Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 38 - Intermission: Shocking the Supernatural World

{3rd Person Pov:}

Chaos spread throughout the supernatural world, and the cause of the chaos started with the fall of the Tepes Faction stationed in Romania. While the faction wasn't necessarily strong it wasn't weak either. The reason many factions paid attention to it so closely was that they were one of the worlds major blood diamond manufactures.

Many factions bought blood diamonds from them whether it was humans, demons, or other races. All of them benefited from them and with it gone many had to find a new source of blood diamonds because they were used to make strong magic tools. Besides the blood diamond incident, many also tried to find out who was the person responsible for the Tepes Faction's destruction.

Before long even the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils looked for the culprit, and the answer surprised not only them but every faction involved in the investigation.

[Haven Faction]

It was a small group of ȧssassin's that showed up out of nowhere one day and slowly became known throughout the world as a mysteries ȧssassin group. No one knew where it was located, where it's member came from, or where they went when they were done with their mission.

Many have tried to investigate the locations where Haven operatives appear but are never able to come up with any results. Before long the operatives Haven sent out to perform missions we codenamed as phantoms.

They appeared and disappeared with a moments notice. However just a few nights ago members of the Tepes Faction tried to capture members of Haven even going as far as making multiple expensive preparations. Many sources depicting the night were either recordings or eyewitnesses who were there when it happened and could only sigh when they say a small group of fewer than 10 people defending against a whole army. It was only a matter of time before they were caught was what many though but then it showed up.

In the middle of the battle, the isolation barrier surrounding the battle was shattered. Many scouts quickly tried to get a look at the intruder but what they saw caused all their faces to go pale in fright.

Floating in the sky was 5 giant dragons, their colors varied but there was one that was bigger and more menacing than the rest. It had a long body with azure-colored scales and an aura of absolute dominance. Floating slightly below it was 4 slightly smaller dragons with 100 armor-clad soldiers on each dragon.

Everyone in the surrounding area had chills run down their spines when they saw the flag emblem in the soldier's hands. It was a pair of wings with one wing overlapping the other. No one could think straight at that moment. Wasn't Haven just a small group? Wasn't the Tepes Faction going to win?

All these thoughts came into the soldiers and scouts head but one sentence cut off their train of thought.

After that, the only thing that people could see could be described in only one word, massacre. On the battlefield, many vampires died left and right at the hands of Haven's forces. The vampires tried to fight back but whatever defenses they tried to put up were destroyed by the dragons slowly causing the vampires to fall in despair.

Over at the Tepes Faction HQ, the scene was even worse, flames engulfed the castle and shadowy soldiers ran around either killing or capturing vampires. Then walking leisurely throughout the grounds was one boy and one man.

The boy was young but had a powerful aura surrounding him, he cared not for the chaos around him and acted like he was walking in a park. The man was similar to the boy but he walked slightly behind him like a servant accompanying his master. Before long they found themselves in the throne room, some scouts wanted to see what was going on inside but they couldn't find a way to get in undetected.

However, they didn't have to wait long after a few short minutes sounds of fighting could be heard and then 2 figures burst out of the room and started fighting in the air. Some scouts couldn't see clearly but others could, they saw the leader of the Tepes Faction fighting against the young boy on even grounds!!!

The fight was neither long nor short but in the end, the winner was the boy and King Tepes was defeated and tried to escape by turning into mist. Sadly the boy didn't let him he froze the king than melted him without mercy. Ruthless is what many thought of the boy, he was strong and didn't let any of his enemies off easy.

Following the death of King, the boy processed to capture vampires who surrendered and killing those who resisted. Within an hour many vampires were gathered and told to prove themselves in exchange for their lives by stabbing the former prince of the Tepes Faction. Many couldn't help but pity the man but he had to go and provoke a power he couldn't defend against. After the first person went up many more came to prove themselves while others refused.

Once it was over the boy left behind the ruins of the Tepes Faction, multiple corpses, and a mystery that keeps on growing. Haven Faction in one night turned from a small group of ȧssassins to a full grown faction, one that shouldn't be messed with. Many faction leaders were able to get one message from this event.

- Don't mess with Haven-

If it was before then many wouldn't care for their warning but now with their show of power everyone had to think before provoking them. Stationing 5 dragons and 400 soldiers within an hour wasn't something most factions could do. Yet the Haven faction was able to and every one of their soldiers weren't weak. This fact alone caused many weaker factions to fear Haven.

An then there was the boy, he had long black hair, red eyes, and was proficient in not only hand-to-hand combat but also magic. With the ability to fight head to head with an ultimate class fighter as well as the ability to summon an army soldiers from his shadow made many people focus on him. He was codenamed [Enigma] by the devils for his mysterious background, and [The Reaper] by other factions who saw his merciless killing.

After that night the Haven Faction went quiet for 3 weeks before the resurfaced but this time with more in number. The worlds factions had previously been able to record around 30 operatives from Haven but now many more started to appear baring Haven's Emblem. What began a 30 became a 1000 and their fighting power grew stronger as well. Now 100 teams of 10 went from place to place either accepting mission or just traveling the world.

There were those that tried to make deals with Haven but were rejected before they could make their proposal. Other chose to stay away from them, but some small groups started to conspire against Haven obviously not learning from the Tepes Faction only to be met face to face against [The Reaper's] blade.

As time passed the Haven Faction's name spread far and wide, alongside it was [The Reaper] who many believed was the factions inquisitor. The person in charge of disposing of any enemies against his faction.

What many didn't know, however, was that in 3 years the identity of [The Reaper] would be revealed at the start of an era, but that would be in the future to come.

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