everything around me and my body like a supercomputer.

With all this, I'm able to close the gap King Tepes created previously with his boost in mana. Before long in 2 minutes both of us were destroying everything around us, within five minutes we were outside fighting in the sky. Each of our attacks sent small shock waves breaking parts of the castle here and there.

Eventually, I felt my stamina and energy reserve start to reach the halfway point causing me to think of a quick way to end this. At the risk of taking a fist to the heart, I grabbed King Tepes's neck and activated my combined [Spirit Flame]

Yu - Argh!!

I who almost had my heart destroyed if not for the use of [Suzaku's Rebirth] continued to hold onto King Tepes's neck. My flames burned his neck with fire and froze the regenerating flesh with ice. The purification effect caused the damage he received to increase a couple levels and he stopped attacking my body and instead started to break my arm.

Ignoring the numbing sensation in my arm I used sword force, and Sword Projection to create a sword. I don't know why I did it but I felt like it would be useful at this moment. It looked like a normal long sword and didn't have any flashy ornaments on it but it was sharp and that's all I needed.

What confused me was that it took a few seconds to make since normal sword projections were done in a single second but I ignored this fact. Enchanting the blade with holy magic I swung the blade towards King Tepes's neck.

I didn't have the holy magic skill but just because I didn't have the skill doesn't mean I couldn't use a little bit of it. Letting all thoughts leave my mind I swung the blade towards King Tepes damaged neck and decapitated him.

Since I had already done a lot of damage to his neck cutting it with a sharp blade like the one in my hand was still a little difficult but still doable. King Tepes's head looked at me would anger, confusion, and resentment before his body and head turned to mist.

Yu - [He's planning to run? huh]

It was the mystification skill vampires can learn when they reach the ultimate rank in order to escape a near-death experience. WIth the damage, he sustained he'd probably take a few years to recover as mist before taking back his physical form but I didn't want let a problem that could come back and bite me in the buŧŧ live.

So I activated my domain to observe every part of the mist and used telekinesis to draw it to me. Once it was close enough I used ice magic to freeze it into a handful-sized ball. Holding the ball in my hand I engulfed it into my pure [spirit flame] melting the ice and thus ending the life of the former king of the Tepes faction.

Once I knew everything was done I looked down and saw that Seriyu and my soldiers had also taken care of the vampires in the throne room. Releasing a short sigh I flew down to meet them and deactivated all of my skills. However, when I did this I noticed that the sword I created didn't disappear, and stayed in my hand.

I wanted to comment on this but before I could I got a message from the system.

*Ding*[Congratulations has gone through a short state of enlightenment due to the near destruction of Host's heart]

*Ding*[Congratulations Host has awakened 4% of Host's Bloodline. (Total 75%)]

*Ding*[Congraduations Host has used Host's understanding of swords and created a sword fetus with the ȧssistance of enlightenment, [Sword Force], [Sword Projection (Trace On)], and Host's knowledge as a master blacksmith.]

[Sword Fetus -

A sword formed by nothing but the master's knowledge of swords use and creation. The highest level of sword creation for blacksmiths that make swords.

A sword fetus is a growth type weapon that grows with its master and has the capability of becoming a divine class weapon. Sword Fetuses can absorb materials to ȧssist in their growth.

-Soul Bound to Yu Hyoudou]

*Ding*[Host has ranked up from [Master Blacksmith] and become a [Grandmaster Blacksmith] due to Host's accomplishment of creating a Sword Fetus which is considered a peak level creation that has not been seen for the last 2000 years.]

Yu - (0_0') God damn.

Looking at the sword in my hand I thought it didn't look like much. It was around 1.3 meters long, the blade was a meter long while a third of a meter was the handle. It had a simple hilt, a grey colored blade, and leather-wrapped around the handle.

From another person's perspective, it was a simple sword but the possibilities within this blade were unfathomable. It even causes me to have a cold sweat thinking about what would happen if this info was released into the world. For now, I could only store it in my inventory and examine it later.

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